Chapter 7- Chamomile Tea°

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Yuri's POV I was restless while looking at my sister Suri. She was busy doing her school project which she had been working on for three days. "Do you think Mom didn't notice?" I asked the question that worries me so much. She turned to look at me and then shrugged. "I don't think so, you know how sharp our Mom's instinct is. She always knows when there is something wrong with us. She's so worried about you, she just doesn't show it too much. I lay down in my bed and wrapped myself in a blanket feeling so upset. I just remained quiet and no longer distracted my sister who was busy at her study table when we heard a knock as we both turned our gaze to the door. " Mom, please come in! The door is open," Suri shouted. I fixed myself immediately and pretended I wasn't feeling well. I didn't want to lie to Mom but I had no choice I had to pretend sick so she wouldn't ask me too many questions. "I prepare snacks for the two of you, pineapple juice and special cookies made by your Dad with love, this is for you my hardworking daughter, Suri," said Mom, she puts a glass of juice and a plate of cookies on Suri's table. "Thanks, Mom, you're the best," Suri responded as she hugs Mom in her waist. Mom patted her head and smiled at her. "Study hard, Sweety," Mom said, she looks so happy seeing my sister doing good in her study. Mom turned to me and then laid the tray she was carrying on my side table. " Cookies for you, Dear. I prepare chamomile tea for you, I hope it will help to heal your throat. It's still hot so please be careful," Mom said, reminding me what to do and it feels so great that there is someone who cares for you this much. Only mothers know their children very well. Since I can't speak I just nodded in response to her. She smiles at me and caresses my face. "I leave everything here, okay. Finished your snacks, I need to go back to the kitchen to make food for our dinner," Mom ordered. "Yes, Mom," Suri answered and I just nodded in response once again. After Mom left our room we paid attention to each other's food. I started eating cookies, this is made by Dad and this is one of the best seller cookies in our bakery. This is so special that we can't compare any cookies here in Green Woods and even in any other city. It tastes really good. While busy eating I can help but smell the aroma of chamomile tea, it's soothing to my nose and it's very calming that I am tempted to taste it. I took the cup and brought it to my nose to smell it even more. It's still hot so I blew first before taking a sip and to my surprise, it tastes so good. I wonder what Mom put in here to make this extra special? Its heat caresses my throat as if removing the bad feeling that has enveloped me since I was in school until my drinking became consecutive and with each gulp, I felt more and more relieved, the negative vibes in me gradually disappeared. "Refreshing!" I busted out. After I said that, Suri, who was also busy eating at the same time, turned to me, her eyes widened and the cookies almost fell into her mouth as she could not help but stare at me in shock. "Now you're talking, your speaking voice is back!" she says excitedly, and for me to realize that my voice was truly back. "Hmmm....." I started humming. "It's great, my voice is back!" I exclaimed. I jumped out of my bed and started dancing with so much happiness on my face. Suri stands up to hug me. We jumped in excitement while hugging each other. "What did you do to make your voice back?" Suri asked curiously. I stop dancing and shook my head. "I don't know, I just eat cookies and drink the chamomile tea that Mom prepared for me. I just take a sip of it and I feel strange happening to my body, it releases all the negativity in me and then I can speak," I tell to her what I observed while drinking the tea. "Oh, do you think Mom has something to do with this? Well, she's so different from the other moms out there. She does weird things, sometimes I think she's not human. She's not getting old, she just looks like our sister." I wondered what my sister had said, did Mom have anything to do with this? If so, what could she have done to get rid of Jack's curse on me? I am so clueless and I can think of anything that can answer my question but I feel so happy that I am back to normal again. I just have to stay away from Jack and Agane for me to have a peaceful school life. When our father came home from a day's work in our bakery, I, Suri, and Mom worked together to set the table for our dinner. And because I'm so happy to have my voice back. I'm the star at the dinner table tonight. I told them stories and they just patiently listened to me. After our dinner, I and Suri help each other clean the kitchen. We make sure that everything in it is fully polished before leaving the kitchen and proceed to our room. I'm so happy and hoping that I bring my happiness to my sleep. I think I am dreaming but it feels like I'm truly there. I'm in front of a black castle, a place that is not pleasant to look at, horrible as if something were causing horror. Never in my wildest imagination, I have seen a place like this. It’s like I got into a horror movie. There were a lot of people around who looked like black witches with black magic. They all looked bad at me because I'm the only one different from them. But to my surprise, Jack suddenly appeared in front of me coming from nowhere on a flying broom. He looks like he's one of them he's also wearing black, the corners of his eyes were dark as well as his lips. He looked at me sharply and I got scared. He raised his right hand and squeezed his palm, I don't know what was happening to me I suddenly grabbed by my neck, it was so painful that it was as if someone was choking me. I was alarmed I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to scream for help but no words came out of my mouth. I'm afraid I'm going to fade away like a candle. I could die if he doesn't stop. He's so far away from me but why do I feel that his clenched hand was the one that chokes me. I'm praying that somebody will come to save me and as if my prayer was granted when Shin suddenly appeared from nowhere. He is shining in brightness, his strawberry blonde hair rules. I know this is not the right time to feel like this, but I can't help but admire his good looks. Without any hesitation, Shin flew in Jack's direction. He pushed it with such force that it hit the pole, it fell and shattered rocks hit Jack. I sighed as I felt nothing choking my neck. I took a deep breath and calmed myself so that my breathing would be normal again. Despite the rocks hitting him, Jack got up quickly. He rushed at Shin and stabbed him with his sharp nails. I was so scared when I saw Shin fall to the ground unconsciously with blood coming out of his mouth. I did not hesitate. I ran to his place to help him. My fear is now gone and the feeling that dominates me now is the intense hatred for Jack. I want to hurt him, I want to take revenge for Shin but I don't know how to do it. He's too strong for normal people like me. "You are mine now, nothing can stop me anymore. You will be under my spell and you will do anything I want. Come to me, Princess Yuri our wedding ceremony will start at any moment." I feel so scared looking at his face. He's not the handsome Jack Ross that I used to admire in our school. He turned out to be a monster who wants to hurt me and the people I love. What am I gonna do? He's coming to me and he will get me in an instant. Shin is dying I need to save him. My tears flow in sadness. I feel so hopeless. How can I help the person who saves my life? "Yuri... hey... Sis...wake up!" I woke up looking at Suri who was shaking me. "What... what happened?"I asked looking so confused about what is happening in my surroundings. " You're having a nightmare, Sis," she answered worriedly. "I know I was dreaming so bad but I can't remember anything about my dream. But, the fact that I woke up feeling so tired, scared, and at the same time angry made me think of what is truly happened in my dreams?
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