Leonide Versus Darius part 2

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I made my stance with my left fist at my side while my right foot is stepping forward and placing my right hand forward. "RYAAAAAGHH!!!" screamed Darius before dashing in an explosive speed. "Fist of Five:" Darius got punched in the face before I even moved. He got pounded into the metal ground that it got crumpled and was blasted away. "PHANTOM PUNCH!!!" I punched in the air and stopped where my future selves punched Darius. This is my secret technique. Using my future selves to punch first before me. Although it's Fist of Five, the strength of it is equivalent to Four, because my present self didn't contribute. - * Mila and Aurelia had their jaws dropped when they saw what happened. He knocked Darius away without touching him. "What just happened?!!!" asked Aurelia while having her face sticking against the glass panels. "He used his Dimensional Touch to punch earlier than him!" exclaimed Mila. "Wow! That's awesome! It's like a long-range future punch or somethin'?" Aurelia jumped up and down in excitement. "Man, I envy Leonie! I want to do that too!!!" Juliet is also surprised but her face doesn't show. "He looks very tired," she said while Mila and Aurelia looked at Leo as he crawled on the ground with his hands. "Get up, you fool!" raged Mila when she saw Darius already standing on his own two feet but looking confused as everybody in the stadium. "Did he just used his power as a god?" asked a random guy among the crowd. "Why did Darius got knocked away before that kid threw a punch?" The commentator had his lips half-open in confusion. A man from his earpiece talked to him: "That was not his Prime Power. Everything is good." "Then what was that?" he asked. "Just tell the crowd that it's good." "Okay, folks!" he said on the mic. "That wasn't his Prime Power, so everything is alright!" * - "Damn you, Leonide," growled Darius while I feel I am running out of breath. "What was that?" I can't help but smile that it got him all confused. I stood straight and said, "You thought that I didn't come up with new techniques? You're dead wrong, Darius." "Who cares?!!" He pointed at me. "You're not the only one who has new techniques!" He pulled his fist and said, "Flying Punch: SONIC STRIKE!!!" And it's as if a bomb exploded in front of me. A sudden force of air hit my body and I got knocked down. I regained consciousness and I sat up. What was that? He is far away from me! Does he know Dimensional Touch? No, if it was, it wouldn't feel like an explosion of air. What exactly did he do? Then he suddenly got tired and had his hands on his knees. My body feels painful. I can't move much as I stood up. What was that? I looked at the audience, and they are paying close attention to us. And here we are looking like no one is gonna win this. "Let's end this now, Darius!" I yelled. "I will spend all of my remaining strength to end this!" He answered with a scream: "YAAAAARGHH!!!" and a lot of his blood spewed out of his wounds like a water bottle riddled with holes. I can sense his strength getting stronger! "AAAAAAARRGH!!!" I screamed as I used my remaining strength and Will to use my DT for a long period of time and all the while using the Demigod Mode. We charged at blinding speeds. Our fists met with a loud blast. Then it is an all-out barrage of punches and combos that I relied on my instincts. I punched him several times but didn't hurt him because he is using Sword Breaking with his whole body. He punched and kicked me several times too, but my DT protects me along with my enhanced strength. Then it naturally led me to kick him with full force but he blocked it with his arms. The metal on his bare feet got ripped like tin can as he anchored on it. Then in an instant, he immediately punched me in the face and my head hit the ground like a meteorite that I went two feet below it. I quickly sprang up and attacked him. I launched a right jab and he answered with his left punch on my face and I dodged his right hook by ducking and leaning to the left and with my left fist, I punched him at his ear. He violently hit me with his right elbow and my swelling eyebrow instantly bled. I used the momentum to spin and kick him at the chest. He grabbed my leg after the impact was absorbed, then I spun another time to kick him with my free foot. He got knocked back but stable on his own two feet. I got kicked by him before I even touched the ground. I got blasted away, but I instantly regained balance and landed. He already got an incoming power punch with his right fist. I got hit at the face but I stood on my ground to not get knocked away from the ring. The metal ground below me gave out. It got torn apart as I forcefully anchored myself until my motion stopped before the edge of the ring. He dashed in a blinding speed again but I hit him with my right knee. He absorbed the blow by spinning as he got knocked back to land upright. I charged to get him back for the pain he gave me! I missed my left roundhouse kick as he stepped back, then I used the momentum to spin clockwise and did a tornado kick that hit him when he tried to catch me off-guard. He absorbed it with his stomach and gave me an overhand punch at the top of my head. I punched his body with my right fist, and he answered with an elbow to my chest. I coughed blood with anger as I elbowed his chest stronger than he did. Then he spun me around and rear choked me with his arm. I kept my chin down so he failed to get to my throat. He started to give more strength to the lock and I feel my jaw getting pushed painfully. I elbowed him very hard at his chest. He loosened his grip and I grabbed his elbow as I backflipped. And I instantly did an armbar on him before my back fell down the floor. He's not gonna give up, so I broke his left arm. Then he kicked me in the chest just like how Philip did against him. My body got stuck in between the crumpling metals as he stood up. He prepared his right fist to finish me but I used My other-selves' heads to block the incoming blow. It was not enough for a block but it weakened the force. My vision got a little darker after I took the hit. Then I forcefully got out from being stuck and punched him hard and made time for me to stand up. I stood up while he already launched a roundhouse kick to my left body. Instead of blocking it, I absorbed it, endured the pain, grabbed his leg, and punched him at the face multiple times with my right fist before a finishing powerful blow that blasted him away. It was not enough to knock him out! He ran towards me and punched with his right hand, I dodged it but he instantly maneuvered his elbow and hit my right ear then an uppercut to my body. I flew upwards and he said, "Flying Punch:" So I prepared, "Leg of Five:" "SONIC STRIKE!!!" "PHANTOM KICK!!!" The force of air hit my right arm when I tried to block it but it got through and hit my face that made me spin. I almost lost consciousness but I focused and kicked in the air before crashing down the ring. My right arm is broken. I instantly sat up and I saw him getting knocked away at a distance. I stood up and realized that my body can't take this anymore longer. TIME TO END THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed "FIST OF SIX!!!" as I prepared my left fist. He screamed "BLOOD RAGE!!!" as he prepared his right fist. - * This is what happened in less than a second: Leonide and Darius kicked on the metal ground to launch themselves at ridiculously fast speeds towards each other. They created a back thrust that exploded debris and high-speed air behind them. They dashed towards each other crying "KING'S WRATH!!!" and "ALPHA'S WRATH!!!" Their fists clashed against each other. The impact sounded like a single thundercrack. The ring they are standing on got destroyed as if a meteorite struck on it. The spectators near the ring were blown away from their seats by the strong air. The people a little farther away from the ring felt their faces are going to be removed from their heads. The shockwave destroyed every glass panels inside the stadium including the glass panels on the young deities' luxury box. Aurelia closed her eyes as the glass got broken into pieces at her face. Mila, Juliet, and Hyeon did the same. Then the whole stadium panicked as the ground shook and the smoke cloud formed on the ring. The roof of the stadium trembled for a second. Everything is in chaos until everything became quiet. Nobody knows what happened to the two warriors. "Woah!" reacted Aurelia after opening her eyes. "That was awesome!" Mila can't see anything through the smoke so stood up from her seat and looked over the broken glass panels. She frowned and gritted her teeth in anxiousness while Juliet smirked in amusement. "These guys aren't normal kids after all," she commented. "One of them could potentially become the next Enzo." Mila hated it, but she thinks so too. She just focused to sense Leo. Then she settled down back to her seat and rests her head on her hand while frowning and gritting her teeth. Aurelia got hyped and made bursts of electricity around her but didn't hurt the deities near her. The smoke cleared up and they see the two boys lying with their faces on the ground. They are surrounded by the crater they made on the metal ring. The count started for both of them. * - "One!" I hear the count.... "Two!" I must stand up or I will lose..... "Three!" I can't move my body..... "Four!" Both of my arms are broken.... "Five!" I have to do this!!! "Six!" I pulled my knees to my chest. "Seven!" "ARGHHHH!!!" I screamed as I did an effort to get me in a sitting position. It was hard! "Eight!" And I screamed once more as I made my right foot push against the rough ground. "Nine!" I screamed in triumph after I was able to stand up on my own two feet. I can't take a step or I will collapse. Darius also managed to stand up. He growled his every breath as he looked fiercely at me. Both of his arms are broken like me, and he looks very tired like me. My legs are giving up! Argh! I sipped the last remaining energy of my body to make myself stand up or I will lose! Darius screamed, "AAAAARRGH!!!" He's struggling to stay standing up too! I will not loose! My head is getting dizzy! I'm getting unscon- NOOOOOO...!! Stay with me, brain!!! "AAAAAARGH!!!" - * The stadium echoed with the screams of the two boys as they competed against each other on who's gonna stay standing for far more longer. The chill ran along the skins of the audience after they heard their screams. They all stood up to see clearly. "Who's gonna win?", "Who's gonna fall on the ground?", and "Who's gonna be the champion?" - are the questions running inside the minds of the people who are witnessing such a spectacle of the pure-hearted braveness of the two young warriors of different races. Some swallowed as their eyes got watery without reason. They didn't know who to cheer on, so they screamed with them: "AAAAAAARRGH!!!!" "What kind of fight is this?!!!" "I wish one of them was my son!" "I can't stop my tears!" "They are true men!" "WHY AM I SCREAMING?!!!!!" "Leo!" yelled Philip and Sander. "Leo!" cried Hera. "Son!" screamed Leo's dad. Leo's mom gasped while tears gushed out from her eyes and her husband pulled her and Hera to his embrace. "OUR LEO WILL NOT LOSE!!!" he screamed. "Leo! Leo! Leo!" "Leo! Leo! Leo!" cheered Hera while sobbing. "Leo.... Leo! Leo!" joined her mom. "Leonide!" yelled Mila. "Leonardo!" yelled Aurelia. "Why are you crying, Hyeon?" asked Juliet. "I don't know, my lady, " he answered while wiping his tears. "I'M GONNA BE THE KING OF OLYMPUS!!!!" screamed Leo. And Darius screamed: "WELL, I'M GONNA SURPASS EVERY KING OF OLYMPUS!!!" "YAAAAARGHH!!!!!!" screamed both of them. Then.... One of them fell on his face. * -
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