Tell Me or Else

3201 Words

“Are you going to tell me what he really wanted?” Diarmid eyeballed her, frowning after her father slammed back out to the shed. “No,” she made a face at him. “It’s none of your business, Diarmid.” “None of my business?” “Nope.” “You’re joking, right?” “Diarmid, we both agreed you and I are scratching itches and while I agree it’s keeping my knees firmly shut where Stavros is concerned, it doesn’t allow you the right to question my relationships with anyone.” “Thought you didn’t have a relationship with him.” “Would you quit it,” she hissed at him aware her father could come back at any time and Diarmid was inching closer to her. “You need to tell me what he wanted.” “I don’t have to do shit.” “I swear to Jesus, Lita, you tell me what the hell he is stalking you for or we won’t

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