Battle in the Desert

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- * "Get down!" cried Jack as a jet engine roared in the sky. He made Jasper kneel and pulled Hiroki from his camel. Sayuri hid behind a huge boulder with the camel. Five fighter jets flew above the clouds in formation toward the east. Hiroki cried "Ouch!" after feeling the pain from his right leg after Jack made him sit on the hard rocky ground. "Shh!" hushed Jack while Jasper behind him, crawled on the ground to talk to him. "What's going on, Jack?" he asked. He just replied with a finger on his lips as they heard static from Jack's radio. "Sector H, report," said a man from the radio. "Clear," answered a soldier. "Sector C, report." "Clear." Then Hiroki asks, "What's that?" "A communication from the forces of Olympus," answered Jack. "Based on their calm communication, it seems that they haven't spotted us yet." "How about the flying trinkets earlier?" asked Jasper. "They can see us from the sky in the n***d eye." "My guess is that they weren't reconnaissance teams and they aren't interested in checking the perimeter of the surrounding oil rigs. We could easily slip by going around it but we need to keep a distance, as well as protection from the sky because they have technology that can detect Olympian Strength like the one I have." "It's okay," said Sayuri behind the rock. She is leaning on it while holding the rope of the camel and closing her eyes. Then Jasper smirked and Jack got a face of awe so Hiroki got confused. "What is it?" asked Hiroki. "Our lady is awesome," said Jasper. Jack answered in a marveled manner, "She hid their Olympian Stre- no..., uh.... she completely hid our presence!" "What?" asked Hiroki then he stammers, "Why-I don't...." Jasper stood up while patting his clothes to remove the sand as he says, "It means we cannot be tracked nor detected by means of trinkets and sensory powers like telescope thingies. We just have to hide from direct sight and we will be completely invisible. This is just like how that God of Pigs concealed himself from my tracking ability. We go to the south, in between the dunes but we have to be careful though." "Yeah," added Jack. "There are patrols along this rocky plateau too." "So," said Hiroki. "everyone's okay if we go the long way by going around?" He sat up and looked at the boulder which Sayuri is behind. They can only see her shadow. "Are you okay with it, my lady?" "No," she said and they were surprised. Then as she leaned against the boulder, they saw her extending arm and finger pointing to her left - which is to the south. They looked in that direction and witnessed nothing. They fell from confusion and into surprise after seeing a thousand glowing things on the horizon. No sound can be heard from their continuously exploding and burning fuel that propelled them into a flight near the speed of the sound. It is a silent danger that can only be heard in the second before they arrive. "Missiles!" cried Jack. "What?!!" exclaimed Hiroki as Jack helped him to stand up and went beside their lady. Jasper just walked in a calm fashion as he asks, "What do you want to do, my lady?" "We wait," she answered as she sat on the top of the boulder, so sure that no one will be able to spot her, not with their technology or lenses. "As you wish, my lady. In the meantime, as the guy who strategizes for us, it is a good opportunity for me to gather information while they fight in the battlefield." Then he stretched his fingers and they cracked. "What will be the information you will be seeking?" asks Hiroki. "Their commanding officer, number of personnel in the continent, this, and that, or simply who is attacking them. They could become valuable information for us." Then he looked up at the silhouette of Sayuri as the sun is behind and above her and said, "If it is alright for you, my lady." She nodded and Jasper smirked as his fingers shook in excitement. Hiroki narrowed his eyes for he suspects that Jasper is probably up to no good but then it is permitted by the Lady so he didn't speak what he suspects and because he trusts him more than he did before. Jack spoke, "Then you will be out of Lady Sayuri's protection." "I can disguise my presence effectively because I have been practicing it for a while as an extension of my Prime Power. I figured out that not only did I have to disguise my appearance but also disguise my presence. I can't become invisible but I can disguise. If I disguise as a fly, my presence will be that of a fly." "Oh, then you're gonna be fine," said Jack. "Good luck." Jasper nodded at the two of them and finally, he nodded at Sayuri. She didn't respond. He transformed into a bird which is called "House Bunting" - a species of bird that thrived in the desert. He flew down the slope, over a wall of military-grade sand barriers and over the soldiers of Olympus not heeding the small bird that flew over them. For they are preoccupied with surviving the incoming attack. "Move!" cried a soldier. "Move, move, move!" They manned their battle stations around the oil field as quickly as they could. Then a siren screamed alternating high and low pitch as a sign that peril is coming. The gatling guns on turrets around the oilfield turned to face south. Jack, looking from the distance, saw each of the guns fired with flashes from the end of their rotating barrels, stopped and loud buzzes are heard. There are tens of these machines on wheels and they disturbed the lifelessness of the skies and calm sand of the desert. They burst-fired at different intervals so there is not a fraction of a second that there is silence. Seconds later, there were silent fireball explosions at the distance as some of the missiles were hit and exploded in the air. Then salvos of surface-to-air intercepting missiles burst from the rocket launchers mounted on other vehicles. They roared as they flew. Then turrets came sprouting out of the sand around the oil field. They have a pair of gatling guns on each side and fired as soon as they aimed. More and more of the incoming missiles were destroyed and half a minute later, the explosions can be heard where Sayuri, Hiroki, and Jack are. They sounded like thunders from the distance. Streams of smoke from propellants and puffs of black smoke as some of them exploded filled the sky in the south. The multitude of missiles just kept coming from that direction like an endless stream in the sky. The barrels of the gatling guns glowed red hot as they continuously burst-fired every second. All of those salvos and hundreds of thousands of bullets fired in the sky, was not enough to stop all of them entirely. Missiles struck the oil field. Hell broke loose when a few of the oil rigs were hit. The oil wells that are drilled deep into the earth where crude oil is deposited, and under extreme pressure, gushed out to the surface like geysers. In this case, the oil is ignited as they gush out, creating fountains of fire, black oil, and black smoke. They threw fire at their surroundings and ignited other things including unfortunate men. They went out of the pool of fire and rolled on the ground, but the fire won't go out as they consume their clothes and their flesh without exception. Others gritted their teeth in dread as they watched their comrades getting incinerated. Some used fire extinguishers to kill the lively fire that danced on their skins. Only a handful survived the deadly dance, and the eyes of the dead, although the fire had been extinguished, were open and like cooked worms, they slithered out of their lids. Their skins were made brittle, dry, and black. The fire won't go out from the well, as long as more of the oil gets spilled to the surface where it gets what it needs to ignite. Like giant stoves, mouths of dragons, and flamethrowers sprouted from the earth they were - it is like seeing a pint of hell from the distance. A pint of hell is not enough to scare away the excitement of Jasper as it is the fire itself - the "Fires of Excitement." As a bird that flew over and around the fountains of fire, he could not express the feeling of that emotion through his fixed keratin beak. Only his wide-open eyes as the pupils dilated as to catch every moment of this event that his heart found to be interesting. He watched everything in a bird's eye view. Miles away, the fighter jets were ordered to turn to the south for a run. They detected hundreds of vehicles through their radar. They are the trucks and vehicles that launched thousands of missiles to the oil field and they are already retreating, for they have exhausted their missiles. Through their inferior radar, they could not detect the silent killers in the sky as they soared and approached twice the speed of sound. It is when they saw the grey metal dragons of the sky with their n***d eyes, they panicked and abandoned their vehicles. Then the missiles that came from the stealth fighter jets struck hundreds of them, following a barrage of bullets that sparked as they hit other vehicles. It is after they passed by that they heard the sonic boom of the planes. Some even haven't had the chance to hear the magnificent boom as they were blown to bits before they sounded. The planes turned around again to do another deadly run but this time they faced the threat of the missiles targeting them. The sensors on the planes sounded a warning of lock-ons from different guided missile rockets from the ground vehicles. The pilots didn't sweat and activated their jamming systems - which sends pulses of radar to disrupt the targeting systems of the missiles. In addition, deployed flares for heat-seeking missiles. The men in the vehicles saw hundreds of scattered dots on their radar and could not target with infrared-guided missiles but they still fired without cracking the signal of a real flying fighter jet. The missiles missed and then the last of the vehicles were destroyed after the jets wreaked havoc with their gatling guns and missiles. That's when the five stealth fighter jets concluded their mission a success. They turned to the north where another megacarrier roamed the oceans in total control. In the south of the oil fields, the gatling guns still fired endlessly at the streams of missiles until they ran out of bullets. Then Jasper the bird saw dozens of giant lizards with rocket launchers on their backs came out of the sand and crushed the turrets. They held their ground, and the missiles from the launchers ignited. A hundred missiles struck the oil fields and destroyed every oil rigs, creating more havoc and hell. The launchers mechanically disposed themselves to unburden the lizards, save peculiar dish-like pads on top of their bodies. There are no riders that control them but Sayuri and Jack sensed someone with Olympian Strength riding the largest lizard with large mounted equipment. It still hasn't disposed of its arsenals because they aren't meant to be disposed of yet. "Waaargh!!!" roared the man as his eyes glowed yellow. The eyes of the lizard beasts glowed yellow too before they sprinted at such speed that they made sandstorm. The battle tanks fired at them from a kilometer but they dodged by going under the sand for cover. A lizard came under and knocked the sixty-ton tank like a tin can into the air. The other lizards also did the same and in an instant, the platoon of tanks was destroyed and crushed and the scale of how big the lizards are, can now be compared. They are thrice as long as the tank taking to account the tail length and the length of the tanks including the cannon. They wreaked havoc at the remaining forces of Olympus and overpowered every man. Some demigods went into action but died for they are the primary target of the lizards. They can tell because of their snake-like tongue that sniffs the presence of such beings. The humans could not kill them with their guns because of their tough scales. They couldn't hide because the lizards can smell them. Not any wall nor bunker is safe because they can bite through them. Then a calm voice of a woman on the radio of the Olympian Forces spoke, "All units standby." so they didn't move even when the lizards are taking their lives one by one. "Sunstrike commencing, in five, four, three...." "Sunstrike?" asked Hiroki after hearing the communication from Jack's radio. "What does that mean?" "It means what it is, Hiroki," he answered. "The Satellite Weapon System, 'OC-409p' also known as 'Project Sunstrike.'" Jack closed his eyes in dread before saying, "It is one of the most precise and deadliest weapons of war that the company I owned, invented." Hiroki widened his eyes and Sayuri frowned as she looked to the sky. Then a shine from the blue sky ripped through the clouds at the same time rays of dense light struck at the oil fields and everything suddenly became blindingly bright. * -
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