Creatures of Dark

312 Words
Large creatures, in dark, I could only make out that their eyes are the dense blue color of the water. I am too scared.  I turn my head around slowly and they are everywhere, surrounding me.  I could see them growling, So long teeth, Pointy. I have never seen such creatures.  My heartbeat is too fast and too loud, from their gaze it feels like they could hear it too. One of the largest of them slowly approaches me, quickly gazing at the one beside him. It feels like they are saying something about me, in their own language.  The look on their face definitely shows anger, Like this, is going to be my last day.  It’s getting colder every second.  Their whole body is emitting an aura, it appears blue and cold. I feel like this has happened before that I am in a deja vu.  I hear another howl. But this one is stronger louder, it feels like the entire forest is scared by the sound. There is a disruption among the creatures surrounding me.  They are all growling, louder, their eyes have turned extremely blue.  I hear another growling, this one seems coming from a near distance.  The growling sound of the creatures near me is getting louder, I could see where all their heads are pointed too, the side of the forest is glowing red now, it is everywhere, slowly coming towards me. Everything seems too much for me, it’s getting blurred by each passing second, I am too frightened that I don’t see what’s happening near me.  The aura of the creatures has dimmed suddenly and all I could feel around me is warm red, the coldness that was present earlier has gone.  I could feel that it seems much calm when there is a fight going around me. 
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