Arc 2; Into the future... ChapterOne hundred and one: Two days after.

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*Yawns* "Oh, I'm so hungry. I feel like I haven't eaten in ages." Anabelle said as she woke up from her deep sleep. This is the third day she's been sleeping, all without waking up. It was due to the wine that Roselle casted a sleeping spell at. "Finally, it worked!" Roselle said as she came back to reality. She had been trying to wake Anabelle up ever since she had slept off in the night of the first segment of the election. "What are you doing to me??" Anabelle asked, noticing some materials and tools that mages and seers use in Roselle's hand. "Err, it's nothing." Roselle answered trying to hide away the magic pencil and the spell paper that she was holding in her hands. "Are you trying to cast a spell on me?" Anabelle asked, she was still clueless of what has happened to her two days ago. "No, it's not what you're thinking." Roselle answered, silently praying for someone to enter the room. "Do you think I'm dumb. I'm a seer, you know that. You can't hide anything from me, you also know that. Then why are you lying and acting as if you know more than I do." Anabelle said, a bit angry. "I'm sorry if I've offended you. But what you are thinking is not what it is. I'm not..." Roselle said but Anabelle got so mad at Roselle that she jumped up the bed. "Don't you dare tell me that what I'm thinking it's not what it is. Don't you know that I could read your mind. And I've read your mind to make me conclude that you are trying to kill me, why would you have such materials of mages with you if not for some evil reasons." Anabelle said. But while she was busy shouting and lashing out on Roselle, someone had knocked on the door of the room and Roselle who heard the door being knocked, used that as an opportunity to escape. "Yes, I'm coming." Roselle shouted as she made her way towards the door of the room. She unlocked the door, removing the lock of the door, Roselle opened the door for the person who was at the entrance. The person happened to be the maid of the palace who is always a spying type. "Anabelle is awake. Don't you dare tell her anything about what happened or else you would have her death in your hands." Roselle taunted the maid before exiting the room and locking it up with the lock that she removed from the door. "I hate people like that!" Roselle exclaimed as she walk down the hallway. She was searching around for the conqueror so she could inform her of Anabelle who had finally woken up. Mia had passed the first and second segment of the election and the third segment of the election is about to start in a few minutes.. Mia was already dressed up as she is ready for the last segment of the election. Her dressing was not her usual knight dress code but instead it was a blue gown. She wore this since today will be the last day having the election. And apart from that, she saw that many people love it when she dresses up in clothes like that, so she decided to keep on dressing just like a female would dress up. Wearing a knight uniform makes her seem less pretty and attractive. And sometimes, people think she's a male. Mia had finally dressed up and as she was heading for the arena, she received a notification from the system that Roselle is calling her. She picked up the call and the system connected both of them together as it transmitted the voice message from both sides so they could communicate with each other. "Mia! Anabelle is up. She's up but she's so cranky. I don't know what to say to her, I don't know how to deal with her. Where are you now?" Roselle asked as she checked the room that Roselle was meant to be dressing up, but she saw that it was empty. "She's up? The spell finally woke her up?! " Mia said surprisingly. "That's not the point now. We need to explain things to her, I had her locked up in her room, but it won't last if the guards know that she's awake." Roselle replied. "But.. This is a bad time, this is a bad time... Call the others present and try to stop the guards from opening the door of Anabelle's room, the election is about to start." Mia ordered. "Wait! others?? I'm the only one present you know that. How will I call for the others that are locked up in the dungeon?" Roselle said. "Elle, this is not the time to act weak or honest. I'll be going for the election while you go into that dungeon to save the others. We will be leaving this kingdom soon." Mia ordered. Roselle was surprised at the change of Mia's behaviour that after Mia finished speaking she was moved so much that she had to reply her by saying; "Yes Boss." The communication line ended and Roselle made her way for the dungeon where the other disciples had been imprisoned. She had to save Greg, Kyra, James and Lydia at all cost and at her full power. Since Mia had given her the permission to act criminality, she would surely do so. But something was different about Mia. She don't know if she's always like that but as Mia spoke, she sounded like she was giving out order as a master and ruler. This is the first time Mia would talk using informal speech to speak to her. Before, it would be as if she's begging her but now, she's acting more like a real leader. And Roselle really love this change of act. Her new act will make her seem more pretty and attractive than before. It is as if she's some kind of mafia boss lady. "This is the beginning of a new era. I can feel the change." Roselle said as she got near the end of the palace where the dungeon was located.
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