
1217 Words
“Freya!” Frigg walked into the temple Furious, Her Little feet took large steps, which could be heard on the Marble floors. “Your Majesty…” Freya bowed her head, respecting her queen. “What are you not telling me Freya?” Panic and Anger evident in her voice. “Your Majesty what are you talking about?” Freya asked, confused. “You have kept her from us all these years! I just can't believe it!” Freya’s eyes grew in surprise knowing exactly what Frigg was talking about. She tucked her long blonde hair behind her ears and fiddled with her fingers in her lap. “I have come to tell you that I know. I have not given this information over to my husband but I am certain that he will not be happy with the news. You could have told us! How is it possible you could keep such a secret from us!?” Frigg asked pacing back and forth in front of Freya. “Your Majesty…” Freya started but was interrupted. “How old is she?” She asks, “She is Eighteen Your Majesty…” “Why!? Why? Would you keep such a thing from us? I have always been good to you! I know you loved my son! How was it possible to do such a thing?” “It wasn’t My choice!” Freya said, stopping Frigg from pacing. “Balder… For her Protection I had her on earth… Masking her scent from the public. Leaving her with the Valkyries…” “Your scent is now lost my dear! Your masking has vanished! I had a premonition of her… Of my Son… Of you… Your protection is no longer!” “It can not be!” Freya responded in shock and panic. Her daughter's scent was no longer Masked, she had no protection from the dangers that were roaming around. “You should have thought of this clearly! All of this! Odin will be upset knowing that he has had a GrandDaughter for all this time, that she is on earth unprotected from the others who had plotted against her own father's death!” Frigg says, “Please don’t tell him! It will unearth things that shouldn’t be! I will speak to the Valkyries! I will make sure her scent is Masked again! But please don’t go to Odin!” Freya begged, tears streamed down her face. “Fine! I will keep this to myself! But since she is my heir I shall be sending out an Ali to watch over her, to see that the scent has been Masked! Seen as this has slipped through your fingers so easily!” “Why do you think I am not capable of taking care of my daughter?!” Freya responded with anger, “I am! I do feel that way! I will be responsible for keeping a secret that is so vital to our Kingdom! An heir to the throne! A seat of Power that has been filled, not by an heir, since Her father had passed! And We were all denied the courtesy of having her in our Lives!  It was her Fathers Seat! And now it is occupied by someone who shares no blood to him! It makes absolutely no sense that Balder or yourself would keep something so great for our kingdom to yourselves!” “It was under orders of her father! She needed protection! The throne is hers but there would be bloodshed to claim it!” “But keeping the child Masked from her powers and from the Throne, and from her family was Protection? Utter Nonsense. I will do this for you though. I will keep this to myself, I will hold this secret so dear but I will not stay away from my Grandchild! We will go abouts as normal, We will not forget her absence though! And one day very soon will be the day that she will come home and take her place as the Goddess she is and a ruler of Asgard! Under our protection. I hope for your sake Odin will be more pleased to have his heir than displeased, to lock you away!”  “What of Thor's Blood that sits on Earth, There is no way to Prosecute me, If there are other heirs on Earth!” Freya Defended, not knowing if this is the life for Her Daughter. “Ferya! Those Heirs are not of Full Asgardian Blood! They are half humans! How dare you bring that up if your Daughter, My GrandDaughter, Is a full Goddess, and shares no blood with the earthlings?” Ferya looked at her and another tear had run down her face. “Deal with this Ferya! For now your secret is safe with me! But soon it will be revealed, it has to be revealed… Now, Disclose her name this instant!” Frigg said sternly to Freya, “Her Name is Astrilde, also Known as Astrid Borson…” She whispered out. Frigg Nodded hearing the name, spinning on her heels and making her way out the temple, her anger slowly subsiding. Once Frigg reached her temple, she called for her Guards immediately but discreetly, “I need Jeklyn Laufeyson in my chambers forthwith…” she ordered. She missioned to her chambers as her helpers came to her side, waiting for orders. “Your Majesty… Jeklyn Laufeyson is awaiting instructions…” The Guard said, gesturing to the door. “what are you waiting for? Bring him to me instantly!” She ordered. Frigg wasn’t this ill-mannered but she was in a panic. She was never rude to her staff or to her people. They loved her dearly, She was their Queen but She had a lot on her mind. The great Dangers that could fall upon her Granddaughter that should be at her throne protected. “Your Majesty…” Jeklyn entered into the cambers, “Jeklyn My dear boy, I am in need or your assistance but I would appreciate your utmost discretion. I can not trust this to anyone and I think you will be the best to assist with the problem I am currently facing…” He nodded, then combed his long fingers through his raven black hair awaiting what his queen was to say next. “I need you to go to earth… I need you to check on a certain human for me…” He nodded once again for her to continue. “Her name is Astrid… She is very special to me, and it seem that there may be a threat upon her…” She continued, “When would you like me to go?” He asked, “If possible I would like you to leave now… I need you to check if she is safe, I would like you to stay around for a week or so  and then you may return. But I would need this to be kept between you and I…” “Of course your Majesty. I will leave with immediate effect. I would just need the details to find this friend of yours…” With a nod and a smile Frigg released the information most vital to the expedition, the few details she received from her premonition. She did not Mention her last name though. Jeklyn was the Son of Loki, the person that was sitting in the throne of her Granddaughter. She feared that the secret would be revealed and there were people who would go out of the way to kill her Granddaughter to keep Loki on the Throne. She didn’t expect what was going to happen, even her premonitions couldn’t tell her what was about to happen.
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