Last day of school II

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It never ceased to amaze me how he managed to dominate every space he enters without even trying. I am sure it's his alpha nature that forces everyone to bow to him without even realizing it. His alpha nature he inherited from his father and that has been part of him since birth, but his alpha nature was different. All the alphas that I had ever met were just like my father, rude self-centred assholes that had never accepted no as an answer because they almost never heard it. I am sure that quite a few of them don't even know what that word means. Sure, you could blame them for it, because they are assholes and, as grown-ass men, they should know better than to take everything they want without asking or treating people like trash, just because they are on the lower step of the werewolf society, that we have all been born into. But they are not the only ones to blame for this, because they were raised like this and if the only thing you ever hear is how great and god-like you are, at some point, it sinks too deep in your head and you start to believe it. Mix that with the archaic customs that idolize alphas and we have the most toxic environment for anyone to live in. So it is no surprise that most of them have no personality other than being an alpha. But Darcy, by some miracle, did not turn out like that. He was always respectful and gentle with the people around him. At moments, I even forget that he is an alpha. From the moment that I met him, I knew that he was different and I guess that was what drew me to him. "My fellow classmates..." His low voice filled the room and he didn't need a microphone for that. Standing right in the middle of the stage, his eyes found mine and I felt a smirk slipping into my lips. "Today is the last day of our..." I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying because I was mesmerised by the way his mouth was moving and his eyes never left mine the whole time he was talking. Whenever he looked at me like that, I couldn't concentrate enough to think about anything else other than what I would do to him the first moment I get. And before I even knew it, his speech had ended and the whole room filled with loud applause. At the same confident pace, he stepped off the stage and walked to sit down next to me. He sank into the chair next to me and grabbed my hand immediately, intertwining his fingers with mine. Slowly leaning into my ear. "How many times have we talked about you undressing me with your eyes when we are in public?" "What? Did you want me to actually undress you? I am sure almost everyone in this crowd would have appreciated it. It would have made this unbearably boring event a lot more fun." "Valery." He growled in a low tone, with a clear message that I was going to be in trouble if I continued, but I never took this type of threat seriously, especially because I knew he wouldn't back those words up with action. "Oh, I know for sure that all our female professors would have loved to see your naked body. I am sure that they had more than one fantasy about the star boy and what..." Before I could finish the sentence, he gripped my thigh and I started to get excited. Will this be the day I finally push him over the edge? Will he lose control and finally take me? But he released it when it started to get interesting and leaned back into his seat. His body language had changed and I knew that from here on I would get the silent treatment. Great. He always did this when he was annoyed or pissed at me. I tried to reach out and touch him, hoping that physical contact and puppy dog eyes would ease his anger, but he pushed my hand away. Shit, he is pissed. I released a deep sigh and leaned back into my chair. This is going to be a torturously long day. The ceremony dragged out just as I expected and was just as boring. They talked and talked about the bright future that was up ahead for all of us. Which was so sad and fake that it was even a bit funny. As if all our futures had not already been decided by the families we were born in and the place in the society that was designated for us by that. Everyone in this room had already been sold by their families either to strengthen already-made alliances or make new ones. None of us had a choice... well, okay, we all have a choice. I am a true believer that we all have a choice. The only question is if you are ready to face the consequences of the choice you make, because defying the system always comes at a price. And the price for the choice you make can be your life. And I mean it in a philosophical way, as in all that is familiar and normal, and in a literal way, as in you will get killed. Most likely you will just be disowned by your pack and family, but that is one of the worst punishments for most wolves. So the question is whether what you want is worth the price it will cost you. The ceremony finally ended and everyone started clearing out the hall. Darcy and I had to stick around because, as usual, there were a bunch of important guests who wanted to talk with the future leader of the most influential pack. Our union will unite his and my father's packs. This union will go into the history books, I am sure. Standing there next to Darcy, I played my part of the beautiful arm candy that I was to all these men. Truth to be told, I didn't really care about what they were talking about, playing politics never interested me. So I spaced out like usual, planning how I was going to survive a week at home without going crazy or killing my parents. The last few years, Darcy always came home with me when I visited them and he was great at drawing attention away from me. I usually come home only for a day or two, and I would spend all the other time away from the academy with Darcie's family. But my father requested that I spend a week at home and Darcy would be away on business and he couldn't join me, leaving me alone to face my family. Fun... Darcy finally freed us both and we could go to the after-party, aka the fun part. Well, for most, it will be the fun part. For me... I am pretty sure it will be even more miserable than the official part.
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