
2181 Words
- * "Hyun?!!!" exclaimed Jasper after transforming from a bird. The guy stopped and just looked at Jasper with his mouth wide open. "Jasper?" he asked. Jasper laughed as he yelled, "What the heck are you doing here?!!!" Hiroki looked from afar and he's still on the sand where they came from because they left him there. He is confused about what is happening. He mutters, "Jasper, what are you doing? What is happening?" Hyun's eyes widened as he smiled and says, "I should ask the same to you. What are you doing here when Lady Hilde asked you to track down the enemy in Taiyo Region?" "That's what I am doing now but I decided to go rogue while doing it by following Lady Sayuri - the goddess you're holding now." "So," he smiled as he looked at Sayuri's face. "So that's her name?" "That's what she named herself but let's talk about that later. How are you doing?!" greeted Jasper as he spread his arms. Then Hyun made her float on the air. He released Jack from his control and just looked at the two of them hugging while confused. "I'm fine, my brother," he said before peeling out and Jasper got blood on his clothes. "Oh, sorry." Then with a single click of his fingers, the blood flew from Jasper like cobwebs and into the skin of Hyun. The blood on his body has also been absorbed. "Wait," said Jack. "I'm confused." Then Jasper said, "I guess I'll have to introduce him to everyone. Wait, I'll get our other friend." "I'll do that for you," he said and held out his right hand in the direction where Hiroki is. His nails were sharp and beast-like as he did it. Hiroki noticed that he is floating as he screamed, "Wha- aaaargh!!!" then swiftly flew towards them and landed sitting beside Jasper. "Hello again, Hiroki," said Jasper. "Jasper, what's goin' on? Who is this guy that tried to hurt our lady? And why are you so friendly with him?" Then Hyun stooped down and sniffed Hiroki's neck. "What are you doing?" "Hmm...," scoffed Hyun. "Your blood is not interesting. You will taste bad." Then Jasper laughed so Hiroki got mad as well as confused when he said, "So, what about it?!" "You're a good boy," said Hyun. Hiroki widened his eyes then Jasper said, "You're right!" then patted Hiroki's head. "He's our good little boy." "Don't touch me!" grunted Hiroki as he slapped Jasper's hand. "Everyone, this is Hyun, the God of Blood, and my best friend/assistant god on Olympus." "Nice to meet you all," he bowed. "These are my companions Hiroki, Jack, and our Lady Sayuri. Well, Hyun," he said. "what exactly are you doing here?" "Well, I was supposed to help that ex-girlfriend of yours in defending that oilfield there," he nodded to the east. "but I came across some guys with delicious blood. I was hungry and I am sure that she could deal with it herself because that god is too weak so I decided to use that time to have a snack." Jasper laughed while holding his stomach. "Slacking as always, aren't ya?" "Yeah, but you already dropped out and became rogue. Tell me, how did you find her?" he pointed with his long nail at Sayuri. "She has an interesting blood." "Well, she's the daughter of the Great Goddess of the East." "Oh, she's the last survivor of that clan?" "Yes," nodded Jasper as he put his arm over Hyun's shoulders and they walked far from Jack and Hiroki. "You sense something different from her, don't you?" he whispered. "The three of us have our reasons and questions that revolved around her that made us follow her." "I suppose you have an explanation of why I sense something interestingly strange about her blood." "She has the 'Tamashi no Ken'" "What is that?" "Just a sword that absorbs the soul of its victims and uses them as power." Then Hyun clicked his fingers. "So, that's why..." he muttered and brought Sayuri to him from Jack's arms. She floated to Hyun until she stopped in front of him while floating. "Mind if I have a taste of her blood?" "Just do it without hurting her," said Jasper but the other two were against it. "No!" shouted Hiroki. "Jasper?!!" shouted Jack. "Just calm down, both of you." Then the two of them didn't say anything but watched Hyun as he kissed the back of her hand until a drop of fresh blood floated from it that came out through her skin as he pulled her lips away from her. He left no wound on her flawless skin. "A single drop of blood," said Hyun and sniffed while closing his eyes and smiling in delight. "Just the smell of it..." He smirked as he said, "is making me crazy," then made the drop of blood slowly enter his mouth. He closed it and swallowed. Hiroki and Jack looked curious about what is gonna happen next until they got startled as Hyun screamed, "AAAARGHH!!!!" and Jasper just laughed as Hyun collapsed on the ground while massaging his throat. He was panting and looking at the sky as Jasper asked, "How is it?" "It... It's...," he stammered with wide-open eyes as he rose and brushed the hair of Sayuri over her ear, and with his other hand, he turned it into a fist and put it on his chest. "It tastes SO GOOD!!!" he declared with his face expressing the emotion of a person that tasted the sweetest cake in the world. "I can taste thousands of wicked souls that aren't hers in her single drop of blood!!! Mixed with her kind but vengeful blood, it just blended so elegant that it tasted like none!!!" Then he smirked before showing his fangs in hunger for more. "NO!!!" screamed Hiroki and Jack but then a hand stopped his face after he went near the face of Sayuri. "Don't be so underhanded, Hyun," said Jasper. Hyun still has his teeth clenched as he looked at Jasper through the slits of his fingers. "Taking advantage of a lady while she's unconscious? That's not what gentlemen do." Hyun closed his eyes while pulling his head away from his hand. "Right... Sorry, I just got carried away." He inhaled through his clenched teeth, trying to contain his l**t. Then exhaled with a smirk before saying, "Well, I guess I have to go rogue too. Mind if I join you, Jasper?" Hiroki and Jack got alarmed as they waited for Jasper's response. He said, "I gladly welcome you but it is not for me to decide. Ask her when she wakes up. In the meantime, while you wait for her to wake up, help us get the buried bodies of the villagers that the witch Cleopatra slaughtered so we can bury them properly." Hyun looked down and saw his toes under the sand and can feel the blood of the dead people under it. "Easy enough...," he said. Then he nodded once and dozens of bodies under the sand came out with shields of blood over them to prevent them from getting crushed by the sand above. "You knew that there's something wrong with her. And you were right all along." "Well, I wish I was wrong." Hiroki and Jack felt heavy after seeing the dead faces of the villagers that once they have seen so lively. They saw the smiles on the faces of the children but now they are just dead blank and all emotionless and nothing but covered with sand. "Make their heads point to the south," said Jasper. "Alright," said Hyun and summoned a large volume of blood from his wrists and they dug up the sand where they decided to bury them all. He covered them with sand and made tombstones made out of hard, solid blood on the top of each grave. "Nicely done," said Jasper and walked towards Jack and Hiroki as Hyun followed behind him while carrying Sayuri. "We must not let him join, Jasper," said Jack, and Hyun narrowed his eyes in a smirk. "He just wants the blood of Lady Sayuri and nothing more. He will eventually hurt her." He approached him and tried to pull Sayuri away from him but Hyun didn't let go. "You are so sure about yourself, aren't you?" asked Hyun as he smugged at the sight of Jack's face. "I even doubt that you can protect her all by yourself." Jack frowned as he said, "Try me-" "Now, now, let's not fight," said Jasper as he went in front of Hyun so he let go of Sayuri and Jack held her. "Hyun, look. Since I am the only one here knows you very well, it makes sense that I am the only one who doesn't doubt you. I believe that your intentions are not to hurt her but you can't blame them for not trusting you. Just give them time to know you more and I am sure that they will trust you as much as they trust me." Hyun has a faint frown of anger on his face as he nodded, "Alright." "That's it, brother," smiled Jasper as he tapped Hyun's shoulders. "For now, let's relax and brief each other about things we think that we need to let each other know." Hyun nodded and he summoned two red glossy chairs made out of blood facing each other. Jack and Hiroki tended to their unconscious goddess while Hyun looked at them in envy with his head rested on his palm as his elbow placed on the arm of the chair. "So, how is my sister?" asked Jasper. Then Hyun stopped frowning as he looked at Jasper and said, "She's fine. My brother is always by her side, so there's nothing to worry about." "Good to hear but is your brother already got cured of his UV light sensitivity?" "No, he still refuses to drink human blood even though it is given to him from a donor." "Your brother has a good heart for a vampire god..." "You don't have to tell me that." Then Jasper clasped his hands. "So, is there anything new and interesting that has happened on Olympus?" "Not that interesting but there are another two non-deities that have been allowed to enter Olympus. A demigod and a human." "A human?" "The God of Gravity - that is." "That's new..." "Yeah." "Tell me more about this, God of Gravity." "I'm sorry to say that I don't have much to tell about him but I heard that he won the Inter-district Demigod Tournament and the demigod boy was his opponent in the Championship." "Oh...," smirked Jasper. "That's a remarkable feat for a human. He's the first human to enter Olympus and dominated the ranks in the Demigod Districts. And he's still a boy?" "Yes." "And how old is he." "I've seen him enter Olympus last night when I started to set out to go to my post here on Ra Continent and from his blood, I can tell that he is eleven years old just like your sister." "Oh... So Rai took him in or am I wrong?" "No, you guessed right." "That ridiculously strong god... He really has no fear of losing support from other Houses." "Take all of his prayers, and he can still fight and beat Enzo one on one." "Right, I've seen that spar session too. And that was incredible. He's not even in his prime." "Yeah, so tell me more about Sayuri." "Call her Lady Sayuri." "Alright... Tell me more about Lady Sayuri." "You like her, don't you?" "No, I love her. She's beautiful and after the taste of her precious blood, I can tell that she's stronger than me and how good she is. She's a perfect goddess unlike that pretender Cleopatra." "You're so straightforward with your intentions as always." "Do you happen to love her too?" Jasper shook his head and his hands as he denied, "No, but I mean yes, but not romantically. I just adore her in a way that she's what the Realm needs to change it for the better. You can have her all by yourself as a lover and I won't be getting on your way as long as you help her get what she wants." "She wants revenge?" "Yes." "Then all she needs is the two of us." "Well, actually, it is more complicated than that. We still need a lot of allies to stage a coup d'etat of the Ra Continent." Then Hyun narrowed his eyes in confusion. "What are you up to?" "After Cleopatra killed these innocent people that Lady Sayuri loves and cares for, she wants to kill her." "Tch, easy enough." "Yes, Lady Sayuri can defeat her or even simply sending you alone but we must do it strategically if we want to successfully stage a coup. Simply killing that witch will not solve it. After all, there are so many people backing her up and believing that she is kind and good and the rightful heir. Killing her just that, will make her reputation stronger that a coup will be impossible." "Knowing you for a long time, I know that you already have a plan in mind." Jasper smirked as well as Hyun. Hiroki saw them and he feels unsettled for something that he knows that Jasper is up to no good. Adding up to that, his friend that has the same striking smirk that he has, something big will happen. * -
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