II : Turn for the Worse

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CHAPTER TWO: Turn for the Worse Loey's face, as much as she tried to keep it composed, betrayed her inner turmoil. She was well accustomed to sudden changes and twists of fate, but when it came to her work and her company, she always had a hard time letting go of the reins. It was this aspect of her persona that often made her a force to be reckoned with in business, but it also meant that she would often become consumed by the weight of responsibility. So, when the investors, who usually came in a steady trickle, suddenly called for an urgent meeting, Loey understood that she was in for a rocky ride. Her investors were smart, capable individuals who had proven themselves to be not only savvy but also respectful of her decisions. For them to call such a meeting meant that they had noticed something amiss in her work or in the company's progress - something that may not have been immediately apparent to them before. As the meeting drew closer, Loey knew that she would need to keep her composure if she were to navigate her way through any potential obstacles. She had done so countless times before and she was certain that her experience would be of good use now. Mara, who was by her side and who had always been her rock and confidant, noticed that Loey's hands were unusually cold to the touch and her fingertips were numb. Mara was wise enough to know that Loey's determination and bravery were as much a mask as they were a genuine reflection of her character. So, she knew that if Loey was feeling nervous, then it was worth taking notice of the situation before them. As Loey struggled to control her nerves, Soren, the stoic bodyguard, noticed the mounting tension in the room. His sharp eyes scanned over the situation, taking in every detail and evaluating the potential risks. However, his attention was soon drawn to Loey, who was sitting on the edge of her seat, wringing her hands nervously. He knew that Loey's position as the CEO of the company meant that there was a lot riding on this meeting, and that her well-being would ultimately affect the outcome of the meeting. So, without a second thought, he made his way over to her and placed a reassuring hand on her back. "Can you breathe for me, Loey?" The sound of his voice echoed in the otherwise silent room, and Loey immediately looked up, finding herself momentarily lost in his gaze. She took a deep breath, trying to focus her attention on his words rather than the pounding of her heart. "Are you feeling better?" Soren probed, breaking the tension in the air. Soren's stoic manner made it hard for Loey to gauge his real emotions, but she could tell that he was genuinely concerned for her well-being. She cleared her throat, looking away, as if embarrassed by her vulnerability. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, she couldn't help but feel a certain warmth emanating from him. He was a man of few words, but when he did choose to speak, his words carried a certain weight that made her feel a little better, if only for a moment. “I know this information doesn’t help with your state right now but I need you to be ready. Your investors may be pulling out of the project. This is the worst case scenario, however it’s the most plausible one at the moment.” As the investors took their seats, Soren stayed alert and ready to act if there were any threats to Loey's safety. He observed the area closely, making sure every corner was covered. One of the investors, James, picked up a remote that was beside him and connected it to the projector. With a few quick movements, an online article appeared on the screen. Soren's eyes darted back and forth between the article and the room, waiting for a signal to act. James, the lead investor, furrowed his brows and his lips curled in a scowl. “Explain yourself, Miss Padilla.” His tone was firm and his eyes were fixed on Loey’s face, searching for any signs of deceit or dishonesty. “We had a clear agreement about keeping all information strictly confidential until the release of the project. Now, suddenly, this article has made its rounds on the internet, exposing the details we worked so hard to keep hidden. And they made us out like a laughing stock!” Loey’s face was pale, and her lips trembled slightly as she tried to process the situation. She felt a knot form in her chest, making it hard to breathe as she began to realise the severity of the situation. She ran her hands through her hair, trying to gather her thoughts, before responding. “Sir, I cannot begin to express my apologies. This must have been an oversight on my part, and I take full responsibility for the mistake. I assure you that we have not released any information to the public, this is completely new to me.” She took a deep breath and continued, her voice steady but firm. “Please trust me when I say that we will get to the bottom of this and ensure that no further information gets leaked. This project has been in the works for years, and we have kept our cards close to our chest. Please allow me time to investigate and fix this. We will do whatever it takes to rectify the situation.” Ralph, another investor, scoffed, crossing his arms. “You’re telling us it’s that simple to get information from you?” He scoffed again, a hint of disdain in his voice. “How do we fix this? It’s not just an article anymore. It’s public knowledge now.” Loey raised her hand to silence him. “Please, let me explain. I understand that this is unexpected and disheartening, but we have taken every measure to keep the project under wraps. The fact that this information has been leaked is unfortunate and frustrating, but it is inevitable that as the project nears its c****x and we prepare for the official release, speculation and rumours will begin to circulate. We cannot control every aspect of the situation, despite our best efforts. However, I assure you that we will do everything in our power to address this matter promptly and effectively. Our team will work tirelessly to mitigate the damage and mitigate the repercussions of this incident. Please have faith in my ability to sort this out as swiftly and effectively as possible. I have complete confidence in the abilities of our team and am confident that we will be able to contain the situation and prevent any further damage from the leak. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please let me know and I will handle them as promptly as I can.” James spoke up first, his frustration evident in his voice. "This is unacceptable, Miss Padilla. We gave you the benefit of the doubt and trusted that you would handle the situation with discretion. But this article paints us in a very unflattering light and makes a mockery of our investment." Ralph nodded in agreement. "I agree with James. We cannot have this kind of negative publicity for our company. I think it is in our best interest to reconsider our partnership with you and the project." One by one, the investors began to voice their concerns and opinions, with each one more harsh than the last. It was clear that they were angry and upset, and that they were considering pulling out of the project. Loey listened to each one of them with a mix of shame and determination. She knew that she had let them down and that she had to make things right. She was determined to do whatever it took to repair the damage that had been caused and to regain the investors' trust. She was confident in her ability to turn things around and deliver the project successfully. Loey watched as the investors left, their footsteps echoing in the now empty room. She was left with only one investor, who stood by the door. Loey could see the disappointment and frustration on the investor's face, but she decided to focus on the positive. She stood up from her chair and approached the investor, her expression determined. "I understand why you're upset and I can assure you that I take full responsibility for this situation. I am determined to make things right and to prove to you and the other investors that the project is worth investing in. Please give me the chance to fix this and to earn back your trust." Khaled Grove, a renowned investor, looked at her for a moment, a smirk appearing on his lips. "Alright, Miss Padilla. This is a minor stepback and I’m not really that surprised that such a small inconvenience would cause them to give up on such a revolutionary project. Don’t worry. Tell me if they need their money back and I’ll help you. You know how massive my respect is with you and my faith won’t be dwindled by a silly article.” “Khaled…” Khaled Grove has held Loey in the highest regard for quite some time, driven by his admiration and affection for her. While the current situation may have been seen as reckless to some, Khaled's motivations for investing in the project run much deeper than simply gaining financial returns; his feelings for Loey have always played a significant role in his decision-making. His devotion to her is such that he would gladly give up a considerable amount of his wealth to prove himself to her, in the hope that she may finally see him in a different light. Soren did not like what he saw.
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