Let's have a teamwork (18+)

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JENNIE After having conversations with the girls about having a son. I decided to go to our room, thinking a plan how would I make Lisa agree to have another kid. To be honest, I don't know when was I had the urge to have a new child, maybe its when I found out that the girl from other dimension that we met before has twin, it must be nice to have mini Lisa but boy version, not a f*****g little demon like Ella that I surely knows will grow up like me and will be added to my rivalry from my wife's attention. Ella is enough, heck! Lisa spoiled her too much and I hate that that I couldn't do anything regards to Ella's bitchy attitude because we are same. I mean, yeah, I'm THE b***h and Ella will be soon THE b***h, Lisa knows that, but she's still babying that little demon! I can hear the laughters outside as I was crossing the hallway into our room and I know that Lisa and her crackheads friends are having a fun time drinking, I don't know if it's because the garden are their favorite drinking place and all the weddings held onto that place, but whenever they will sit around the round table, they will always end up holding a bottle of beers in hands and the whole garden will filled with loud laughters and bickering and banters. A wick smile slowly creeps up on my lips and I squint my eyes when an imaginary bulb popped outta my head. If Lisa is drinking, there are 100% that she'll get drunk, that nerd has a low tolerance in alcohol especially when Jilian started giving Lisa blood wines that will surely put my wife into drunk state. "Great." I murmured and clapped my hands giddily before continuing my way to our room, walked straight into my walk-in closet and grab a pair of lingerie and take a quick shower. I spun multiple times in my full length mirror without a silver on it and been lucky to have this personalize mirror to see my reflection, every mirror in this castle are made of something without a silver material. How great was that? The corner of my lips curved upward when I heard Lisa's slurring words. She's already drunk? There is only one problem before I plot my plan. ELLA. "Maine? Where are you?" I called via telepathy that I made sure she's the only one could hear. "Why do vampires gets drunk?" Her voice came out a little snarky, probably, dragging her drunk wife's ass again. "Why'd you asked?" "Too much blood will make vampire drunk." I snorts. "Where's Chaesoo?" "She's with me, why?" "Well, I need your daughter to lure Ella, I want a son." "Horny Jennie." She teased and we both laughed. "Pick up your wife, she's wasted and I'll talk to Chaesoo." "Thank you, Maine." After that little telepathic conversation, I grab my robe and and tie it on my waist and I travel down at the garden, where my wasted wife leaning on the table, slurring her words while laughing with wasted Jongy and Seige where are the other Tops? I shook my head before I walked towards the round table and tapped Lisa's shoulder to get her attention. "Wake up." I said, trying my best to not sound excited at the thought that she's drunk. "I'm awake, bitch." Lisa laughed and I am really shock with that. She called me b***h, though she's not lying but the last time Lisa called me that, was when we were in a bathroom and she's pumping me hard. Urgh! That was so blissful. "You're drunk, let's go to our room." I said and reached for her hand that's now under her head. "Hey, don't touch me, I'm married." Lisa swat my hands and instead of getting angry, I smiled, like a f*****g teenage girl who got her crush attention and the blush seared on my face. "Are you?" I asked and she nodded her head vigorously. "Do you love her?" Lisa brought her head's up and she leaned back to her chair then her half closed eyes darts up to me and she smiled. "Yeah, I love her so much that it hurts here." She pointed at her right chest and she giggled. "Even if she's the bitchiest woman in the world, I still love her." "You should stop, Lisa." Jongy rebukes and she smiled at me awkwardly while covering Lisa's mouth when they saw the smile in my lips slowly fading away. "No, I want to tell to this girl who's my wife." Lisa said as she removed Jongy's hand. "She may be the most possessive woman but I still love her, she may be tried killing me for thousand times but I still love her, she has the sexiest body in the world, if I could pin her on the wall and stare at her for the rest of my life? I'll do it, but since I want to f**k her—." Seige stumbles in her chair and she cramped to Lisa to cover her mouth but since Lisa was too strong for them, they couldn't do anything to stop her from her drunk thoughts. "Hey hey, buddy, enough. You're drunk." "No.. I am not." Lisa singsong and she looked up to me again. "Sorry miss, but even if you are.." She let her words to trail off and scan me from head to toe then back to my face. "..you're so pretty just like my wife and you looked like her, are you the goddess?" "Lisa.." I called with sarcastic smile. "You know my name?" Lisa asked incredulously, then she tried to stand up but Seige and Jongy who's now sober, stopped her. "Wait, this girl know me, who are you?!" "Lisa enough." I said, still smiling but deep inside me, I'm about to smack the hell out of her. "I'm sorry, but I'm married." She said and showed me her ring finger with our wedding ring in it. "See? Sorry but I'm married to the most beautiful woman ever." "So if you're not married, you'll hit on me?" "Why not—." "Holy s**t, she's just kidding Jen, you know? She's drunk and out of her mind." Seige said awkwardly and she hide Lisa's head inside her shirt. "We'll bring her in—." "They said, drunk words are sober thoughts." Nayeon said behind me and I took a deep breath and turned to face her. "Are they?" "Yeah, and you don't have to get mad at her,as you can see and hear, she's insisting that she's married and she thought that you're trying to flirt with her but she's still into her wife." Naian said while staring at Lisa amusingly. "Wanna try her?" I c****d an eyebrow but her proposal poking the back of my head to try Lisa's loyalty. "Go on." I said and Naian smiled at me wickedly before her head turns to Lisa, I began regretting everything because of that smile. "Hey pretty handsome." Naian said seductively, Jongy looking at her wife in disbelief and Seige giving her warning look but Naian ignore all of that as she pad over to Lisa and trace Lisa's jaw with her index finger. "Wanna go out with me?" "Why?" Lisa asked innocently and I snort. "This b***h is so stupid, she thinks that we're inside." Lisa said to Jongy and the latter bit her lower lip to suppress her laughter to breakout. Seige chew the inside of her cheeks and she turns her head away to hide her face from Naian. Naian growled but clears her throat and compose herself, then she cupped Lisa's face. There's an urge inside me to break Naian's hands, for holding Lisa but since I accept her dare, I need to restrain myself. "I mean, wanna have s*x with—." "Naian!" We all exclaimed but Lisa's face darkened, she's staring at Naian with her jaw clenching, we waited for Lisa to get mad and I am so ready to stop her. "Let's go—." "What the actual f**k?!" I blurted out and my cat like eyes became rounded and in just split of seconds, Jongy, Seige and Lisa disappears in front of me. "Those bitches!" I growled and transformed into a bat and flew up and roam my eyes, I saw them dragging Lisa's arms and they are heading into the dense forest at the left side of the castle. "You're all dead." I mumbles and I flapped my tiny wings before I fly in vamp speed to follow the bitches, too bad Jilian weren't with them and they ran too slow, too different on how they would escape if Jilian is with them because of her speed. "s**t s**t! She's coming!" Seige yelled when she saw me behind , after taking a glance over her shoulder. "Lisa! You damn skinny b***h! You put us here again!" "W-what did I do? Why are we running?!" Lisa asked as she tried to run by herself but since Jongy and Seige gripping her both arms, she couldn't will herself to run alone. "Is that Jennie?!" "Yes!" I heard her two friends exclaimed. "Why is she running after us?!" Lisa asked, though naively, but there's still fear in her voice. "You just f*****g agreed to have s*x with my wife in front of your wife!" Jongy growled. I saw in my peripheral vision the other half of the squad, standing near a large rock, as if they know what is going to happen and they are here to watch the scene of me, running after my stupid nerd wife. And of course, Charmaine is with them, sitting like how she sat inside the plane when Lisa had my first kiss. "Here!" Jongy and Seige yelled in unison but they turned into different way, stretching Lisa's arms. "Ouch!" Lisa grunts and the three of them stopped and they got collided and stumble. "Do you have plans ripping my arms?!" I wasn't supposed to laugh because I'm mad, but when Jongy and Seige stood up, they grab Lisa's arms and they decided to go in a different way again, exchanging their way and stretching Lisa's arms for the second time and the squad who are watching the scene, laughed. "Stop!" Lisa yelled and she took back her arms from her friend. "We are not in a cartoon!" "Sorry ok?! We're in panic because your stupid ass put us in this trouble and we had to save you from Jennie!" Seige snapped and when she look up to me, her narrowed eyes slowly widens. "You're all by yourself now, dude!" She said and jerked Lisa's hand before running away. "Wait– yah! Wang Seige!" Lisa shouted her best friend's name but the latter didn't even look back as she transform into a wolf and runaway. "Jongy—." "I am now a dad! I have a daughter and I'm not yet ready to die!" Jongy said and she also transformed into a bat and fly away, leaving Lisa alone. "Traitors!" Lisa yelled. "Cheater." I scoffed as I return into human form and I saw Lisa flinched. "You really had the gut to have s*x with Naian in front of me." Lisa's head slowly turns behind her and when our eyes met, she gulped thickly. "B-babe, I don't know what are y-you talking about." "Oh please, you can't use that lame s**t to me, Nerd." "P-please, I'm begging you, I'm really sorry but I swear, I d-don't have plans cheating on you." "You just did." "I haven't — I mean, I'm just drunk, but I still won't cheat on you, you know how much I love you, right?" She started to tremble and I can hear giggles around us and for sure, the squad having a fun time seeing Lisa getting scared too much. "I'll do anything, just please. Don't kill me." My brow raised and looked at her, I open my mouth but I immediately shut it after, and the corner of my lips tilted upward. "Anything?" I asked and she nodded her head vigorously. "Anything!" My smile grew wider and shifts my gaze behind her. "Y'all heard that, right?" I asked. Lisa looked over her shoulder and she groaned upon seeing the squad. "Yeah." Charmaine said as she uncrossed her arms. "We'll take care of Ella." She said. Lisa snapped her head at me, her eyes is confused as f**k. "What are you going to do with our daughter?!" "I don't care about her." I shrugs and move toward her, I grabbed her hand and wrapped it around my neck and we jump high back to the castle. "Holy s**t, Jennie!" Lisa yelled and tightened her arms on my neck that I almost got choke. This b***h! "Lisa! You have hemophobia not acrophobia!" I hissed. "I know but we're too high! Don't drop me down!" I chuckled and stopped from the top of the tallest tree inside our kingdom, where you can see clearly the whole view of the castle. The place where Lisa and I and the whole squad living peacefully with our own family, where the place I would still choose over and over again from other places we had gone to. "Babe." I called her attention and Lisa stopped from trembling behind me. "I love you, you know that, right?" "Yeah, and I love you too." Lisa exhales. "I haven't seen the castle like this." She said as she removed her arms on my neck and she stood next to me, holding one bough to steady herself as the wind swinging the tree. "Are you happy?" I asked without looking at her. I can see in my periphery that Lisa looked at my face, even if I can't see her eyes, I know that it's full of love towards me. "I am, you and Nabi are my happiness." "Don't you really want a son?" I asked and I know that Lisa's mood will swayed because of the topic and I'm not wrong when Lisa released a lungful sigh. "Jen, we've talked about this." She breathe. "Yeah yeah, I know." I said to dismiss the topic and waved my hand. "Let's just go back." I said and when I looked at her, I smiled, though it's force and I know Lisa knew it was fake because her eyes went doleful. "Jen—." "I understand, Lis. You don't have to feel sorry." I said and I moved behind her and crawl on her back. "Let's go." I said and lick the back of her ear. "Jen.." She growled and I knew that I put heat in her body, the way her body twitched and shudder. "Let's go home, Malabon." I whispered and licked her ear once more. "I want you inside me." "Oh bet you do!" Lisa groan and she jumped off from the other tree and she move in vamp speed. I really love Lisa's hormone when it comes to me, just one seduction and she'll get all fired up. When we got into the castle, Lisa waste no time as she slammed the door and throw me in our bed and she started to remove all of her clothes and she growl. I nipped my lower lip between my teeth in anticipation. "Might want to remove those shits covering your body?" She asked coyly. "Take it off for me." I said and licked my bottom lip. Lisa's eyes darkened and she heaved a deep breath before she crawled into our bed and starts undressing my top, her eyes became more darker when she saw my red brassiere. "Oh God, Ruby Jane. You are such a bitch." "I'm your b***h, Malabon." "I know." Lisa grins and she started to remove my pants. "You're ready." "You think so?" I asked y'all innocently and Lisa chaffed. "Well, I always wearing these kind of lingerie." I shrugs. Lisa hover above me, she used her arms as a support for her body and she looked down, her eyes scanned my face, down to my body and shook her head. "I'm really lucky." "No, I am lucky. Imagine? Lisa Malabon fell in love with me?" It's not a lie, who would ask for a man if you have Lisa Malabon. "Awe babe, thank you but never forget that you are Jennie Kramer—." "I'm Jennie Kramer Malabon and that's that." I said to interrupt her and I swore, I saw how Lisa's eyes rounded even more and glisten with tears. My arms snaked around her neck and pulled her down, attaching our lips together. We kissed as if this is our first kiss— every kiss feels like the first time if your wife is Lisa Malabon. She moves gently, brushing our chapped lips, she lick my lower lip, asking for permission to entrance, I let her invade my mouth, coaxing my tongue to play with hers. Lisa never ceased to make my body to ask for more as her hands started to roam my body, touching every fiber of my being and sending electrifying shock on my body that adds to the heat building inside my lower abdomen. Her hot palms slid down to my back and unclasped my bra. "They're so perfect." She murmured when she tip back to stare at my well rounded breast. Good thing, Ella never ask for a f*****g milk in her vampire mother and Lisa is the only person who can taste my nips. But, Jilian told me n*****s are tasteless, then how would Lisa will suck them as if she could taste blood on my n*****s and she's so aggressive, just like now? She's sucking and nipping my n*****s, as if she's a hungry baby and begging for my milk to come out. Her other hand gliding around my stomach, tracing every corner of my toned abs. This is why I really love working out and fighting with enemies, Lisa loves my sexy body as much as she loves Ella, that f*****g b***h! "Who's b***h?" Lisa asked, making my eyes open and looked down at her. Did I voice it out? "Me, I'm your b***h, right Daddy?" I lied. There's no way in hell I would ruin this moment between us just because I called her precious daughter a b***h. "You sure have a dirty mouth, Ruby Jane." She said giggling. Oh God! She's so cute, but at the same time hot. "It's your time to do anything in me, didn't you told me that? I'm all yours, love." "And I'm yours, too." She said before bending over and spread my legs and she dive in, giving my slit a long stroke with her tongue. My back arched and I moaned in too much pleasure. Lisa licked my p***y like it was an ice cream, biting and sucking my already sensitive clit. Her tongue is enough to make me crazy, what more her d**k. "Yes babe, r-right there." I said that I could barely hear my own voice as I'm crossing between gasps and moans. My fingers digging at the back of her head, pushing her further in and with her hardened tongue, she start f*****g me. "Ooh f**k, I'm cumming babe." Lisa eats me, she eats like a pro, wait— how would I know if how a pro eat? Anyway, Lisa is the best. With one last stroke of her tongue, I reached the heaven— not those goddesses heavens— and I moaned sexily and Lisa hums, sending vibration on my p***y. She lapped all my c*m before she sat down and positioned herself in between of my hips. "Ready?" She asked while holding her d**k and put it in my entrance. "I'm always ready for you, love." "Damn.." Lisa hiss and without having a second thought, she thrust inside me, filling me in. My mouth formed in an O shape and my back arched as my head throw back, my eyes rolled at the back of my head and I came across strangle moans and gasps. Damn, she's really big and she never ceased to give me fulfillment. "You're still tight Ruby Jane." She groans as she started to pick up her pace and starts thrusting faster and deeper. "Of course, I pooped out Ella, she didn't came from my pussy." I said and Lisa abruptly stopped from f*****g me. "You what?" She laughed out. "Don't stop! I'm near!" I said in frustration, tugging my own hair. "You f*****g throw that puns in the middle of our s*x!" She said a little higher from her normal voice with cute giggles. "I know, I'm sorry." I said chuckling. I pulled her down and she let her body fell above me as she continue thrusting her big and veiny d**k inside me. Lisa didn't stop and I can feel my walls stretching as her d**k getting bigger and I know that she's about to reach her climax. I am too, can feel the climax and as much as possible, I need her to c*m inside me so we can have a new baby. Since Ella was born, Lisa been controlling herself and she's always pulling out her d**k and she'll c*m outside, which is I don't care at all, but since I need a son, there's no way in hell I would let her pull out her d**k this time. "Ruby Jane, I'm so close!" She groaned and I bit my lower lip to suppress my own thoughts and let the heat succumb me as I could feel that I'm near. "Babe, f-faster." I begs and Lisa obligingly did. She pulled away and used her arms to support her body and she f**k me harder and deeper. I could see veins in her neck and temple, her eyes became darker. "I'm c-cumming, Daddy!" "Yes! Come for me!" Lisa growled. "Cover my d**k with your cum." "I w-will— ooh f**k, Lisa!" I exhaled as my body trembled in too much pleasure and I explode all of my juices, Lisa didn't stop even if she knew I already came and I'm so anticipated if she'll c*m inside me. "I'm c-cumming Jen, aahh f**k!" She said and the smile make its way to my lips upon hearing that but suddenly replaced with frown when Lisa was about to retract herself. My legs clung behind her and locked her body. "J-jen." "No! c*m inside me!" I yelled but Lisa removed my legs around her as she pulled out her d**k but I'm not that easy to defeat and I throw my arms around her neck and moved my body down, chasing her d**k. Lisa groans frustratingly when she entered inside me and this time, I f**k her, a good f**k that I know she couldn't resist. "J-jennie." She called ad grabs my waist. "Get on fours, b***h!" She instruct and I did, I shuffled and bend my body. I waited for her to enter her d**k behind me but all I felt was a hot liquid on my ass which caused me to snapped my head, looking over my shoulder. "Lisa!" "You can't fool me, Jen." She grins as she crawled out of the bed. "No son." "Get the hell out of here before I could kill you!" I shouted as I turned around and throw her the pillow on my side. "Get out!" "Babe—." "Don't you dare to babe me! You f*****g moron!" I shouted, raging in too much disappointment. "I said get out!" "f**k! Fine, but may I get dress—." "No! Get out!" I repeat and jumped off of the bed, Lisa quickly ran towards the door and just before I could reach her, she slammed the door. "Don't ever show your face to me!" "I love you!" "I love you too but don't you ever come back here unless you want a son!" I yelled back and I heard her laughed from the other side of the door. "Here, go get dress. Naian is on her way." I heard a voice outside and if I'm not mistaken, it's Jongy. "How'd you know?" Lisa asked. "Been waiting here for ages, Charmaine told me to bring clothes and wait for you to come outside, she didn't told me that this will be the reason." I scoffed upon hearing Jongy and my feline eyes squinted. Charmaine knew that this will happen, girly always watching live porn in her mind. "Thank you. But I think we all need to go—." Lisa stopped from talking when I open the door abruptly and good thing, her reflexes are so quick and she covered Jongy's eyes. "What the f**k are you thinking, Ruby Jane?! You are naked!" "Oh." All I could say and immediately shut the door. I ran to the bed and grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my body and went back to the door. "Where the hell— Lisa?! Die in hell you motherfucker cheater!" "Jen, relax." "I'm your mom, how dare you to call me Jen?" I asked the kid standing on the corner, with her arms crossed and she's leaning on the wall. "Why are you here?!" "I'm your daughter, anyways. Dad went out for their job, aren't you aware?" "Is it time for her to leave? And without telling me nor bid a goodbye?" I asked incredulously and huffed a sigh of annoyance. I turned around and ready to close the door but the demon girl spoke behind, which caused me to stop. "Let's have a teamwork." She said and I couldn't help but to laughed dryly. Ella is telling me that we should have a teamwork. Ella, the demon little girl, really? I looked over my shoulder and when I saw how serious her face is, I turned around again. "Are you sick?" "No, I just want to get rid of you and get my dad's attention." I open my mouth in mocked surprise and just before I could utter a word she said. "You want a son, I will help you." Perhaps, this is the most ridiculous help I will ever get to someone, especially to Ella. And what's even more funnier is, what could she do? Hold her dad and prevent her to pull out until Lisa explode inside me? "Stop! That's gross!" She shrieked and I laughed loudly. "Whatever you are thinking, I know it's gross! Don't you dare to tell me." She said, shaking her head and pushed me on the side and she entered inside the room. "What you gon' do then?" I asked as I pad back and picks up the clothes scattered on the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed, arms still crossed. She got it from me, all of her attitude, she got it from me. She's my mini version. And I'm complaining. "Let's pretend that I will turn my attentions to you and let Dad to ask for a son so she could take me back from you." I stopped from moving and let her words sink in to me, but when it did, I burst out into loud laugh and I even clutch my stomach under tue blanket that's wrap on my body. "Mom! Stop laughing!" I paused and looked at her, then I laugh again. "She'll ask for a son so she could take you back?" I asked between my laughter and she nodded her head vigorously. "Oh my precious demon daughter." I exhaled as I'm trying to stop my laughter and sat next to her. "First, your dad will be so happy seeing you and me, being so close and she'll never ask for more." "But—." "Second, I don't need your attention, I need my wife attention and I want a son, who would love me because I'm her mom not because he just needed to." "So dramatic." She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. "I love you, you know that, and you love me too, I know that. And this situation that I'm stuck to was not my choice, I need Daddy's blood every now and then to keep me alive, do you think I love that idea?" "Yeah." "Stop! I just love the idea of being with dad 24/365 because I'm a Daddy's girl, but sucking her blood? I'm afraid that I might drain her and having a sibling might help me with my situation." She explained and I could sense sincerity for her Dad. Her eyes that's dolefully looking down in her lap telling me that she's started to get bother with her situation. I took a deep breath and exhales exasperatedly, I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head, her arms wrapped around my waist. "Ok then, let's help each other, but if your plan didn't work, you have to hold your dad until she c*m inside me—." "Mommy! Stop!" She yelled to interrupt me and I laughed again. "You're such a B word!" ________
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