Chapter Thirty Six: The Truth

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"I don't believe you. Why would you be accused for treason when you didn't have a hand in it." The seer said, Mia had understand that she already knew the truth, she is just trying to force him to say the truth. "You are claiming that you are innocent, but how did the king got the scroll containing the written words of the old man that was living in your house before he died." The man was shocked as he heard the seer mentioning something only him knew. "So tell me the truth this time. What did you do that made the king to hate you so much that he always sends spies to spy on you for any leaking information." The seer requested. "I'm so sorry great one. I will tell you the truth of what happened." The man upon realizing his mistake. "I'm all in ears." The seer replied. "Before I became a weapon seller, I was a knight, a royal master knight. And I'm in charge of guarding the King's bedroom. The king's daughter Sylvia was the type that loves staying indoor, she never leaves her room. Her dinner, lunch and breakfast are always served to her in her room. She don't have any friend, nor enemies. But the king do not like her staying alone, talking alone, eating alone sleeping alone, playing on her own. It is a crazy act of isolation. She might run mad if she continues like that. So the king would force her to visit him in his room, since her mother, the queen has been dead when she was eleven. At that time, she is already sixteen. The king thought that maybe the tension of her mother's death that occured five years ago was still troubling her and it is making her to go on an isolation mode with everyone. The king would often invite her to come, but she will refuse the king's invitation and might even close her door to prevent anyone from entering. Until one day, the king came to meet me for a discussion, I even thought that it was about the other knights or about the kingdom. But I was surprised when the king started crying, saying that her daughter hates him. And on my own part, I tried to comfort him, but the next thing the king said to me is that, I should marry her daughter as my wife. Although the princess is a beautiful lady, a rare beauty, my mind is not for her but someone else. But since it is the king's wish and command, I had to obey him. He told me to always visit her and start our courtship in her room. And later on, we will be married together. So, I started visiting the princess's room pretending to be a guard, instead of telling her about my love for her and all sort. I actually don't know how or what to say to her. But I want her to know that I don't really love her and if she could convince her father to stop the decree of me marrying her, then I would not marry her. I was still troubled on speaking with her. The king on the other hand has been making preparations on how the wedding would go, he would often ask how she is faring, did we enjoy each other's company? and I would answer by saying, she said she can't wait for the wedding day. But something unexpected happened one day, the princess came to meet me and she asked for me to teach her how to fight with swords. With anticipation of why she had chosen to learn swords, I decided to help her and maybe later, I could ask her why she want to learn swordsmanship. I started teaching her swordsmanship everyday and amazingly, the princess had became a skillful swordsman. But on the day we decided to end the training, I popped a question out to the princess, I actually didn't think twice before asking her the question. I said; Why do you always stay alone in your room. The princess stared at me as if there's something she saw in my eyes that attracts her. But rather than saying anything, she left me for her room and shut the door behind herself. The next day, I still asked her this question but I added that, the king had requested that we both should marry each other. But with the same reaction as yesterday's, she didn't answer me at all, so I decided to not ask her anymore. But I was surprised when she called for me into her inner room to discuss something. She started by letting me swear on an oath, that, I must not tell any living creature about this secret. I swore and she start explaining why she always stay indoor. After hearing all her explanations, that's when I realize that the king do not know the impact of what the princess is doing for him. When the king called for me about the wedding, I told him that I can't marry her daughter anymore. The king asked for a reason but because of the oath that I had sworn to the princess, I didn't tell him the reason. The king was angered and he banned me from joining the royal armies and he even demoted me from the position of a royal master knight to a normal city dweller. I was glad that I'm finally free to start the one business I've ever wanted to do, being a knight, especially a royal knight, denies you of acchieving great things. But now that I'm free to do what I want to do, I was more than happy, a month after, I've became more popular as a sword seller and different people from different kingdoms. I became more richer and wealthy than the king and that was making him jealous and he is trying his possible best to make me fall. One day, an old man came to me asking for a place to stay, the old man said that the king had banned him for being the horse cleaner that he had been doing for the past thirty years. I felt sorry for the old man and I decided to let him stay with me. Since he was an horse washer before in the palace, I decided to make him my own horse washer. The old man accepted the job happily and he would always do the job happily. On a fateful night, someone unexpected had came to meet me. The princess had came to my house, covered in black veils to discuss some things with me. I was married by then but I didn't let my wife to know that I and the princess are meeting, so I told her to wait for me in one of the rooms I own. After I was through with what I want to do, I went to see the princess and when the princess explained what had brought her to my place, it happened to be that, she don't want to stay at the palace for now. So I welcomed her to stay in my house till she's done with what she want to do.
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