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- * Hiroki lied down sideways on his straw bed, looking at the shaking curtain made out of straws as the storm outside raged on early in the morning. The curtain made a whistling and rustling sound as it stops the sandy wind from entering. He has a bad taste in his mouth after taking a medicine that was given to him. He smells the desert everywhere in this small room in which there is no other person around but him. He constantly touches his forearms to shake off the fine sand that sticks on them. Then he has his right leg covered by a cast to stop it from moving. He felt relaxed as they waited for the storm to pass. Then the door opened and came in Jack. He brought food on a plate and water in a cup. Hiroki sat up slowly as he received and put them on his lap. "How is Jasper?" he asked Jack. "He's still out." "Oh..." "But he's fine - said the doctor." "That's good to hear," he nodded and Jack nodded before turning around to leave. "By the way," said Hiroki and he stopped walking. "how is Lady Sayuri?" "She's fine and is always as she is." "Thank you," he said and Jack nodded then finally left the room. Then he felt the longing to see the face of his goddess again because he has been here for a whole day since yesterday. Meanwhile, Sayuri is asleep as she sits on a stool and hugs her sword in the corner of the (supposedly) waiting room of this shaggy local clinic of the village they found. It is owned by a foreigner that came here to help the people. Jack noticed that the blanket she covered herself with has slipped slightly so he adjusted it to cover her whole body except her face. It is a cold morning in the desert and he's a bit concerned about her health but knowing that she is a goddess, it makes him feel more assured. She is breathing gently and relaxed, knowing that she has comrades to protect her. She didn't even notice that he did her a favor even though her senses are very sharp. "These young people got you worried," said the doctor behind him. "didn't they, Mr. Jack?" Jack turned around in surprise as he asks, "How did you know-" "Oh, everybody that comes from North Columba - which I am from, knows your name." "Oh, right...," he said scratching his nose with his finger. "But don't worry, I won't tell a soul about you or your companions. I am just here interested in helping our brothers and sisters of the desert." He went to his desk that is at the other corner and pulled a drawer full of medicine. "It's quite an honor to meet you actually, and to meet two deities in a single day." The doctor wears a clean but stained lab gown and wears round spectacles. He is middle-aged but his smile makes him look younger like he is the same age as Jack. "So, how is Arrius?" asked Jack while standing before the desk with a concerned tone. "He's gonna be fine, very fine actually. And the ankle of your goddess is fine too. After all, humans, demigods, and gods have the same body structure but gods and demigods only differ in a way that their flesh is bound with Olympian Strength." "Thank you, and we will repay you when we-" "Oh, my goodness, you don't have to. Seeing everybody around me healthy is a reward in itself." "Thank you," bowed Jack. "You are welcome," smiled the doctor as he nodded. "JACKSON!!!" screamed someone behind the door. "Arrius?" exclaimed Jack as he entered the room where he is kept. He saw Jasper lying sideways and tries to lay down prone. "My butt cheeks sting!" he cried in pain. It is that way after the Judgement Tree grabbed a hold of his tail as a dragon but the wound came to his butt (now covered with bandages) after transforming back to himself. His right hand is also covered in bandages. "Where are we?" "In a clinic in a village we found two days ago. I'm glad you're fine." "No, I'm not fine! Can't you see I am suffering from my itching butt? I am not fine, Jackson!" Jack laughed and Jasper laughed too but he stopped when he saw Sayuri at the door. "Good morning, my lady!" he greeted her and she just nodded and went back to her place. Then there was silence between the two after she surprised both of them until "Thank goodness!" exclaimed the doctor. "Glad to see you're okay, my lord!" "Wait," said Jasper. "How did he know that I am... Oh, right... you must be a doctor." "Correct!" he cheerfully confirmed while putting the bottles of medicine on a table beside the bed of Jasper. "Alright, doctor..." "Allen." "-Doctor Allen, will my pair of butt cheeks gonna be fine?" "Yes, of course, my lord. I already prevented infection and put some remedies that could lessen its scarring." "Nah... I wish it wouldn't scar at all! Not even a little. After all, this is a butt that any lady would die for. If it scars, my s*x appeal would be diminished." "I am sure that ladies don't usually judge the appeal of men through their butts," said Allen while sitting on a stool right next to Jasper's bed. "Now, tell me if you feel pain somewhere or something other-" "Other than the pain on my butt? Yes, actually it is my heart that is aching. It aches from the anxiety of losing the flawlessness of my butt." "Oh, I guess you're fine," said Allen as he stood up. "Just be kind not to touch it so that it won't get infected. I'll go see the other patients if you don't mind, my lord." "Okay, but... 'butt' I'm not fine." Allen smiled as he nodded and went out of the room. He nodded at Sayuri when he saw her and she nodded back. That leaves Jack and Jasper to talk to each other after a long wait. "Where's Hiroki?" asked Jasper. Then someone knocked twice against the wall to his left and said, "I'm here!" "Oh! I'm glad you're fine 'butt' I'm not." "It's just a problem in the butt. You can cover it with pants." "You wouldn't understand, Hiroki. Women who like n***d man butts are the best ones out there." "Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't understand, and if not because of your injured butt, Lady Sayuri would've hit you minutes ago." "What? No...., she can't hear-" He looked at the door and she's there. "Oh, good morning again, my lady! We're just talking about why the Ra Continent is a desert!" Then Hiroki spoke, "Or why your butt is a desert." Then he laughed. "Not funny, Hiroki," he said while frowning and Jack laughed too. He cleared his throat and said, "Hiroki, come here with us because I have something to tell everyone. Seriously, about why the Ra Continent is a desert and not about my butt!" "Okay...," laughed Hiroki. Then Jack went to his room to help him stand using crutches and made him sit on a chair in Jasper's room as they formed a circle. "It's nice to see you again, my lady," said Hiroki to her, and she didn't respond. It is after drinking a cup of water that Jasper spoke with a surprisingly serious tone. "I read this journal," He held it up for everybody to see. "it talked about how suddenly they faced famine because the Judgement Trees annihilated the life on this continent even before Olympus deprived it of water. Then there was a battle between the gods and the titans again. They couldn't allow the trees to reach the ocean or else they will dry it up, become stronger, and the world will be destroyed. The gods won of course and instead of killing them, they just buried them not deep enough in the ground as a punishment for the Ra Clan when the Olympians discovered that they're the ones who created the titans as weapons that would enable them to take over as the Supreme Clan. They made them out of the bones of the other titans and the heart of the Goddess of Trees. Then the power of Trees has been lost forever. Ever since they did that, there have been no Gods or Goddesses of Trees that have been reincarnated." "So," said Hiroki. "Olympus has a justifiable reason for keeping the Ra Continent a desert after all." "Not that justifiable. They could have buried the Titans deep in the Depths of Tartarus where water is the most scarce so that the whole world will be safe. The Clans must have known the truth about this, except the majority of people. Olympus did it as a warning for other clans to not tamper with the Prime Powers of gods. That loss of the power of Trees isn't the only one but there are other powers that have been lost too and it is a complete waste for the forces of the Realm." "Olympus did it as to display their power over the Realm," said Jack. "Could be, considering that they want the Realm to be stable and slightly because of hunger for power." "And because of the Code?" asked Hiroki. "You got a point but I think not. The Code is formed a hundred and fifty years ago and the Ra Continent got punished thousands of years ago." "What else have you discovered from that journal?" "I guess that's all of it. The rest is just personal information that I find a little interesting. He talked about how wonderful his life was with his eight wives and how he satisfy-" Sayuri frowned at him. "Nevermind..." Then she left the room and Jasper sighed in relief. "You never learn, do you?" asked Hiroki. "I can't help it. My mind is faster than I can talk so I don't have time to think about the appropriateness of what I speak." Hiroki just shook his head while smiling while Jack peeped at the window as the storm outside rages on. "Did the Goddess of the Sand created this storm?" he asked. "I think no," answered Jasper. "She would stop it if she could because it is not good for the people. And this village is quite far from the Ra City where she stays so, it's not of her doing." Then an hour later, the storm has passed. Sayuri went to venture around the village. Unlike the village of Mustafa, this village seemed to be a little lively. They have a hand pump that anybody can use to get water for their daily needs. There are also a lot of livestock and an abundance of hay for them. She walked on the freshly formed sand after the storm and made footprints as she went to the group of five children. The four waited for a boy that tried to climb the tree to reach the dates. She went to them and they got scared because she is frowning as she always does. They walked away as she picked the dates from the tree. She followed behind them while showing the dates but they kept walking. "Hey," whispered a boy to his friend. "What's with that lady?" "I don't know." "Why is she following us?" "I don't know. But do you see her sword? Maybe she wants to cut our heads off!" "Run!" "Argh!!!" they adorably cried as they ran away and Sayuri stopped walking. The dates are still on her hands. She just looked at them until she was startled by a little girl behind her. She wore traditional Raan clothing and a head covering. She smiled as the sun made her teeth shine while she looked at the goddess's eyes. "You're pretty," said the little girl smiling, looking at the side, and playing with the sand with her foot. Sayuri knelt and showed her the dates. The little girl grabbed a handful - four dates to be precise because of her small hands. The five boys were leaning from the corner of a house as they watched the goddess giving the little girl the dates. "Hey," said a boy. "is that Anfisa?" "What is she doing?" "She's eating it! It might be poisoned!" "Woah!" exclaimed a boy when his grip on the wall slipped and he stumbled forward. Then Sayuri noticed them. She approached them but they are so cautious that they didn't move. She helped the boy to stand up by grabbing him under his armpits and patted his clothes to remove the dust. Then she gave him a handful of dates. "Thank you, lady," said the boy that doesn't even know that she is a goddess. She just nodded and then he asks, "Is that a real sword?" while pointing at it. She nodded and allowed him to touch only its sheath. The boy marveled at the fine patterns of metal works. The other boys went closer to look at it too. "Cool!" exclaimed one of them. "Are you a warrior, lady?" She nodded. "Wow! I've never seen a warrior lady before!" "Can you teach us how to fight?" The words echoed in her mind as she remembered something. "Can you teach me how to fight?" "Can you teach me how to fight, big-sister?" said a little girl in her mind coming from a memory that she wished to forget. * -
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