The Two Kings

1739 Words
- * The wind entered through the balcony, through the door, and into the same room where the two couples used to sleep together. Enzo woke up with a sigh. He sat up and watched the bed - it's bigger than usual. His every breath is short like his chest is full of something which then squeezes his lungs. He just closed his eyes for a bit and scratched his eyebrows, trying to convince himself not to drown in that feeling. Then a shake of his head before rising up and stretching his limbs. He inhaled deeply and the suffocation has disappeared after smelling the freshness of the early morning. He went to the bathroom to do his daily hygiene. The fairies already prepared his breakfast at the balcony, there is even a freshly brewed coffee. He looked at the two chairs and deeply thought about it for a while. Then he sat on one where his coffee is the nearest. The hot coffee is supposed to make him glad, but the reason why it is hot is that he doesn't have to wait for someone to come join him. He sipped once from it and was disappointed by the taste. "I can't believe I missed the taste of cold coffee," he muttered to himself while looking to the east - where dawn is breaking out. There are pastries on the table, lots of them but he doesn't like sweet food. He picked a pastry that Danae always eat. It was a brown cupcake with little icings on it. He took a bite while closing his eyes. Now he understands why she loves it so much. He ate one whole of it and turned to sip his coffee. There's a piece of meat on a plate and that's what he ate to get full. After that, he went left the room with his jogging pants and a sweater. He walked through the empty halls of the Palace. It is very early, and most of the deities are still sleeping. He just put his hands inside his pocket while walking. Then he went down using an elevator. Everything was made out of gold, even the floor and buttons. He reached the lowest floor, and it was just an empty ballroom except for a guy that mops the floor and cleans every part of the Palace. The guy didn't bother to greet him, but he didn't care as he went out. Enzo entered a huge gym where he always used to work out every day. It is a gym only for the gods of Olympus, and it seems that there are already three deities running on very fast treadmills. They are young deities to be precise, and he knows well who they are. "Good morning, Lady Mila, Lady Juliet, and Lord Hyeon," he bowed. They all nodded and focused on running. They run the treadmill at extraordinary speed but with ease. Enzo started to stretch his whole body before running on his own treadmill that is at the far right of the series of treadmills and far from the three deities. He ran in such speed that the three were astounded, and it even looked like that the treadmill cannot keep up with him. Next up are weights so he went to where they are located. There are weights on top of a magnetic platform that is significantly far away from other equipment. The weights are just plain compact metals. The three young deities just watched him and he didn't mind them. He assembled the heaviest weights he could fit into one rod. He held it easily with one hand as he increases the magnetic force of the platform gradually and he leans to one side to balance himself until he reached the maximum force. The platform is buzzing with magnetism but still, he holds it with one hand while the rod is bending like it could snap anytime. He went on for an hour switching on different kinds of weights, and he is sweating a lot. "Hyeon," said Juliet. "Try lifting the lightest dumbbell." "As you wish, my lady," he said. Then the two goddesses observed how he wasn't able to lift it at all. He grunted and grinned as he exerted all of what he's got. His fangs were showing from all of that teeth-clenching, but he couldn't lift it off the ground. He returned to them and said, "I'm sorry, my lady, it's too heavy." "I'm impressed," said Juliet. "I'm not surprised," said Mila. "I watched him lifted that weight many times before." After Enzo is done, he went to a specialized punching bag. It is solid metal titanium and looked more like a large pillar that went up to the ceiling down to the ground. It is newly installed, and he started to giving it punches and kicks. His shins and knuckles left marks on it. His every punch is so loud and powerful that the whole gym shook. The titanium pillar snapped even before he got tired. He clicked his tongue in disappointment then considered his training done. "I'll take my leave now, my ladies and lord," he bowed. They just watched him walk full of sweat and wipes them with his towel. Then a breeze went passed him a message. "As you wish, your Majesty." "Father told you something?" asked Mila. "Yes, Venus is in trouble." "We knew it would happen eventually." "Yes, you were right, my ladies. And could you keep an eye for Leonide for me, my lady - if that's fine?" "It's understandable that you have to go, so yes. I will keep an eye or two on that boy." He nodded one last time and finally left the gym. The three of them also went out of the gym and went to have some tea at Juliet's place. They had tea in the tea house in the middle of their garden. The tea house is small and there are no walls surrounding them, but only shiny silver metal works that acted as supports for the golden roof above. There are black flowers - which both of them love that surrounded the tea house. Hyeon just stood before the entrance of the small tea house. After a sip of tea, Juliet said, "I noticed that your father and Enzo take turns in leaving Earth." "You're right about that," agreed Mila before eating a cupcake. "And there has been a disturbing peace since your father became the King." "It's very unusually quiet indeed, except for the fact that the Miyamoto clan has been wiped out." "Hmm," she nodded. "but they did it very very very quietly. Such a mystery of how they did it that even my father hasn't yet solved it." "Speaking of whom, where is he now?" "Roaming the world with his own warship. Gambling on chances that he could find some clues if the Masked League slipped the Blockade." "Did you hear he has found a clue?" "As far as I know, none." Juliet drank her tea slowly before saying, "The reason why the enemy is so quiet lately, is because of your Father and Enzo." "What do you mean?" "Think about it, your father is the strongest King ever in history. He was a hero in every war Olympus has fought against for nearly three decades. And just when he became an Olympian, Enzo started to climb up the ranks among the demigods. Then in the time when he was under Kazem's command in the Martian War, the Olympus forces significantly overwhelmed the enemy. He's the reason why Kazem became the King. But if we could compare the achievements of Enzo and Kazem, Enzo clearly beats him." "Indeed, that's the reason why the demigod clans considered him as The Throneless King because he was supposed to become the King, but since he's a demigod, he can't get prayers. If he can't get prayers, he can't even become an Olympian." "Exactly, then my point is that Enzo is still as strong as he was. When Kazem finished his term as the King, the prayers for him dwindled, making him weaker just like every Kings and Queens of Olympus went through. That's not the case for Enzo. He's still strong. In fact, he is getting stronger and stronger." "Then your final point would be that the enemy is playing carefully whenever one of them is on the planet. They don't want to fight in broad daylight." "Yes, and that's the reason why Enzo and your father take turns in leaving the planet. My theory is that if both of them leave Earth at the same time, there is a big chance that this is what the enemy is waiting for. This is the time the Earth will be so vulnerable." They finished drinking their tea and Mila continued the conversation. "It's quite convenient to have two Kings at the same time, isn't it?" "You said it." "But what bothers me is that Enzo is mistreated by these imbecile gods." "Mistreatment indeed." "Don't they realize that Enzo is one of the important persons in this Realm?" "Of course they realize he is that is why they are so angry at him. It's like Enzo is defying the hierarchy that has been absolute for thousands of years. Humans are weaker than demigods, and demigods are weaker than gods - that kind of hierarchy." "I agree." "And it's almost as if this is exactly what that God of Gravity is doing." "What? What do you mean?" "He's a human that became strong as demigods." "Yes, but that's because he exploited the new medicine of Santos." "Then imagine how damaging it is for demigods for their position in the hierarchy. They must be mad at him, just like how the other gods are angry if not jealous of Enzo." "You're right. That's what they thought the walls are for in the first place: To categorize power. When you are born in a certain place in the walls, that's what you are for the rest of your life. That's even what the gods of Olympus know about 'order.' I admit that I sensed something about the Will of that boy. It lives, since it is a contrast to my Power, I can sense it. Life and Death are two different things, and one cannot exist without the other. That's why I can sense it." "So that's the reason why he also knows the Technique only Enzo and your father know. Don't tell me you learned it too." "There's no reason to tell you because I can't, just like my sister." "They are impressive, don't you think?" "Excluding my father? I agree." * -
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