The Reveal

1098 Words
Now that you got a summarized version of the messy bits of my life. I now raise the animals used to feed Alpha Gene and his pack. I know he is a werewolf, and this is how I came to find out about their world. I had been caring for the animals for about six months when Gene showed up with a load of water and another 3000-gallon tank. He and several others were prepping and unloading it while I was busy with the tasks at hand. I lived thirty minutes from any town and several miles off the main road. I usually did not get visitors unless they knew I was here. Though I did carry a sidearm on the off chance a large predator came in hoping to grab an easy meal. Either way, I was usually ready. That was until the large dually truck showed up. It sat at the gate revving its engine. My Catahoula came right to me running around my legs like he did when he was being protective. I was the first to see them. Walking through the trees, I stood and watched as one man emerged. He was good-sized. A little shorter than I remembered my husband to be. "We came to collect what your late husband owed us." A smirk slid across his face. "What did he owe you?" I asked, c*****g my head to the side with a smirk. My hand slowly rested on the pistol at my hip. "Pretty much everything you have on this land is mine," he swung his arm wide. I remember laughing, "Yeah, I don't know about that." From the corner of my eye I noticed that Gene and his guys had stopped. They were standing in the trees watching this exchange. "I think it best you bring the sheriff back if you have a true claim." I raised a brow and my smirk became a frown. I watched as several other men began to exit the big dually truck, All topping 6ft and way bigger than me. "This is your last warning," I gripped the pistol getting ready to draw it. I watched in horror as the man I had spoken to snapped the chain on the gate with just a push. His eyes had a sudden glow about them as he started to sprint toward me. In an instant, Gene and his guys became a wall in front of me. "I have doubts you have a claim to anything here." I was pretty sure I heard Gene growl. "A little close to my territory, are you?" The guy shot back. "Still in my territory, though I don't understand why you would be here?" The question laced with a growl. "Eh, her man had mentioned she was out here. Figured we would handle this and sort it out with you later." He chuckled stepping back a bit. "This area is mine and so is everything in it." Gene declared. I was a bit taken aback by this statement. I figured now was not the time to discuss and would wait. "I doubt that old man; you have had the territory around here too many years. I can wait you out." I watched him take a step back with a smile as he glanced at me and winked. "Ewww," I was disgusted by his expression. "No way in hell would I want you anywhere near me," I spoke while almost gagging. I watched his eyes start to glow oddly and his body began to vibrate. His form began to change and I felt the wall of men in front close around me so I could not see. Suddenly I heard what sounded like a dog fight while my Catahoula and I were pinned behind three guys. I could see nothing. I heard more fighting and more sounds of a dogfight taking place. Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. "Move!" I snarled as I elbowed one of the guys in the rib. It gave me enough sight to see Gene go from wolf to man as he spun back toward their truck. "What the f**k!" My surprise was not lost on anyone here. The men who stood around me said nothing, just looked at the ground while the others dragged off several wolf-looking bodies. "So who the hell wants to tell me what the f**k is going on!" I was almost in hysterics. "We are werewolves, Maya." Came Gene's voice as he walked through the trees. He was in different clothes. I stood looking at all of them. I said nothing for a while. I had read countless werewolf novels and vampire books and watched endless hours of the various wolf and vampire movies. I digested all that he said. Wolves had territories, they had leaders and then they had packs. Looking back at all of them, I stared at each one. Understanding finally the odd feelings I would often get. "You are all wolves I suspect?" I finally asked. "Yes, everyone here is." Gene nodded. I c****d my head a bit, looking at him. "You are their Alpha?" I asked going on a hunch. "I am." He nodded solemnly. "That is why you asked me to raise these animals," I stated more for myself than for them. "It was." He confirmed. "Those men who showed up are werewolves too?" I looked at Gene. I met his aged grey-blue eyes. "They were a rogue pack." He glanced at where their truck once sat. "Their interest in coming here was?" I still stared directly at him. "Opportunity is my guess." He looked up at me. "Thank you." I turned on my heel, walking into the house. When they had finished the reason they came here. I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was Gene. "We are done. I can call someone to hang around up here if you are worried?" I could see he was worried since I had a huge secret of his. "Yes, please send someone to keep an eye out. I will make sure this does not leave us." I nod to him. I watched as he visibly relaxed. "Good," He breathed. "I will send someone up shortly. Would you like them to come to the door?" "Not needed. Just have them text me when they arrive." I turned to go. "Thank you for keeping our secret." He mentioned as he turned to walk back to the truck. That was how I found out about Werewolves. After that things got more interesting and far, far more insane.
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