Chapter 120: The three Student's test results

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While taking the last test, all Ella could do was rely on her actual body to avoid the spikes, in the end, Ella ended getting the same score as Mia. "It looks like you have the ability level of a level 2 User," Linda said and immediately the number 2 appeared on Ella's wrist. Mia could tell Layla wasn't happy, she stropped back as she walked over to the group. Mia thought the test wasn't really fair. Her ability level might be that of a level 2 but when used with a bow Mia felt like she could have easily beaten some level 3 or 4 users. Mia was starting to take note that the academy really did only measure the power level of your ability and not your fighting ability. The next person to take the test was Sunny. She walked forward confidently without even looking at anyone else. She stood in the centre of the testing field waiting for the test to start. Then, 5 random targets appeared across the wasteland. Immediately she formed an ice spear and chucked it at the target hitting it dead on. She did this one after the other at an incredible speed, nearly clearing them all just as fast as Ella did. The next test Sunny was even more impressive. She started to gather ice in both her palms and then after a minute or so of gathering her power, a huge ice collum was shot from her hands and hit the centre of the drum dead on. The drum rang out louder than it had before and the number kept going up until it had eventually reached 50. "No wonder she's so confident, " Xander said. Mia suddenly thought it was a good thing the two of them didn't fight otherwise Xander would have been a dead man. Finally, when the last test had arrived the instructor told her she wasn't allowed to use her ability and should just dodge. Sunny had no reaction and started the test immediately. She managed to do well moving swiftly avoiding each spike but eventually, the machine had gotten too fast and she ended up getting hit. "Impressive!" Linda said, "best result so far, power level 5." Sunny continued to walk back to her group as if she knew what she was going to get all along, either that or she didn't really care about the whole thing. Finally, the last person to take the test in the group was Xander. "Time to show you what I got, wish me luck." Mia had no clue who Xander was talking to, but Mia quickly realized it was her after Xander gave a wink in her direction as she walked off to the centre of the field. "Could that i***t actually be strong?" Mia thought. Most of the time people who strong were either arrogant about their powers or kept it quiet but Xander was a strange person. He wasn't exactly arrogant but more flashy. When it finally came to his turn and the test had started, everyone's mouth was left wide open at what they were seeing. On every single one of the tests, Vorden had done the exact same thing as Sunny. He had used the same ability, the ability of Ice, and had performed just as well. "See, I told you I was strong!" Xander said as he showed the number 5 to his new best friend Mia, actually, not his crush. "Just what was Xander's ability?" Quinn thought.
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