Chapter Five- The Cassit Story

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“Kindness is a virtue this world appears to only possess when the promise of a photograph on social media is know to be on the table. For some people, they possess purely gold and selfless hearts and kindness is as normal to them as breathing. But for the lucky ones, that kindness is due to the love they feel for someone. This can be from a motherly love to a passionate need-you-to-breathe love.” Aurora awoke later that morning to find the space around her to be fully unrecognizable. She was laying in her clothes from the night before with a plush blanket placed over her. While her back was against a tan colored couch. When her eyes began to fixate on the area around her, she came to notice a few wolf themed items. A porcelain statue in the shape of a wolf was placed directly beside the door while a framed piece of artwork was against the wall leading to a hallway. Before she could really understand the space, she saw a familiar face standing over the stove in the kitchen. He had been unaware of her being conscious, but seemed to be truly without a single worry as he sang to himself while he swayed side to side with swagger. His one hand was firm on the pan while the other was using a spatula to make scrambled eggs just as the aroma lingered in the air. Aurora could also sense in that moment that sausage had been made and was sitting approximately four yards from her. She found the memory of the night before to startle her as she was able to deny her potential lycanthropy until then. “Well good morning.” Sawyer spoke as he turned to see the girl now awake. “I'm sure you're starving.” She nodded as she was motioned to the kitchen by Sawyer and took a seat in a small dining room. The table was a basic dark wood with a square shape but had diner styled chairs encircling it. It gave a sort of claustrophobic feeling to anyone in the seats, but also allowed for more people to sit than an average kitchen. “There is sausage and eggs, toast, fruit, coffee...I wasn't sure what you liked…” “Thank you.” She said truly appreciative as she pulled a sausage link to her lips and found it to disappeared within seconds. A slight moan left her lips as she found the food to be the most savory she had ever had. “I remember my first free run and how hungry I was the next day…” Sawyer commented as he finished the contents of his plate. “How are you feeling about last night?” His eyes drew to her with a curiosity and care behind their smokey gaze. “It feels more like a dream than anything….” She spoke honestly. “I have heard my entire life of the rumors in this town of werewolves...but to know they ACTUALLY exist….it's hard to comprehend.” “ gives new meaning to the saying “you never really know your neighbor”.” Sawyer spoke with a smirk as he pulled both empty plates from the table and placed them into the sink. “What exactly was the free run last night? And you said something about hunters?” “There was this agreement between Columbus and natives in regards to the lycanthropy. They would be allowed one night a week to run freely in exchange for the lycans staying clear of their crops, homes, and families. When everything with the trail of tears happened, the treaty was disbanded until the early nineteenth century. There was an entire colony of people on Ronaoke Island that disappeared as they were taken and turned in response to the Native Americans having their land stolen. Those same people created a plan to live amongst the humans by allowing themselves one night a month to kill any animal they could find. This made some turn on others and resulted in the crimson bloods...the deal was then returned to where those who go without harming other wolves or humans are allowed one free run a month. This town gets all together once a month, after the full moon, to let off steam.” “Alright Professor Cassit.” She teased as he nervously smirked. “How did you learn about all of that? It's not like there's a how-to guide to lycanthropy…” “Luckily, I had my grandfather who spoke of a girl many years ago. She was a descendent of the Roanoke colony and he swore he had proof with it. I always thought he was off his rocker until I got turned.” “What is your story? I know what mine is…” “It's not something I am proud to talk about.” Aurora looked to Sawyer with a mix of worry and curiosity. “You don't have to-” “I need you to know that before I was a wolf, I wasn't someone that understood forgiveness. So much s**t happened when I was younger and it made me angry. So angry….” He trailed off in thought for a moment before being brought back to reality. “I was camping uncle and we were attacked….he didn't make it.” “I'm sorry…” “I'm not….that man was...a monster...more than the one that ripped out his larynx with its own claws.” Before Aurora could comment, she watched as Sawyer moved to stand. “Doesn't matter… I should be getting you home, I'm sure your parents are worried…” Aurora nodded as she thought of the brunt end she would be on the receiving end of in regards to her mother. However, she took this as Sawyer's way of saying it was time for her to go. She didn't hesitate as she followed him from the trailer and towards the side of the house where a motorcycle was leaning on a nearby tree. The motorbike was a thin unnamed model with chrome detail and Cobalt blue color encasing the exterior. There had been a good decade or so on the bike but it would run like a champ whenever it would be rode. That was something that Aurora was about to find out. Sawyer surprised her as he handed her the extra helmet and she casted him a side glance. “What?” He asked with a chuckle. “I just...wasn’t expecting this…” She spoke honestly as he looked to the bike before looking back at her. “What DID you expect?” She shrugged as he seemed to surprise her each time she thought she had him figured out. “Just don’t say a Prius.” he teased as he placed his own helmet over his head and assisted Aurora with hers as she couldn’t see the straps below her chin. For a minute, Aurora felt Sawyer’s fingers brush her neck and in a way she couldn’t explain, she felt herself drawn to him. Not necessarily in a way that was s****l, but in a way that was possessed. She felt jealous of girls before her and nauseous to think of those after her. But it was a moment that was short lived as he withdrew his touch from her and then focused on the bike. It was a fraction of time that he neglected to notice as she found herself inexplicably drawn to him, but knew what would be said of her if she showed it. Due to this, she repressed the thought and straddled the bike just as Sawyer had revved the throttle. The bike purred at his touch and they were off towards the other side of town. The ride was enjoyable as she wrapped her arms around his lower stomach and held on tightly as he bolted through back roads so he could go faster without the pursuit of police. He enjoyed the feeling of her grip tightening around him as he would push the envelope of danger. However, the ride was short lived as it was only across a bridge where her residence had been. He pulled up in the front of the house and turned off the engine before then helping her off. Sawyer carefully pulled the helmet from her head to reveal a bout of somewhat messy hair. But he still looked at her as if she was angelic in front of him, which to him-she always was. “Thank you for bringing me did you know where I lived?’ She asked cautiously. He teased her by pointing on the tip of his nose as she then remembered from personal experience just how impressive her new lycan skills were. “I wanted to ask you back at your house...are you alone there…” Sawyer nodded. “You think you want to move in?” He joked as she kindly shook her head. “I just noticed that it seemed...lonely.” The words seemed to strike a chord with Sawyer that had been hidden even from himself. His eyes locked onto hers for a minute as he seemed to feel the word deep in his heart. “I am emancipated...I have been since I was sixteen.” “Wow…” “It isn’t too bad. Nobody to answer to...Nobody’s expectations to live up to….” “But there also isn’t anybody to say good morning to...or to make memories with.” “You and I both know that I am not the type of guy that girls like you “make memories with”...” The words were painful to her as she knew what he meant. There were no girls on this side of town that had anything nice to say about Sawyer Cassit. Some spoke of him as being a secret homicidal maniac as others made up vicious rumors about him being a drug addict or rapist even. This was only done for the fact that he stayed to himself and made little attempt socially, but to be fair, Aurora was never one to stand up to those who spoke such things about him. She wouldn’t necessarily go along with it, but would just nod along with it-which could sometimes be just as bad. “I’ve made memories with you…” She spoke in truth as he looked to her with surprise before it faded into sadness. “What did I say?” She questioned him upon seeing his smile turn to a frown almost instantaneously-as if his body couldn’t handle being happy for even a second. “There’s something else I need to tell you about that scratch that I didn’t get the chance to earlier...or didn’t know how to say it.” “Okay.” She looked to him carefully as she was curious to learn everything she could about werewolves as she was now having to live among the shadows with them. With every piece of information she had in regards to lycanthropy, she became drunk on as she wanted desperately to know anything she could to make living with her new live easier or at least easier to understand. “When a werewolf scratches or bites another person...they sort of...claim them.” “Like dibs?” He let out a nervous chuckle. “Something like that...the proper term for it is a “mate”.” Her brows shot up at the word. “Mate?” Sawyer nodded. “What does that mean exactly? I’m yours?” She asked as he smirked at the sound of her saying such a thing to him. But due to her confusion, he took it as disinterest and kept with a scientific answer more than one from the heart. “It just means that others know I turned you. They know that I am protective and that we have a bond unlike anything else with anyone else.” “Can you choose anyone to be a mate?” Sawyer shook his head. “It has to be another werewolf. You aren’t limited to BEING with just werewolves..but your mate is someone who shares your transition. They turn the same night you would...they come to you in dreams...they feel what you do.” “What was that last one?” “If you were to get hurt...something like breaking an ankle...I could feel it. I could also sense when you are in danger or nervous….in love.” Her eyes shot up to him just before the front door of her house came open and her mother stood on the other side. “Aurora Therese!” Her mother spoke her first and middle name to show her disapproval for her daughter’s action. “I should go…” Sawyer spoke as he placed the second helmet on a lock so it wouldn’t bounce from the bike during the ride and placed the other one on his head. “See you around…” He spoke with an unintentional sultry smolder and smirk before disappearing down the road, unaware just how much against “bad boys” her mother was.
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