Chapter 2: Annoyed

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Chapter 2 Emma As we walk out of the school building, we're surrounded by paparazzi and journalists. What the hell? "John! How was your first day of school?" A journalist practically yells as a ton of paparazzi snaps photos of him. "Have you already made friends? Are these your new friends?" I feel how I become angrier and angrier. What rights do they have to do this at our high school? I can see that Carter feels uncomfortable. But he's used to this. I'm not and I'm not going to let this pass. "Leave us the hell alone, it's not our fault he started this school!" I hiss and drag Julia away from there. "It's not his fault that the journalists and paparazzi's follow him, Em", Julia says. "Whatever, he could've stayed homeschooled", I mutter. "Oh, be nice he's new", Julia says. "He might end up feeling hurt". "Oh yeah? What about all the girls he's hurt? I bet you he has hurt girls uncountable on our fingers", I say. "Together". "All celebrities aren't like that Emma", Julia says seriously. "Yeah Yeah", I say. "Kiss damn it!" I hear Lucas shout. "Luke stop nagging!" I say. "Not until I see a kiss!" Julia kisses him. "There", she says as she pulls away. I laugh. "Not with me in the kiss!" Lucas says frustrated. "Umm..." Carter is clearly confused. I'm not going to explain anything to him though. "See you guys tomorrow", I say, picking up my car keys from my bag. "I've got to pick up Ellie". "Yeah and tomorrow I want to see a kiss!" Lucas demands. "Don't count on it Luke", I say unlocking my car, stepping into it. I put my bag in the back seat. Turn on the car, and the radio explodes. "I'm so lucky lucky lucky, To haaaave youuu, So lucky lucky lucky, To haaaave youuu You're spinning me round, round, round and round, My whole world collapses when I'm not near you". Ugh, it's Carter. Why oh why? I change the channel and pull out from the parking spot. I see the others laughing outside so I know they heard what was on the radio. I pull down my window. I see Carter wink at me. "I can't help what they put on the radio now can I?" I hiss before I drive away from them, pulling up my window. They can be so annoying most of the time. I drive to the middle school. It's almost right beside the high school. Only five minutes to walk, but two minutes to drive. I don't mind picking up my little sister from school, even if I had to drive for one hour or more to pick her up, I would. She means everything to me. I pull up in the parking lot to the middle school. I see Ellie stand by the entrance, searching for my car. I stop and honk and she notices me. She starts running over to my green car. Her blond hair is flying around her as she runs. She opens the door and jumps into the passenger seat. "Hey Emma", she says. "Hello little chick, how was school", I ask. "Great, same as always", she shrugs as she pulls the belt over her. I start driving again. "How was your day?" She asks. "Annoying", I say. "Why?" Ellie asks. For a minute I think I shouldn't tell Ellie about my day. She loves Carter. She has a million posters of him up on her pink walls in her room. She always listens to his music. She's so starstruck about him. It's annoying but cute. I love her but I hate her music. "We got a new student in our homeroom, Lucas immediately wanted to be this nice guy and show him around, so I was stuck with him for the rest of the day, and he has every class I have", I say. "Which is super annoying since I don't like him all that much to be honest". "Who?" "John Carter", I say. The scream that comes out of Ellie's mouth actually makes it ring from my ears. People outside the car must have heard her scream, even though I'm driving it. "Woah Ellie calm down", I say. "Omgomgomgomg", she sings as she actually cries of happiness. My little sister is crazy. I drive up on the driveway outside our big house. We walk into the house. Ellie runs more than walks though. "MOM MOMMY!" Ellie roars as we enter the house. Mom comes running as she always does when Ellie yells after her. It's not like she would do that for me if I yelled after her. Ellie is the golden child. "What's wrong?" She asks. And so, Ellie starts talking to her excitedly as they walk into the kitchen. "How was school?" My stepfather Peter asks when I meet him by the stairs, on my way to my room. "I'm pretty sure Ellie will tell you in exactly ... Three... Two... One..." "PETER!" Ellie comes running up to us but I start walking up the stairs with a smile on my face. I do know my sister well. The rest of the evening I stay in my room. I love my little sister, but I've got no interest in listening to her babble on and on about Carter and how amazingly wonderful it would be to meet him. Since I really don't feel the same way as her. I don’t, and I’m not going to hide how I feel. When I go to sleep this evening, I'm actually a little annoyed with Ellie, because of the way she has been talking non stop about Carter. • When I wake up the next morning, I choose what clothes to wear and I settle for a pair of red short shorts, an orange crop top and a pair of yellow heels. I almost feel like fire, red-orange, and yellow, the three colors of the warm element. I brush through my hair, apply my makeup, take my bag, and walk downstairs. Peter is sitting on the couch in his robe, with a cup of coffee watching the news, just like every other morning. Mom and Ellie are in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and snatch an apple before walking to the living room. How is it interesting to watch this every morning? "Don't you ever get tired of the news?" I ask looking at the TV. "You'll understand one day Emma", he smiles. "The pop star John Carter finally decided to go to high school. The singer already found friends, but did he also find an enemy?" The woman says and shows a clip. "Leave us the hell alone, it's not our fault he started this school!" I see myself hiss at the camera, looking extremely annoyed and angry. I spit out the apple I have in my mouth and start coughing. Peters's mouth drops to the floor and he looks at me. I feel humiliated. "If I don't come home by the end of the school day, you'll probably find me at the police station, I have some killing to do", I yell angrily as I throw the apple into the wall and storm out of the house.
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