Chapter 116: What ability do you have?

609 Words
Looking at the people around them, Mia could tell what the others were thinking. Mia then stepped one step away from Xander hoping that others wouldn't think the two were friends or some kind of couples. Finally, Mia and the others were called forward and were told to stand in a box. It wasn't really a box but just white lines that had been drawn on the ground that was just big enough to fit the five of them in. There was then a hooded man who stood just outside of the box. "Send them away!" Nick said. As soon as Nick gave the command, the hooded man placed both hands on the ground and the box started to light up, shining a bright sky blue color. "Hmm Transportation magic huh, what a rare ability." Xander said just as the whole group suddenly vanished into thin air. The next second they were teleported to another outdoor area which looked like an empty wasteland. There was no sign of life, no trees, no nothing. Standing in front of the group was a woman dressed in a black military uniform and by her side was another hooded man. There was not another person in sight. The woman held a Tablet in her hand and it looked like she was currently busy inputting some information. Once she had finished, she looked up at the group and started to speak. "Hi everyone my name is Linda, and I will be in charge of your test today. Once the test has been completed, I will update your information and your score will reflect on your wristwatches." Linda then started to look at the tablet. "Now who should we call first?.. Oh it looks like we have a couple of previous level ones?" Linda said as she checked the information that had been passed on from their previous schools. "Robin, would you please step forward?" The nervous small Robin then stepped forward and he looked even worse than before. Mia thought she looked bad but she looked to be in a perfect condition if you were to compare the two. At least Mia was able to stand up whereas Robin looked like he would fall over any second now. "Would you please tell me what your ability is Robin?" Jane asked. "Err, I don't have any ability," Robin said quietly. Suddenly, Mia and the others understood why Robin was so nervous. Having no ability wasn't rare. Because of the war, many children had become orphans like Mia's body owner and Robin. This meant there was no chance for them to buy an ability book. But because Robin had no ability, he was afraid of the treatment he would get from the others. "Don't be afraid Robin." Linda said, "Here take this." The hooded man standing by Linda's side suddenly teleported a book into his hand. Jane then handed the book over to Robin. "Wow, seriously you're giving this to me for free!" Robin said in excitement. "Thank you." "Please study the book in your own free time and when you have learned how to use it, you can come back to redo the test but for now I'm going to award you a level 1 power status." Even though Robin had received a level 1 power status he didn't care, for he felt like his life could finally turn around due to the book that he had just received. "Now I believe there was another level 1 user here," Linda said, "Mia is it? would you please step forward." Mia did as she was told and stepped forward. "Now Mia, what ability do you have?"
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