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Kyra didn’t know what to feel as she heard Richard confirm what her mind had been to trying to shut out. Pure rage enveloped her from one side, but she couldn’t shake the utter helplessness that plagued her either. The conflict of emotions was so much that it was as if the weight of the whole realm had been placed on her shoulders and it was crushing. She slumped into a seat and watched Richard from there. She couldn’t even will up her power to attack him as she was too mentally exhausted to command it. The king stood in silence too as he watched the unsettledness in Kyra's eyes. He didn’t know what to do to alleviate it; except kick himself for being the person responsible for putting her through such an ordeal. "How could you do this?" she suddenly asked after a very long while, her voice devoid of all emotions. "It wasn't my intention to hurt you, or any other wizard for that matter, Kyra," he replied with all genuineness. "But people's lives were at stake; human lives. I had to do something." "But I was handling it!" she shouted at him as the rage in her finally won and she stood up in fury. "Till when, Kyra?" he returned, his own frustration causing him to shout. “Your quest wasn’t making the needed difference, can’t you see?” The wave of hurt that gripped Kyra’s heart at Richard’s words was so hard that she physically whimpered. Thing is, the Soul of magic could tolerate the way the wizards were treating her. In fact, she was already used to it enough not to mind so much. But hearing one of her friends whom she thought would always be there for her also proclaim his lack of faith in her capability was just too much to handle. "Kyra, wait!" Richard shouted when he saw her turn and run out of the throne room, but she didn't stop and he had to run after and physically restrain her. "Richard, let me go!" she shouted at him, fighting tooth and nail to get out of his grip, but the king was a lot stronger than her. Their struggle attracted a few of the servants and the guards to come see but one stern glare from the king and they all went scrambling away; not even a bird was in sight in the corridor they had stopped. "Kyra, I said wait!" Richard shouted again and pinned her against the wall till she finally stopped struggling. "Look, I do believe in what you're doing," he said when she was finally settled. "But this is too much for you to do alone, even if you're the most powerful being there is in the realm right now. I was only trying to help out." "By joining forces with our enemies?" she returned harshly. "Tell me, oh wise king, how in the world is that helpful?" Richard knew that Kyra was just trying to be difficult but he let it slide and explained things to her. "That woman in the dungeon is a very active member of the Dark Hearts Coven. She’s an unsympathetic dark witch who has led more skirmishes on Cyrian’s provinces that any other person," he said as calmly as he could under the circumstances. "A report came from Serpentspire that she was going to attack the Capital. I needed to stop her and the only way to do that on such short notice was to enlist the help of some Anti-magicians. But I promise you that I made sure that they won't be using their abilities against any other wizards." “I hope you mean you killed them cos nothing short of death is sufficient for those monsters!" she returned again. “Come on, Kyra, it’s not like you to be bloodthirsty," he replied to her outburst and she finally calmed down. She knew that he was telling the truth. It was all what was happening, Kyra knew. Her quest for peace was changing her, and coupled with the fact that more of her own people were turning against her every day, it was only normal that her thinking was becoming more and more frustrated. But Kyra didn’t like that change, not one bit. Thinking that her thoughts were still connected to what he'd done, Richard quickly said, "If you want, I can order the guards to go and remove-" "Don't," she cut in, surprising even herself that she was considering it. "Leave the Bloodstone on her. It’s cruel but it may also be the only way to keep her under control. But this doesn't mean that I’ve forgiven you for what you've done." "I understand," he replied, a small smile on her face; he was obviously relieved that she wasn't so enraged anymore. "But there's still a matter that needs attending to." "About that," she said as a plan began to form in her mind. "I think I may have found a way to help us out, and also give us more headway than we've ever had before." *** A surprised expression appeared on Isidora's face as she looked up to see both Richard and Kyra come into the cell again. Apparently, the dark witch hadn’t expected that the Soul of magic would ever agree to work with the king again after the way she burst out of the cell earlier. Whatever surprise Isidora was feeling though was soon replaced by her wicked grin, making it hard for the others to know if the surprised expression was genuine or just another part of her taunt. "Coming here twice in one day?" she said when she saw Kyra take her seat on the lone bench in the cell and Richard stand by her side. "You two must really like me." "Quit the taunt, Isidora. We’re here to ask who your leader is," Richard said as he stepped forward, giving her a stern glare that showed that he wasn't in any mood for jokes. Isidora quirked an eyebrow as if she couldn’t quite believe that the king knew her name or that he had asked her to name her leader. Out of nowhere, she burst out in laughter, one so long and loud that the whole dungeon was filled with it until the very walls seemed to be returning it back with equal vigour. "And what makes you think I'll do that, your Majesty?" she asked, still laughing. “Because you’ll soon be having no choice but to do it,” Richard replied before suddenly removed his sword and swiped it across her stomach without. Isidora screamed, utterly surprised as she watched the blade pass. But the king was an expert swordsman and only cut through her dress without even drawing blood. “The next one takes your head off, you little piece of evil,” he warned, pressing the sword to her throat and giving her a smile that showed that he wouldn't hesitate to do it again. "Your words are nothing but empty threats, human,” the dark witch returned. ‘I know very well that you can't kill me. Your human law will never allow it.” But it was obvious that Isidora was afraid. She might be a dark witch but she was also mortal, and her power was already impeded by the Anti-magic artifact hanging around her neck. Murder or not, Richard could successfully kill her and damn the consequences. "But there happens to be the fact where killing you isn’t murder, Isidora,” corrected the king. "You see, you’ve committed a very grave crime by disturbing the peace of the alliance between the humans and the wizards. And even worse, you killed a lot of humans, Cyrianes for that matter, during the process. Therefore, by human law, it is well within my power to execute you on the spot and in whatever form I see fit." A shiver ran down Isidora’s spine and she visibly paled. Richard really could kill her and no one would bat an eyelid. "Alright, I'll do as you want. In fact, I'll take you to meet him," she concurred, finally dropping her head in surrender. "But I warn you, your Majesty. You’re about go up against the man with the dark heart himself. There is no reality whatsoever where this will end well for you."
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