A Painful Goodbye

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It was the crack of dawn. The sun was steady rising over the barred window where I stayed for three days. I was still lying there on that bed, stomach down and back facing up. Just as Gary Polson left me. After he raped and violated me. The tears wouldn't cease and neither would the pain. After the night that Gary decided that he had full rights to my body, he returned three more times to humiliate and take at advantage of my newfound weakness.  I was afraid to move, not only out of fear of pain but because for some reason, I thought that if I had he would know and he would return and he would place me right back where I was and do it again. So ironic how quickly my power to fight and defend-protect had left me. Whatever this thing was that ha dissolved into my neck, rendered my powerless in ways that I could not have imagined. It wasn't just my inherent sonic abilities that were dampened but my willpower as well. I was physically weakened by this thing and I could not set myself free from it. This frightened me. How long would I be this way? Would I ever be free from it? Then again, handing me over to the Demoi would probably significantly lessen my life expiration date anyway. They wanted me gone after all. So maybe I wouldn't have to deal with this suffering too much longer. That, in truth, was the only positive thought that I could muster in the situation that I was currently in. What made me completely lose hope was the fact that nowhere since my entrapment down here-not once...did I see Kimora. She never even visited to assure that I was alright. I knew that my sister loved me-of course she did. I knew that she cared about me and didn't want anything bad to happen to me; but her absence in such a horrible situation made any ounce of hope that I may have had dissipate. As I lie there, I couldn't help but wonder; where is she? Is she alright? I continued to lay there, wallowing in self-pity when I heard the loud jangling of keys. Immediately, my body tensed up and the tears began to fall from my eyes. 'Please, no! Not again! Please!' was the only thing that constantly ran through my mind as I heard the footsteps nearing me. I couldn't scream out for help because my voice was taken away from me. That was aside the fact that I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing that he had broken me. So, yes, I allowed the tears to fall. I allowed the release because my body deserved to at least grieve for what had happened to me. But I would not allow him see me weakened by expression nor by physical means. "Alright." Gary Polson said to me. "Time to go." He picked me up from where I lay and  I heard the small chuckle from behind me as he did. "Still in the position I left you in." He heckled. "Makes me think that you liked it more than you let on." He pulled me to him aggressively, my raw backside slamming against his manhood, the pain of it traveling throughout my whole body. "Would you like one last round before you go? Is that what you're trying to tell me, White Siren?" He had me against my throat, slight pressure causing whatever this dampener was to tighten a little. My head could not move due to his tense strength as he held me in place. "Luckily for you-or maybe unlucky, we don't have the time." He said. "I'm gonna miss this...when you leave." I could hear the grin on his face as he grabbed and squeezed at my sore backside. "You know," he started to say as he tried to almost carry me out of the cell. He could probably see that I was seemingly too weak to walk after what he had done to me. "There is something about you that is addictive." He said. "I hadn't plan to come down here as much as I did." He confessed. "There is almost something inhuman about being inside of you-euphoric!" He laughed. "I just couldn't get enough!" He thought this was funny. He thought that raping me was something funny. I hate this man. "Then, I had to reason with myself that I was killing two birds with one stone. Pleasure and your pain. I mean, someone had to teach you lesson in control-" Where he had me from behind I thought to headbutt him present him a broken nose with that fractured jaw, but instead I yanked away from him and walked on my own. It took all the strength that I had to do so and while it would have been worth it, I wanted to use the last of my dignity to at least walk on my own. "Ah, still have a little fight in you, I see." He said. We started up the stairs, the thing that I was dreading this whole time. Before I could place my lifted foot on the first stair, Gary Polson grabbed my arm, yanking me to him. "If you tell anyone or even hint about what happened here...I will kill your sister." He said. "Do you understand?" He asked. I didn't answer. I was too angry to answer. This man had me over a barrel. "Do you...understand?" He said, this time with more aggression. Regardless, of  how I felt about this demon of a man, I would not allow my pride to get in the way of my sister's safety. She was all that I had left. I gave one weak nod of agreement before he shoved me away and we headed up the stairs. Upon reaching the surface of the base, I began to hear a raucous-someone screaming and yelling-arguing with a few others. It was a woman and it sounded like my sister. As we approached closer, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw her berating one of the other men that seemed to be on guard against all those who would come near the site in which I was held.  "Where is she?!" Kimora hissed. "I need to see my sister! Let me see her!" The man seemed uncomfortable as he stood there not answering Kimora; almost as if he didn't want to be the one standing there not giving her what she needed. It was then that I noticed him to be one of the younger guys of our group. Not so young as a teenager; he was certainly older than I and Kimora for that matter. He also seemed to have a little crush on my older sister. I wonder why he decided that he would help this Gary Polson? Or at least that was what I wondered at first. Then it dawned on me that the young guy, Jason, he did not have anymore family. He had no one to back him even if he did want to stand against Gary Polson for Kimora or me. "How could you do this?" I heard Kimora say. "After all that we've done for you-after what Kieran sacrificed for you-for all of you!" She screamed. Jason seemed bothered by this. It was in his eyes that he wanted to do nothing more than comfort my sister; and I knew that she could feel it but her passions seemed to get the best of her. I had to stop her from going to far. "Kim." I said, my voice barely recognizable at this point. There was no power-no character in my voice at all. Only weakness.  Kim stopped and turned to see me barely standing there. I was surprised that she even heard me when I called to her, my voice was so weak. When she looked at me, I shook my head, in an attempt to tell her to leave Jason in peace. I'm sure, this wasn't how she saw it though. She rushed up to me and in that moment, I almost allowed myself to collapse in the comfort of my big sister's arms; but I knew that if I did, it would be harder for her to face the fact that I had to leave her. She would fight and most likely get hurt and killed if she knew what I had to endure within the small amount of time out of her sights. "What did they do to you?" She asked through tears of sorrow. I wasn't dirty or beat up-or at least that is not how it appeared. My pain was more internal and so was the feeling of being dirty. I felt impure now after the travesty that happened to me; but I could not tell her this. I couldn't. If I did, Kimora would act out violently. She would more than likely allow herself to lose control of her own power and while empathy seemed like something of an inactive ability, I'd seen it when it was quite the opposite. Kimora was more powerful than she even realized, however, in my father deciding not to hone her abilities, she couldn't control them. So, if I told her what had happened, she would definitely have an episode and end up hurting innocent people. Though, I guess, who was innocent in this scenario? I couldn't help feeling like Jason was one of those innocents and I felt that there were quite a few others but how could they speak up in their weakness against a tyrant like Gary Polson. Jason wasn't a weak young man. In fact, he was quite strong and masculine in his form-one of the strongest of the group; but he knew when he was beaten. He knew when he was outnumbered; and that was exactly this circumstance. He eyed both Kimora and I with sorrow in his eyes; but I needed him to know that I did not blame him for this-that he wasn't at fault. So, I mustered up a small smile and reassured nod before returning my attention to Kim. "Kim, don't be so hard on him. This isn't his fault." "It might as well be!" She hissed. "He didn't speak up-" "What good would have done with his vote outweighed?" "I don-" Kimora cut her own words off as she began to weep. "I know, Ki-I just-it isn't fair." She cried, placing her hand against my tear stained cheek.  I found comfort in my sister's nearness and allowed a little of my physical tension to subside as I brought my hand to hers and lay my face against her hand for a moment. When I heard her gasp, I looked up at her to see a bothered look upon her face. "I can feel your..." Her words trickled away as she looked at me incredulously. "Pain...why am I feeling such pain? Regret, hatred, shame..." One by one she began to name the emotions that were ever warring within me and hadn't even finished before Gary Polson yanked me back from her. "Alright, alright. Family reunion is over." He said. "Time to turn you in, sweetie." I jerked away from him as Kimora tried to reach out to me. "What did he do to you, Kieran? Why-" Before she could finish her question, I shook my head, wordlessly begging her to leave it alone. "Kieran." She cried.  "Take care of our people." I said. "Don't let this corruption infect them." "Kieran, I am not leaving you-"  "Promise me, Kim!" I strained to exclaim. "Please! Look after them! Promise me!" I said. Just because Gary pulled a few supporting hands behind him did not mean that everyone was that way and because of that alone, I needed Kimora to promise me. She was speechless as she stood there, watching me be hauled away. I was relieved when Jason stood behind her and looked at me, tears streaming his gaze as he nodded.  "We promise." Jason always kept his word and I knew that he was speaking for both he and Kimora when he assured me. With a redeemed smile, I suddenly felt a sense of relief before, Gary Polson and his cronies threw me into a wheeled cage that we'd haul our Demoi prisoners in.  He locked the door with a heavy metal lock and chain. As we started to depart, a tear fell down my eyes as I watched my sister in her distraught state-the only thing holding her up was Jason. Before I was too far for her to see, I mouthed; "I love you. Always." In barely a whisper, she replied. "I love you too." It felt like hours that we'd been traveling. It wasn't until the sun began to set that the caged carriage finally came to its stop. I sat there in the corner of the cage where the sun could not reach me as my skin was quite sensitive to light. Fortunately, one of Gary's other minions were thoughtful enough to cover the roof of the cage because of my sensitive plight. "Where is it?" I heard a deep voice smoothly bellow out in command. "I have her." Gary Polson said. "She's incapacitated as you asked-" I heard him scoff. "Far more than even I expected." "Unlike your kind, our tools and gadgets work for our intended targets. Now. Where. Is it?" "I-like I said." Gary seemed to be losing his wits about him. "She-she's here, I just-I need you to keep-to keep your word about what we talked about." There was a moment of silence before a scoff could be heard from whomever it was that this Gary Polson was talking to. "That is another thing that you humans have yet to master-and probably never will." The deep voiced male said. "The Demoi's word is bond." The male said. "We never go back on our word. No matter how repulsive and untrustworthy the person we've given our word to is." "Good." Was all Gary said. There was excitement in his voice as he spoke. He didn't care that even the Demoi thought him a repulsive human being. He only cared that they didn't hurt him. At least he made a deal to keep our people safe, however. That, I could not go against and admittedly, knowing this gave me a little peace. When the door opened, Gary was staring at me with a grin upon his greasy face. He reached into the cage and dragged me out. "Ready to meet your maker?" He smirked. As he headed over to the soldiers lined up against one in particular. "Listen to me...talking as if I won't miss that sweet little tail of yours." Hearing the sudden callousness in words, struck me with a weakness that I never could have imagined. The tears streaming down as I realized that my twenty-three year old life was over. Yes, for good reason-it was an honorable sacrifice to give my life for those of the innocent but it was still frightening. And even worse than that, this man would live-this rapist. I was giving my life up for him as well. This just didn't sit well with me. As we kept walking, I peeped the blade in his side pocket. I had to get one last kill before they took me. I had to take his life. With the last of my strength, I swiftly turned around and snatched the knife from him and before he could react I opened his throat with the tip of his own blade. Eyes wide, Gary Polson fell to his knees, holding his hand to his throat as he looked at me, the apparent fear and pain in his eyes as he looked at me. I wanted my gaze to be the last that he saw before he bled out and died. My strength used up, I dropped to my knees, his blood seeping beneath me as his body began to shake. "Seems, she isn't as incapacitated as he thought." I heard the Demoi demon say from behind me. "Awe well, not he did not deserve it-" I heard before something hard knocked the back of my head, rendering me unconscious.
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