
1999 Words
René POV: We have been working our ass off the last 5 month to get the time to go have a vacation, Amelia had started to sit up by herself even though Silas had tried to teach her to crawl first, her golden eyes and pitch back hair was so lovely and that smile she would give me every time we walked into the room in the morning or after a nap was the best thing I had ever seen in my life. We had done multiple tests on Silas over these months and were getting more and more results back, Silas is an Omega by birth, and a Dominant at that. I was a dominant myself but based on the results I wasn't even half as dominant as he is. Silas has powers as well, sometimes he uses them but most of the time it is instinct based, he usually uses his pheromones when I am in danger or when Amelia is. But again it is instinct. We also found out that Amelia is an Omega as well, so the world now has 2 Omegas and even though the elders are against the insest of it all, they are still fond of the two Dominant Omegas walking around. Well one is walking and the other is trying to learn to crawl. So the insest case has been put to rest, the elders are looking for this ‘Daddy’ Ass who is somewhere, maybe. It had gotten to our attention that it was the myth hunters that had gotten their hands on Silas and tried selling him at an underground auction, but had failed hard. The case was still ongoing but our best investigators were trying to follow every lead we were getting. We had so many irons in the fire it was getting hard to tend to them all. So we had contacted Connors old pals from before he was in the pack officially and got them to work with us, they had split up and done quite a good job at helping us. and was getting far in every direction they were going. We had gotten to the point where work was slowing down because I was getting better at giving work instead of taking more on, and I am sure its because of the little angle that is helping me prioritize my life. I love Silas to bits but even him cannot get me to leave work at any minute, but he had found out that Amelia was my kryptonite and so when he thought I needed a break, to eat, sleep or naughty time he would come in with her in his arms and I would break for them without even finishing a sentence. He even threatened me that he would do this everyday with every meal if I did not get my work handled by others than me and Connor. So we did, Connor was in on it all, even if him and Del was not parents yet, they agreed that family was important and that it was around time for us to get the ball going and make connections and establish relations with the kingdoms people and for that to happen, I would have to get help or hire people to do the work I had taken on by myself. We had just put Amelia to bed after dinner, Silas and I were sitting in our bed, I was trying to get the last bit of work done and Silas was growing more and more annoyed. “Where are we going?” he asked as he placed his head on my lap, I could not see him, the papers in my hand were blocking my vision. “For the vacation?” I asked him back, and he hummed in response. “Del said she had found a nice place, a forest. It has a lake, a waterfall and everything really romantic. Connor and Del had said that they would take Amelia to go shopping so we could explore.” He was laying there not saying anything, I could feel he was not happy about something, but I was sure it was not about the trip considering he had wanted to go to the forest alot lately, saying he missed the smells and sounds of freedom, I could not for the life of me understand that part, he had told us how he lived and that was not freedom, but when he hinted that what we were doing was not freedom either, cooped up in this big building only working never shifting and never going for runs, he said and I quote “You are like a domesticated dog” I was done, Del, Connor and I was both flabbergasted at his comment, even Connor got angry but he changed back to acceptance in a few seconds agreeing it was time to go and have fun. It was Conor that had gotten the employees and had done the interviews. Not caring if they were half, whole, semi or anything to do with the mythical world. As long as they were able to do the job, they would be hired. My mind had strayed from its original path of finding out why Silas was moody, but all I had to do was look at him. While I had been working and thinking away, he had gotten naked, sat across my legs and was now stroking himself. Looking at his black eyes and his gasping mouth I realized that we had barely touched each other the last few days- “Silas” I said, as I layed down the papers on the table beside the bed. “No need to stop working” He said as he continued to look at me, I could smell his arousal and I could feel my knee getting more and more wet from his backside. My eyes started to blacken and I was now myself wet for him to take. “I would never” I said, as I sat up and buried my face in his large chest, smelling the sweat that had started to appear. He chuckled while still stroking himself. I grabbed his hand and forced it to the side of him, he looked wanting at me while his p***s was twitching and doing its best to touch anything that was me. I layed down grabbing his hips and ergin him to come closer. “f**k my mouth” I said, he was confused we had not done that before, I smiled knowing that Del had told me way to much about Connors weird kinks, thinking they were desterbing before but now, I wanted to try it. He slowly crawled closer, he stopped around my chest. I scooted down and now my shoulders were between his legs, his p***s right in front of my face. He was gasping and was now dripping with precum from excitement of what was going to happen next. I opened my mouth, and with my hands and arms bound by his large legs, I was not able to do anything else. He got the hint, pushed his p***s down a bit, his soft glossy glands hitting my tongue. “Do it how you like it” I said between my small sucking kisses that made him shudder, He angled himself better and now his member could make it farther and better down my throat. As I was sucking him off, him not moving his hips as I had hoped, I grabbed his ass and helped him get his movements going. It was not long before he was f*****g my mouth in a little to gentle way than I had hoped. To be honest I was hoping for him to go with his instincts and make a choking mess out of me, but I apparently had to push a little more. The liquid coming from his ass was sweet and I had only once done the fingering of him but I thought that this position was nothing if not inviting to do it, he was thrusting into me like he really wanted, and I for one wanted him to open up about his desires to me. I could always say no, I was still way stronger than him so if I was uncomfortable I could just put him on his back and take charge. As he pushed his p***s inside my mouth, I grabbed and kneaded his cheeks, I strategically moved my fingers closer and closer to his exit. My fingers are already wet, and my actions are making him move faster and harder. Letting go of his reluctance. When I got to the hole, I could feel him flinch and clench up his mussels. I spanked his cheek and he relaxed and bent more forward. “René” He moaned out, He was all the way down my throat I placed my finger at the opening, he was not able to pull out my mouth without my finger going in. “René” He said pleading not to know what he wanted, but I was waiting, at least I was able to breathe and that was a relief. He was stuck there for about 2 minutes before moving back and my finger sliding in his ass, I bent it so I would hit his prostate and as I did he was moaning out loud. His p***s popped out of my mouth. He fell to his back and was gasping. “René” He gasped. I sat up between his parted legs still with my finger in his ass, I grabbed his one knee and as I started fingering him and him gasping I kissed his knee. “I love how you respond to me” I said to him, him being a teary moaning mess from my finger, I added one more into him making him shutter and arching his back up. “This is not normal” He gasped out, I was confused as to what he meant. “What is not?” I asked, his p***s was begging for attention and I could see his balls were begging for release. I bent down and took him in my mouth again. “This, the man liking this with his woman” He said again in between gasps of pleasure. I Realized then and there that him being an Omega was his biggest insecurity. I released his p***s with a pop, slidin up his body, and looking into his eyes. “This body, mind and everything about you are made to fit me” I said, he was crying. “I don't care whether or not this is normal for others, this” I said as I plunged my fingers in and hit the right place, him screaming out in pleasure. “Is my biggest pleasure as your mate, someone made to fit you perfectly.” He pulled me toward him, my fingers sliding out because I could not reach anymore. I was hugged to his body, I could smell his pheromones and I knew I was a goner, before him giving totally into his Rut, I mind linked Del that they had to take care of Amelia, cause we were otherwise occupied. I got the Okay from Del, and as I did I was flung to the bed, my mate pushing my legs up so he could fit in between, his eyes blac and his smell was intoxicating, I could not say no to that smell. It was mine and mine alone. For a second I thought he was going down on me, but I was wrong he trailed his fingers over my still clothed body. Clothes that were now only scraps beside us. His powers of undressing me was amazing. one thought and I was naked for his pleasure. When the shield of clothing was gone, he placed his member at my already thrubbing entrance, “Mine” He said.
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