Chapter 2

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Amanda POV Flashback.. “Look, I didn’t plan to get into a complicated situation.” I hissed at him, he just keeps on staring at me as if reading what’s on my mind.   “Are you even listening to me?” I said irritated.   “So you take me to the dance floor just so you could scold me? For you to know, I’m older than you for you to act as my mother.” He said that adds fuel to my anger that I’m trying to control.   “I dance with you because it’s the only way I know that I could talk to you without giving any malice by anyone attending this party.”  I said through gritted teeth.   As if the heaven is joking at me, suddenly a romantic music is being played and he pulls me closer to him. We were so close that I could already feel his heartbeat and for sure he could feel mine as well. His hands make its way on my back and hug me so tight, he rest his head on the crook of my neck. I begin to breathe hard and shiver as I felt his breath fanning at my nape, then we begin to slow dance.   “I know a place where we could talk without others watching us.” He whisper in my ears.   “Whe- where?” I stuttered when I felt him placing wet kisses on my neck.   “Come with me.” He said and pulled me out of the crowd and through the hall exits.   “Where are we going?” I asked trying not to fall as I’m catching up with his long strides.   “To my room, I’m staying here for a moment.” He answered.   “Are you crazy? What would other think of me if they found out that I went to your room?” I said, trying to remove my hand from his grip.   As we reach his room, he hurriedly push me inside and claim my lips. He expertly kiss me that makes me moan, as I enjoy his taste. I couldn’t even remember how we got in his bed until I felt the soft mattress at my back.   “Your lips always makes me wonder how the rest of your body would taste like.” He said through kisses.   I couldn’t think straight at the moment. I know, the moment that I surrender to him then I’ll be added to the lists of women he bedded. But how could I avoid him if my own body is betraying me and my mind seems like being hypnotized by him. In a moment, all I could think of is his burning touches, his sweet lips, his passionate kisses and the wonderful sensation he is giving me. I didn’t know what makes me agree to him, I just found myself tilting my head to give him more access to kiss me.   All things went so fast and now it’s like a bucket of cold water wakes me from the dream I’ve been in a while ago. Did I regret? A part of me said yes but the other half part of me said no. I got suddenly confused of myself. Why did I let everything happen?   “You’re a virgin.” He said that makes me remember that I’m still in his room.   “Of course, I am. Why? Are you afraid that I might become so clingy after this night? You don’t need to worry, it’ll be just like the other one night stand you’ve done with the others.” I said bravely. I hurriedly went off the bed but then a strong grip from behind stops me.   “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked me with a hint of anger on his voice.   “I need to pee, I’m not taking a pill and we just had an unsafe s*x. What if I got pregnant?” I said as I yank my hand from his grip. He then release me and show me the way to his bathroom.   Once I finished fixing myself I started to pick my discarded clothes and about to leave when he hold me from behind and make me face him.   “Don’t leave. Stay here please.” He said through pleading eyes.   “Isn’t it how a one night stand goes? One should leave and you both forget the things and leave the rest behind.” I said, not minding how sharp my words could be.   He looked pissed at the moment but then still manage to act cool. He gave his brightest smile and lean to place a kiss on my lips. I was shocked but didn’t make it look obvious. Then he took his phone from the side table and take a picture of us together.   “What was that for?” I asked him confused.   “I just want to have a picture of us together. By the way, let me know your number.” He said, motioning me to get his phone for me to save my number.   “No need. We’ll never cross paths again.” I said and slip into my shoes, ready to leave his room. I hear him sigh and place his phone on top of his bed.   “Wait for me, I’ll come with you.” He said and hurriedly wear his clothes. Once we reach the hall, he yank me and hug me one last time.   “If ever I impregnate you, please don’t hesitate to inform me. Okay?” He said and I just nodded. He gave me one last kiss that night and we begin to walk separate halls. Present time A knock from my office door set me back to my present time. " Come in." I said when I saw my assistant peeking at my door. "Maám I just want to inform you about the time, you have a flight tonight remember? And it's already 5 in the afternoon." She said reminding me. "Yeah, I'm about to leave actually."I replied and starts to fix my things. I actually forgot to check the time, good thing that I have a reliable assistant who always help me remember things. Soon I finished to tidy my desk I gave my assistant my last minute thing to discuss and then I set to go and leave my office. "This is it." I said to myself once I'm inside my car. I'm excited to see my best friend and at the same time  worried that I have to meet someone I thought I won't able  to see in person again.
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