Push It Up

2326 Words
I haven't even walked two steps inside this camp when three wild animals of the jungle take my suitcase from me and start going through it, stirring all my very valuable clothes, making a disaster out of them. Probably on purpose. When they realize I don't have anything dangerous they nod and walk away, leaving me on my own to fix my stuff once again and taking my iPhone with them. I've been here for one minute and I already know I won't last long in this place. This discipline thing is not for me. Being patient and accepting that other people have more authority than me will drive me insane. And as if that's not enough to bring me close to suicide, the heat is melting my whole being. Everything in my body is wet and sticky. My armpits, my back, my face... even my ass is sweating like crazy. I've never felt so much sweat running through my buttchecks. I don’t like it. I wasn't born for this. I wasn't born to be standing in a desert where there's only cabins, wood tables, evil people in uniform, evil people in normal clothes, dirt, mosquitoes and sweat. I moan and whine while I walk, ruining my pretty Salvatore sandals with each step but there’s nothing I can do about it, just keep walking very carefully. I can’t believe that after everything that I've done, going to an innocent trip to Mexico is what made my parents give up and punish me this way. They didn’t even got this angry when I broke into the senator's house. And that was pretty extreme, even for me. “Formation is about to start, kid. I recommend you hurry up if you don't want any problems,” Says some ugly mole-woman, standing stiffly close to me. I could try to explain to her that I’m taking care of my Salvatore sandals, but I really doubt she even knows what sandals are. Let alone knowing about a special designer like Salvatore. I give her a disdain filled movement of my hand just so she knows that I heard what she said and I don’t care, then I continue taking my surroundings slowly instead of going to formation, whatever that is. And by the way, I’m still covered in my own body fluids. I can see all the little thugs running from the cabin where they told me I should leave my suitcase, to form in front of some uniformed people. Theres only five men and five women in this group, counting me. And everybody else is ahead of me because their parents didn’t spend an hour giving them a lecture instead of letting them go to leave their stuff and pick their beds. That's also why I end up with the last bed (the worst one, I suppose, giving the fact that is the oldest and worst looking one). I leave my suitcase there and walk to formation, still being extra careful with my sandals. When I get there, a rude guy yells at me to get in line with my group in a very impolite way, even though obviously that was what I was trying to do. I shoot him a dirty look and, after analyzing my group, I stand between two sexy guys. I totally screwed up though, because my already sweaty arms end up being touched by each of their even-more-sweaty arms. The only good thing about all of this is the undeniable fact that I’m the prettiest girl here, by far. That’s really good for my ego and probably my one and only advantage here. I guess I could try my hardest right now to be modest and show some kindness to ugly people… but I don’t want to do that. I know I'm beautiful and I work hard for said beauty, so denying it or pretending I don't know to make people feel bad for me and tell me Im wrong, is stupid. Of course, going to the gym its not in my schedule, but genetic gods have blessed me with a pretty decent looking body on it’s own. I have skinny arms, small waist, good boobs and a big ass that made everybody laugh in elementary school, but now they all either want to have it or to fück it. My hair is red with blonde tips. It was naturally brown, but I've been changing it since I was fifteen. First it was a normal blonde, then platinum blonde, then pink, then purple and now I've had this mixture in my hair for a whole year and I think it’s gonna stay for a long time. I’ve heard it makes my green eyes look better and makes me look sexier. Which is everything I want in life, basically. “It seems like this is everybody. Finally” Says the girl in front of us, clasping her hands. Anyone would think that a girl in the army would be ugly, fat, butch and giant, like the one I saw a little while ago, but this one is actually nice looking. She has a long black hair in a braid and even without make up she looks kind of good. I look at her badge to place her. Sergeant Zumalacarregui. Well, damn… what an ugly äss last name. The two old military guys standing next to her nod when they see another man getting close and they leave without giving us another look. Sergeant Zalalarregui or whatever her horrible last name is, stays awkwardly quiet while she waits for the new guy to get here. It seems like she’s very insecure when she’s alone. Im getting really bored now and the arms of the guys to my sides seem to be producing way more sweat than my fat äss, but none of that matters when I get to see the heavenly man walking towards us. He's not wearing the full uniform, like everybody else, just the camouflage pants and a white tank top, so fitted to his body that lets me see his perfect abs and his big arms with the hottest tattoos I've ever seen. While he gets closer, my breathing gets more and more erratic, and I think I accidentally make a sound because the guy to my left asks me if I'm okay, but I don't answer because now the man is closer and I can see his precious face perfectly. He has a strong and sharp jawline, a straight nose and pink lips. Perfect to kiss for hours and hours. I can't see his eyes yet, but he seems to have long and golden eyelashes, the same shade as his short hair. This is the most perfect man I've ever seen and I'm instantly in love with him. “From this moment on, all of you are under our rules,” starts my new boyfriend as soon as he arrives, with a deep, strong, commanding and super sexy voice, “You’re not here on vacation, you’re not here to get some rest and let alone to have fun. You’re here because people around you think that you are all unbearable, but they still have a small hope that maybe you can change and become someone useful for society. We’re not here to be your friends. We’re not here to tell you that everything is going to be alright and hug you after sharing our sad stories. We’re here to forge you into a better person, to teach you discipline, respect and responsibility. We’re going to demand from you way more of what you are able to give, we’ll give orders that you're not always going to like, but that you'll follow if you know whats good for you.” “And what happens if we don't?” I ask, unable to keep my mouth shut. Firstly because I want him to notice me but also because I'm not liking his tone. “Then you'll accept you punishment.” Damn, that sounds sexy. I shouldn't have read the Fifty Shades books. They got me curious and forced me to look up some things online… now, simple words like ‘punishment’ don’t have the same meaning as before "We won't tolerate disrespect," Continues the ugly named girl, giving me a dirty look and walking closer to my man, "We are your immediate superiors, which means that if you have any doubt or problem, you can come to Sergeant Hawke or to me, just as you..." The girl keeps talking but I don’t care. I finally know my future husband’s name. Not his first name but his last one, the more important one. It’s cute, goes along with my name. Crystal Hawke. "... five o'clock, not one more minute. We have breakfast at five fifteen and we are ready to start the day at…" "What?" I shake my head to get back to life after my romance induced stupor when I hear that blasphemy. I can’t believe they really expect me to wake up at five in the morning. That’s practically impossible, even if I was willing to try. Everybody turns to look at me when the super sexy sergeant Hawke puts his cold brown eyes on my pretty face. He walks towards me and gets so close that my brain can’t really understand it. “Do you have any problem with the schedule, recruit?” “Yes, I think it’s unfair. It’s way too early. If you want good results you should let us rest some more and that way we can perform better.” “I suggest that next time you think something is unfair, you keep your thoughts to yourself. We don’t care and don’t want to hear what you think.” I forget the fact that he's perfect for a quick second. Im not liking his tone or what he's saying. I don’t care in the least that he’s a sergeant. As far as I'm concerned, the only sergeant, general or president in this world is me. “And I would suggest to you that you think your planes thoroughly next time so no one has any objection and everybody is happy with the program. That’s the fair thing to do.” Hawke doesn’t make any kind of gesture so I don’t know if he’s feeling or not any kind of emotion, but I can notice a weird vein in his forehead and his jaw looks way harder. And because of my strong feminine instinct, I come to the conclusion that maybe my words were not the best choice and they were a little bit wrong. Maybe. Because I gave a great point, but Im also smart enough to know that in this place, great points made by people who don’t have an uniform are void. "10 push-ups," he orders, getting even closer to me, covering the sun with his giant tower form. The two guys by my sides disappear suddenly and just then I realize that somehow, I made a terrible mistake. And, even though I realize that I shouldn’t have any problems with anyone and the best thing to do would be to do what he says, my natural instinct would never let me do that. "I refuse," I whisper, lifting my chin to see him better. Hawke gets even closer. Now his pecs and his little hard n*****s are two inches away from me, and he’s looking down at me like I’m a bug he must destroy. “20.” “Didn't you heard what I said? I won’t do it. You can’t make me.” “30.” There is something inside of me, call it common sense, that's telling me to shut the fück up. But I’m Crystal Angelo and my big mouth will one day be the death of me. Maybe today. “No, no, no, no,” I sing, because I’m an i***t. I can hear people whispering around me but I don’t look, I’m too busy challenging Hawke with my eyes and singing with a mocking smile on my face. “50.” “50?” I laugh, “I think you meant 40. All that muscle and no brains... you should've gone to school instead of…” “80.” “Dude, learn how to count! We were going in order: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60…” Unexpectedly, Hawke's big hand takes the back of my neck, like he's going to pull me close and kiss me to death, but instead of that, he grabs me harder and steps aside to trow me to the floor like I'm nothing but a dirty dog, hurting me and pulling a sound out of me so horrible that sounds like a pig being slathered. My hands try to stop the fall but everything happens so fast and they just end up buried under my chest. My butt is up in the air and my face slams on the ground. “100 push ups. Now.” Hawke orders, before I can even get up. Even though I knew a reaction on his part was coming, I never imagined such a violent one. I get my face up from the ground with my arms. There's dirt and hair inside my mouth. I've fücked up horribly. I know that much. “Hey, um… maybe we can fix this some other way.” Yes, it’s too late but I still try to fix things because I might be stupid and I might get in awful problems all the time, but I can accept when I make mistakes and I try to do the right thing to fix them... most times it’s way too late and of course, useless to do something about it, but that doesn't stop me. “150 push ups right the fück now or you and your group will eat nothing but paste for a week.”
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