An Offer

1755 Words
*Tiara* I stood there, dumbfounded, trying to comprehend how everyone had suddenly stopped moving. What the hell just happened?! It was as if time itself had ground to a halt. Lost in my thoughts, I was still reeling from the shock when, in the blink of an eye, X, the man I had met last night, appeared before me with lightning fast speed. I was startled. Despite knowing that he was not human, witnessing his supernatural agility terrified me. Had he been stalking me all along? What in the world did he want from me? Then I noticed the dark sky and people frozen in their tracks. Could he be responsible for this extraordinary phenomenon? Did he possess some kind of magical power? But suddenly, the sky returned to its usual vibrant blue hue, and the world around us resumed its natural rhythm. Shirley regained her ability to move freely, and she flashed me a reassuring smile as if the bizarre incident had been nothing more than a fleeting moment. Swiftly, I spun around, only to discover that X had gone. Panic welled up within me as I frantically scanned the surroundings, hoping to catch even the slightest glimpse of him. However, he had disappeared without a trace. My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled to comprehend what had just transpired. Had he simply walked away unnoticed, or had he mysteriously vanished while my attention was diverted? Perhaps there was something more sinister unfolding. Despite my efforts to dismiss the growing unease, I couldn't help but be consumed by curiosity about the enigmatic strange event that just happened. Shirley's voice cut through the haze of my thoughts, her concern evident as she touched my pale cheek. "What happened, babe? Why did your face turn as white as a sheet? Did you see something that frightened you?" My gaze instinctively shifted away, uncertainty making me hesitant to reveal the haunting experience. "You... you don't remember anything?" I mumbled absentmindedly. "What are you talking about? You're acting as if I lost my memory. We were together the whole time, girl," she rolled her eyes. No, she hadn't lost her mind, but I felt like I would if that man kept appearing and disappearing like that. "Nothing. I'm just worried about being late for our classes. Now let's go." Holding her hand, I dragged her with me to school, periodically looking back skeptically, half-expecting someone to be chasing after us. When I reached school, Jeremy stood in the corridor talking to a few peers. His eyes twinkled as he spotted me approaching. But I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze, still feeling guilty for what I did last weekend. However, I had no other choice. He walked toward me with that gorgeous smile on his face. "Where were you last weekend, babe?" He asked, pulling me into his arms. "I missed you so much," he sighed, looking at me with a hint of hope. "I was busy at work, Jeremy," I lied, looking away. "But you didn't even answer my calls or reply to my texts. I was so worried until I called Shirley, and she said you were okay. Then I could breathe peacefully," he complained. "You know I don't use my phone at work. It's a strict rule," I said, cursing myself inwardly for lying to my boyfriend. "What are you hiding from me, Tiara? Why won't you look at me?" Oh s**t, he noticed. Was I that obvious? When I didn't reply and kept my eyes lowered, he sighed, defeated. "Shirley told me that you needed money, so you worked overtime. Why didn't you come to me? I would have helped you," he demanded. Jeremy came from a wealthy family, and I never wanted him to feel like I was only with him for his wealth. Yet, despite his financial background, he was a kind-hearted person who genuinely cared for me. It was his genuine care and affection that brought us together and kept us together. "I managed. Don't worry. All good!" I replied, smiling softly, still conflicted whether to tell him about the auction or not. "Listen, baby girl! If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you should come to me first, okay?! Now, promise me," he insisted, holding me tightly in his embrace. His fingers slipped into my hair, massaging my scalp as he peered deep into my eyes. "Okay, my sugar daddy," I giggled shyly as he nuzzled into my neck. "Damn, baby! It does something to me when you call me that," he said, looking at me hungrily as he lowered his head. "Jeremy, I have to tell you something," I murmured. He deserved to know. "Later, baby," he breathed out, his eyes pinned on my lips. Blushing, I closed my eyes, anticipating his kiss. But before his lips could touch mine, he was abruptly yanked away from me and slammed into a nearby wall. "Jeremy!" I screamed in fear, my breath catching in my throat. I saw X grabbing Jeremy by the neck, lifting him in the air, and pinning him against the wall. I quickly ran toward them. "No, please, let him go," I pleaded. X paid no attention to me, his blazing gaze fixed on Jeremy's face. Panic flooded over me as Jeremy began to turn pale. Was X really going to kill my boyfriend? Grabbing X's hand, I desperately tried to pull him away from Jeremy. "No! Please, let him go," I cried out in fear. His eyes shifted to my hand on his arm before glancing at me. His grip on Jeremy's neck loosened, and Jeremy collapsed to the ground. I rushed over to Jeremy, but X grabbed my arm, forcefully yanking me back. "Come with me," he sternly ordered, dragging me along. "Wait, where are you taking her?" Jeremy asked in a shaky voice as he slowly pulled himself up. Shirley ran to his side, watching me helplessly, horror filling her eyes. X didn't bother replying to him and continued walking. He took me to the back side of the parking lot, an area relatively deserted where nobody usually went. "Listen, Sir! You only paid for that night. I am not yours anymore," I reminded him solemnly. I heard him growl as he leaned closer. I fought not to look away as his intimidating and terrifying eyes fixed on mine. "I will pay you more," he spat out. "But I don't want any other man to touch you." "This is insane!" I grimaced, attempting to free myself from his grip, but he forcefully pulled me back. I winced as I collided with his rock-hard chest. Our eyes locked in an intense stare, our chests heaving, our breathing mixing. "The f**k it is," he roared, his green eyes burning with anger. "You... you can't own me," I stammered as his proximity was so intoxicating, and I didn't know why I felt my head spinning from inhaling his enchanting scent. "The hell I can't," he declared, his hold tightening on my arm. I shook my head frantically. "Leave me, please. You are hurting me," I whispered, looking at him helplessly. His eyes softened, and his grip on me also loosened. He released me, and I quickly took a step back before turning on my heel and began to run away from him. "I know you need money for your father's treatment," his deep firm voice made me stop in my tracks. "I will give you a million dollars and bear all the cost of your father's advanced treatment, if you agree with my terms and conditions," he offered. "Wait! How do you know about my father's illness? Are you stalking me?" Turning around abruptly, I narrowed my eyes. "Sir! Listen to me very clearly. You can't buy me," I scowled. What did he think about himself? He couldn't own me. No one can. He laughed, throwing his head back. "Such an irony!" He taunted. I knew he was mocking me for selling my virginity. But I held my ground, holding his gaze confidently. Shaking my head and throwing a disdainful gaze at him, I turned to move away. But he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from walking away. "Ten million!" He announced, making me turn to face him. "I will give you ten million to be with me." He was really insane. "Please let me go," I murmured, shaking my head in refusal as I twisted my hand, trying to free it from his steely grasp. "Fifty million!" He said, his cold eyes looking at me intently. "I have to go, please," I begged, ignoring his offer. "A hundred million!" He further stated. I gasped, my eyes wide. This man, or whatever creature he was, had gone really mad. He was ready to spend a hundred million just to own me. "What will you do to me?" I blurted out loudly, the first thought I got in my mind after hearing such a large amount. He leaned closer, his breath fanning my face, his lips only an inch away from mine. I swallowed instinctively. He was so close that I could see every minute detail of his handsome face. Unintentionally, my gaze dropped to his lips. They were full and inviting, looking incredibly soft. I blinked away the temptation. "I will do whatever I want with you," he whispered dangerously, pulling me out of my trance. "But... but you had me for a night?!" I wanted to slap myself for shamelessly blabbering again. "Because one night is not enough, angel!" He smirked, tilting his head as his soft, warm lips tenderly brushed my cheek, leaving a trail toward my neck before he kissed the skin behind my ear, his hand tightening around my waist and pulling me against his hard body. I jolted as I felt the electricity zing through my blood, reaching my core and making my s*x throb painfully. I was dripping wet and so turn on instantly. I was shocked! Dumbfounded! Clueless about what was going on with me and why my body was reacting to his touch in this way. I had never felt anything like this, not even with Jeremy. He was just a stranger. A dangerous stranger. Before I lost control over my body, gathering all my strength, I pushed him away and this time he let me create distance. I quickly took a step back. "I am sorry, Sir. But I can't accept your offer," I refused, instantly turning around and sprinting without looking behind.
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