Getting sorted

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René pov As I was sitting on the couch trying to digest all of it, I heard whimpering from my bed, I don't even remember getting up, but here I was sitting beside my mate, he was whimpering, and turning to his side while bringing his knees as far up as he could with his swollen belly. “Im here love” I say as I stroke his head, his dirty hair and the bad smell bugged me but not enough to make him suffer alone. “I'm here” I cooed at him. He freezes and I can feel his heartbeat fasten. “You are safe” I sat by him, I kept stroking his hair. His heart was getting quicker and his breathing was too, so I knew he was awake but trying to act as if he was not. “I know you are awake, you must be confused” I smiled at him and tried my best not to smell intimidating, so I shut off my pheromones even though it was hard, just in case he could smell like a ware beast. By instinct I wanted my mate to smell who I am, but that had to wait until I knew his mental state. I sit there for a while, I can hear he wants to ask, his smells are all over the place, just as I'm about to ask him again, I feel someone trying to come through the mind link. King, dont push him Why? I just read that Omegas are prone to being shut-ins because of the stereotypes in the olden days, also they have a hard time trusting in general, and with what he has clearly been through, you need to give him time, but you also need to stay with him. I took a deep breath, slightly annoyed I was not used to not get things going when I knew there was a problem, if a problem arose I would just get it fixed and get on with it, but I have never met an Omega, hell I had hardly know anything of them, so going by what Del said I should probably just count to 10 or a 100 and let him figure it out himself. Got it Del, i'll just work from here the next few days then, you coming here to take care of him? I laid down beside him, spooning him from behind and tried to fall asleep, but it did not come to me, he fell asleep quickly, but I was just lying there trying to focus on the smell of my mate, instead of the smell of.. who the hell knows what he smelled like, it made me sick though, yesterday I had not realized he smelled so bad, this was really getting on my nerves.. Omega pov I could feel the warm body behind me, breathing in and out, nusteling into my neck and holding me tight between their arms. “You awake love?” The voice was light, and sounded like the sound of rustling leaves on the trees. While I was thinking about other things, the person stood up and squatted in front of my face, my eyes were open and felt refreshed, something that I had only felt once before. The eyes that were looking at me were a light sky color, like the sky on a warm summer day with no clouds on. “Good Morning” she smiled at me, not the angry smile, but a kind smile, I was intrigued by her, I sat up slowly, my hand went to her face without me even thinking that she would get angry, she closed her eyes and took in my touch, i glided my hand over her mouth, eyelids, forehead and into the warm flame hair. “We need to bathe” she said with a little edge in her voice, the word bathe got me out of my own little world, she was going to hurt me, like ‘Daddy’ I don't like baths, they hurt my lungs. I try to crawl back, and get rather far before the soft ground I'm on stops and a hole opens up. she catches me just as I'm about to fall. “There, there, I'll join you.” my eyes sprung towards her, she lifted me up in her arms and carried me out of the space we were in, my body relaxed but my head was scared. We went into a space where the sound was weird, the water came out from up the roof and then stopped, then it came from the pipe in the wall. She put me down on the cold chair, she smiled at me, it made me relax a little more she put her hand in the water. I could feel myself peeing when I looked down there was water under me too, I got scared and stood up, my legs gave in and she caught me, “You made a mess my love” she smiled and sighed, this was weird, why would i pee here? it had no smell and I could normally only pee on that specific spot furthest away from where I used to sleep. René pov When I put him on the toilet I didn't really think about the seat being down, he peed himself and apparently got scared for some reason, having him against me, was a nice feeling, the proximity made my heart flutter, the baby kicked my ribs, even knowing it wasn't mine by blood I still loved the baby, it was alive and well. He was screaming in my arms and actually pissing me off. I ripped the cloth of my mate and put him in the bath. He froze as soon as he was in the water, I stripped and got behind him. I started counting but didn't get very far. He started shaking and sweating all over. The dirt on him was almost part of his skin now, so a good soak would hopefully do wonders. I took the loofa and pushed the neutral shower gel all over it, the foam was going everywhere on my hands, he was still stiff as a board, “Relax i'm just cleaning you” I had hardly said that when he dived underwater with his face, first i thought he just wanted to scrub his face, but he was staying there to long, I had to pull him by force, so much force that when he came up he ended up lying on me with his back on my chest, I had to hold him in place for him to relax “Deep breaths love,” a few minutes went by with him where he was breathing heavy. “Why did you do that?” I tried not to sound angry, trying to focus on counting some more, but it was hard as hell. “n-n-n-eed w-w-wash” his speech was weird, like he was trying to remember the word rather than just saying it. I took a deep breath, and as I was washing him I talked him through everything I did, soap, loofa, more soap. The whole ordeal, it took around 2 hours and a lot of struggling to keep his face above water before we were done. King, I'm ready for the Queen's physical. Yea, we will need some clothing. Got you covered, Connor is here with some of his clothes, they may be too big, but the length should be good. While linking with Del, I was drying off my mate, god he was hot, even with the bony structure and no meat on him, I could see the features of my mate, my geagues mate, just waiting to come forward. the golden eyes, so full of confusion and intrigue. With a hint of innocence. Connors arm came into the bathroom, I took the clothing in his hands and helped my cute mate into it. Not really fond of the smell of another person on my mate, but Connors was better than some other male. Hell, some other person. I redressed and we went into the living room, Del had plastered the whole thing with medical gear, my mate stiffened, I could smell the fear for what was going to come next, so could Del, and Connor. My mate slumped to the ground, I picked him up and carried him to the couch. I placed him between my legs and held him reassuringly to myself as Del went to him. “Greetings my queen. Im Deleyla Hellfire, I'm a Doctor and the mate of the Beta over there. I'll be checking to see if you and your pup are doing okay” she smiled at him and he flinched, a few minutes went by when he turned and looked at me. I was holding my arms around him and both his hands in mine, they were big but slim. “You are fine love” I said as I kissed his shoulder. He looked towards Del again and she started showing him different tools she would use to check him. Most of the tools she showed on Connor first before using them on him. Then at some point we made it to the scanner. “This my Queen, is to see inside your belly and look at the baby.” she smiled again. I laid us both down, me still behind him. His head was on my chest, I could feel him relaxing into my breast, the first time ever I had been happy that I had huge breasts. I pulled the hoodie he was wearing up over his swollen stomach, so that Del could use the ultrasound. “This is cold liquid” she said and held up a tube. “Would you like to try it on your hands first?” he looked intrigued at first, after looking up at me he then held out his hand. She squeezed a small amount of liquid into his hand. He shuttered a bit before opening and closing his hand, like a small toddler getting mud in their hands for the first time. After a while he started touching it with his fingers from the other hand. “Can I put it on your belly my Queen?” He just looked at her. She looked at me confused and I nodded, we needed to see the child. She squeezed the gel out onto his stomach, he flinched shortly but then relaxed again. She placed the ultrasound onto him while explaining the things it did. After a good 10 minutes of her looking at a screen and mumbling to herself. She smiled and turned the screen towards us, on it was the most beautiful little blob. “This here is your child my Queen and King '' she smiled and my mate looked up at me with his golden eyes confused. I kissed the top of his head and smiled. He then looked at the screen and a tear flowed down his cheek. I brushed it off and he tried touching the screen. Del started telling me that the child did not have anything to worry about, in around 1 month the child would be born, and it might be necessary to do a C-section but other than that everything would be fine. “h-h-hear?” His voice was small and I almost missed it while talking to Del, but Connor had heard and went to our side. “You want to hear the baby?” he asked and my mate just kept looking at the screen. “p-pup?” he asked and Connor smiled, “Yes, this here” he said and pointed at the screen “Is in here” And pointed at his belly. He looked down, that is when Del turned up the volume and we could hear the heartbeat. Mate forze and his ears twitched a bit. We sat there for a long time just listening to the heart beating, before he fell asleep. Del wiped the jelly on his stomach and Connor helped me with carrying him to the bedroom. “My King” Connor said when coming out of the bedroom, he sat beside his mate that had collected all her stuff. She stood up and went into the room to put in an IV so he could get some nutrition. “King, I would like to put a feeding tube through his nose,” I nodded. I knew he had to eat at some point but he would also need nutrition now, and fast if he was to go through childbirth in a month, I was not going to lose him. Del came back, “King, I would like to get some of your blood so we can give him some, your bond will get stronger and he will heal much faster” I just smiled at her and pulled up my sleeve. “So what is the plan going forward?” Connor was already loyal as could be towards my mate, he was keeping his concentration on my mate, and I found that I could relax a bit more knowing he would protect him. Connor was my Beta, his blood was that of a Beta, but he had been packless from birth, and is my best tracker. “King '' Del pulled out the needle and took the blood pack to my mate. She came shortly after and we started talking about the knowledge she had gained from the Elders notes. After the talk, I went into the bedroom and laid behind my mate, I took in deep breaths and hugged him tight into me. He did not smell anymore, only slightly it was bearable, I was going to get him into the shower tomorrow and wash his body. The bag with blood was empty and my big mate had finally some color not just on his cheek, but his ears had started to show some red too. “You know, you are safe now, both of you. I'll keep you safe, I'll love and cherish you for the rest of your life. You are going to be okay now, my love.” I said before falling asleep. The best sleep with a dream of me, mate and our pup going to a ball.
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