Chapter 4- Jack Ross°

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Yuri's POV It's Sunday morning and we're having our breakfast. Luckily, Dad's taking his off at the bakery. Henry, his assistant take charge of baking bread and cookies for today. Indeed, this is a family day and Dad will spend his whole day with us. We plan to watch movies after getting done with our household chores. "So how's school?" Mom asked while putting some bacon on Suri's plate. It's almost two weeks since school started and today is the first time that Mom asked us about our studies. We've been busy for the past few days with homework, lessons, projects, and quizzes. We are both occupied with our responsibility as a student that we forgot to report to our parents what's going on with us at school. "Not so good, Mom," I answered. What happened to me in the hands of that freaking girl Agane last time is so traumatic. I want to forget it. First time in my life that I have encountered such a weird person like her. Mom was furious with her brows in pure confusion. "Why is there anything bad that happened to you at school?" she asked worriedly. "No... nothing serious, Mom. I just had a hard time in our test, Mr. Demetri is so unpredictable, he never leaves us in peace," I answered. They don't need to know what bothers me more at school. I was once bullied but I promise not to happen again. "Oh, my poor baby! Don't take everything seriously, just enjoy life, you get through with it," Mom said. She sat down and take a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, I know Mom, it's just that I'm afraid that I will lose my scholarship once I failed at his subject." "No, Dear, you can do it, It's too early to give up. We know how determined and dedicated you are when it comes to your study, just focus and everything will be okay, we believe in you," said Dad. His encouraging words made me feel better. "I'm so lucky that I know everything," Suri bragged. I look at her in disbelief. "Oh, that great of you!" Mom looks so surprised. "That's my baby, she takes everything positively," Dad chuckled. He seems so amused by her. I just kept quiet and continued eating. I have this bad feeling that Suri used her power at school. We already talked about not using our power while studying but I guessed she never did. "I told you not to use your power at school, it's cheating, that's not fair!" I exclaimed as I confronted her. We're in our room right now and I believe Mom and Dad won't hear us. "Of course not, and what makes you think that I am, I study hard and it's not good of you accusing me of cheating," Suri said. She climbed into her bed and lie down. "You told to us awhile ago that you know everything. That only means you're cheating, it's very easy for you to know what your professors will do because you can read their minds, you can even see answers to test papers if you use your power." "I never did any of it so don't accuse me. I study hard, fair enough to compete with you," she said. She sounds so disappointed. I felt so guilty while looking at her. She looks so devastated. "I'm so sorry!" I said in a low voice. "We're sisters and there is no such thing as competition between us," I said worriedly. Competing with my sibling is not on my mind. I'm so proud of her and all I want is for her to excel in everything she does. I know it's not good to be envious but I envy her for being so optimistic. I run to her place and hug her. "I'm sorry for my accusations. Please, forgive me!" She turned around and face me. "Okay, I forgive you," she said and hug me back. Then we laugh together. I love my sister so much, she is sometimes annoying but still, I love her. - "Sis, I have something to tell you," Suri says breaking the silence. We're about to sleep. We're in the same room but we have a separate bed. "Hmm... what is it?" I asked lazily. "I cheated," she answered. She spoke so weakly but it never escapes me from hearing. I automatically rise and give her a death glare. "What? You told me you're not!" I exclaimed "Hey, easy! It's not what you think it is. It's not about studying. Yes, I cheated because I used my power at school. One of my classmates is bullying me but before she does bad things to me I anticipated it," she reasoned out. "Oh, and who is she?" "Her name is Luna- Luna Walter. Have you heard about the school highnesses? She's one of them. I think this girl has power. She crashes my classmate's note and throws it away with just a snap of her fingers. "Oh, that same goes to me, Agane Phillips, she scares me to death. She's a school highness too." "Really? Do you think we need to tell this to Mom and Dad?" "No, don't!" I said promptly. "Don't let them worry about us. All we have to do is to ignore those people. As much as possible we have to keep our powers to everyone, we're in great danger if they will know about our special abilities." "Yeah, you're right. We have to act and pretend like a normal students in school," Suri agreed. School Highnesses is very dangerous as ones told me "Once they get us, we can never escape from them." "Huh! I thought we're the only one who's weird here." "Yeah, there is much weirder than us." Hahaha... We laugh so hard trying to make the most of everything as simple as it is. "Let's go back to sleep it's late at night. If Mom will know that we are still awake, she will cut out ten percent into our weekly allowance," Suri reminded. "Yeah, she definitely will," I sigh and lie down again. Mom is so strict once we violate house rules we'll get the corresponding punishment for our actions. As I look at my sister, she already covers herself with a comforter ready enough to sleep. Trying to do the same thing. I close my eyes and relax my mind. I leave all my worries behind and then I fell asleep. I have an hour vacant before my next subject began. I have decided to stay at the school park for a while. I need to do a recap on my previous lessons, I want to be ready all the time. The place is too silent, it seems that no one is around, better enough for me. I put my backpack on the bench chair and then sat beside it. I have my books with me and I open one. I am so much engaged in scanning my tome when suddenly I heard a rustling sound, I stop for a while and shrugged my shoulder. I ignore it at first and continue reading. I want to memorize important words that I think will help me in the future to a point that I burst out. "Back off!" I jumped out of my chair when I heard somebody shouting. My eyes roam around the area. I thought I was all alone here. "You're so noisy, you're interrupting my sleep!" My heart pounded when I heard a voice but can't see anything. I got panicked and ready to run but to my surprise, on the other bench near me, little by little appeared a figure. I almost lose my insanity at this moment in time when the empty chair in front of me appeared with a young man lying on it. I look at him intensely and cover my mouth in surprise, the school highnesses that I just bumped into a couple of days ago. That's him, I can't forget his face. The arrogant but so handsome guy. "Oh, it's you again, no wonder. You like messing up with me, huh! What are you up to this time, newbie?" he asked. He smirked at me and shrugged his shoulder in disappointment. I deliberately sigh. "Excuse me, I don't mess up with you and besides I thought I was all alone here, you just appeared from nowhere and what do you expect me to do?" "Never mind," he said, trying to dismiss the topic. He stands up and started to walk. " One favor newbie, hide from me. You're so annoying," he said while passing through me. "Hey, you!" I immediately stand up and pointed my finger at him from behind. I am pissed with this guy and his attitude. He's so arrogant. He turned around and face me. I wasn't expecting that he will do that. I immediately hide my fingers behind my back. "What now, newbie?" He asked and look at me intensely. "I admire your courage. You're the very first person who dares to talk to me that way. You're so arrogant." I want to protest and say I'm not but every time I open my mouth no word comes out. I hold my neck to check it. What is happening to me? I lost my speaking voice in an instant. "My name is Jack-Jack Ross, remember that name, you'll be needing it in the future, believe me," he said and then smirked. He's about to go but stops for a moment. "By the way enjoy my gift, it will last for three days." My eyes widened. What did he mean, that he's the one responsible for why I can't speak right now? "No, you don't have to thank me," he said while chuckling. "Think of it as a reward." Then he left without telling me what to do to gain my voice back. "You jerk! What did you do to me?" I said huffily. It feels so bad that I can't fight back. I'm not weak. But that Jack Ross, he made me feel that I am. How can I go to my next subject and participate in class with my situation? I have nothing to do but get my stuff and ready myself. If I were to choose, I will just go home and lock myself in my room but I don't want to make my Mom and Dad worry about me. I have to do something about this. "Don't go... Stop...!" Somebody shouted. I am walking on the school ground going to building F for my next subject. I stop for a while searching for that voice. I can't see anything so I decided to start walking again when somebody grabbed me from nowhere, it was so fast that I can't determine what exactly happened I cover my ears in shock when a big rock falls from the rooftop of Building D in where I was standing a while ago. I look up and I saw Agane on the top of the building looking so devastated as if she didn't accomplish something. Oh, my! What is that for? It almost hit me. "Are you okay?" My world stops when I saw Shin in front of me. Is he the one who grabbed me? He's so fast! He saves my life in the hands of Agane for the second time. I nodded I can't say anything my voice is still not okay. I mouthed "thank you". He furrowed his forehead and look at me with a big question mark on his face. "What happened to you?" He curiously asked. I shook my head and try to say something by using sign language. "Why are you not talking?" he asked again. He can barely understand what I'm trying to say. I hold my neck, as I tried so hard to speak up. It causes me a lot of pain, I feel like I'm choking. "I think you need a check-up," he said worriedly. "Come, I'll bring you to the infirmary maybe it's because of shocked, you were almost hit by a huge stone, lucky enough I'm there and saw that big thing coming for you, or else you will turn into pieces." No... It can't help, this is cursed, they can't cure me. What am I gonna do? Why there are people who want to hurt me? I just want to study and live a normal life in this school but why are they making things hard for me? As I look at Shin, I feel so hopeless. He looks back at me, questioning my silence.
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