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As the noisy brat left, Silas tried to comfort Natalie but got interrupted. Natalie chose to confess instead of lying, "What that young man said is true. I could be considered a dirty slut. I'll sleep with anyone who'll look my way. I'm not the pure and innocent teacher that you thought I was. I don't think I will ever live up to your expectations and become a good woman. So please, let's just call this one our last date." Before even turning to look at him, Natalie decided to leave after making the declaration, "See you later." "Wait," Silas tried to stop her. Natalie, however, wouldn't stop talking, "Before you ask me the reason behind all this or wonder how did I have the audacity to pull off something like this, let me tell you. It's probably because I was born a slut. I feel good

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