Chapter Three

2004 Words
When Moira took me back home, Dragon grabbed my medications, coffee, and filled the bath tub full of hot water and tea tree soap. I almost fainted going up the stairs as Dragon placed my arm around his shoulders to walk me up to the bathroom. I couldn’t move because of the strains were causing pain from overdoing my kagune too much and over eating animal flesh from the woods. He scrubbed the blood off my body. I collapsed in the tub with foaming red saliva coming out of my mouth. I blacked out as flashbacks started to rise again. “Oh my god! Viola!” Dragon panicked. “f**k!” Moira shouted and Kaye ran upstairs with an EMT bag. Dragon spread the towel on the floor, lift me out of the tub, and laid me on the bathroom floor with a pillow under my head. I felt like something was controlling my insides that I wouldn’t stop growling. My fangs grew. My body was twitching. “Grab the syringe now! Dragon, hold her still! She’s about to go berserk!” Moira yelled. Kaye unclipped the bag and passed the syringe to Moira. The injection kicked into my system as my body and passed out again. I went into very deep sleep again. The nightmares came back again. I remember being trapped in The Sawyer Hospital of unlicensed male doctors. I heard a female ghoul crying and screaming next door of the room. It was dark with the lights flickering in the hallways and rooms had surgical lights. The doors had square windows like a psych ward as they lock you in the rooms with ankle monitors on you. Doors are always locked. You are trapped. You are in solitude. You are not allowed to speak. You are not allowed privacy. You are not allowed to say No to their commands. Your identity is taken away. You are separated from your loved ones, family, and friends. If the Takers admitted females in this hospital, that means you are considered ‘qualified’ to serve as a house wife. If the male ghouls or humans get admitted, they are considered to be trained as a house husband for female Takers. You are property of the Takers. Your freedom is taken away. I slammed my fists on the door. I remember going insane screaming and crying for Claire. I don’t know what happened to her. I wasn’t sure if she survived, captured, or murdered. Guards and a doctor unlocked the door and walked in with taser sticks and restraints. I tried to use my barehands to attack the guards and the doctor. I couldn’t use my kagune with the sensor taser on my ankle. I tried to fight, but one of them held me against the wall. They held me down on the ground in all fours. Pandy entered in the room with a devilish smile on his face. I was stripped out of my own clothes naked and exposed. I heard high heels slowly clicking from the hallway as she walked into my room. She reminded me of female Russian mafia holding a tall cigarette in her hand all high and mighty. The woman in red dark hair, everyday pink glitter masquerade mask, wore a lot of make up, and slick maroon shiny dress. Her name is Ambrosa. She forced me to wear that tacky pink flower dress. I f*****g hated pink dresses. “If you don’t wear that dress, I will rip your kagune out of your body, turn into as our personal taxidermy, and feed your remains to the gourmet! Be grateful you passed the screening! You would’ve end up thrown into the fertility ward or thrown away like the rest other whores who failed the screening! You are going to be Mrs. Hakujin a house wife! You will serve your dear husband! You will respect the man of the house! Do you understand me?!” Ambrosa demanded as she pointed her cigarette at my ghoul eye. The smoke started to cause blood tears fall from my right eye. “Thank you, Ambrosa. You’ve always been my best friend who knows how to train a female ghoul to behave properly. My future wife does needs to look perfect for my wedding. I manage to access her accounts. I snatched her belongings when I captured this pretty half ghoul.” Pandy said as he swung his golden chains. “She still needs work on acting like a lady. The way she acted wasn’t lady like of her. Are you ready to behave Mrs. Hakujin?” Ambrosa asked as she lifted up my chin with her pointy finger nail. “Yes ma’am..” I sobbed. “Be a good wife and serve your husband.” Ambrosa pat my cheek as she puts her mask back on her face. “Mr. Hakujin. This female half ghoul’s name is Viola Love. She already passed her screenings from the shipping facilities. Ambrosa selected this girl. Do you have a preference for a new name?” The doctor asked him after he gave the paperwork to Ambrosa. Pandy grabbed my jaw and licked my faced. I felt gross that I couldn’t speak. “Let’s call her my Snow Leppard.” That sick twisted smile on his face. I remember being woken by the sounds of the beeping machines. We were transported in shipping containers. It was very cold, dark, crowded, and wet from rain and snow. We were tranquilized and cuffed with devices on our ankles in our sleep. Wrists were cuffed with zip tied plastic. Gag balls in our mouths to prevent ghouls from attempts to bite or spit on the Takers. Takers threw us in containers. I was pushed in with other female half ghouls like me. Trailer of full blood ghouls. Trailer of humans. They separate males, females, ghouls, and humans were arrested harboring ghouls like us. Children were snatched from their families. I remember listening to screaming and crying of citizens. We were dropped off in a warehouse with clear fridge flaps all over the doors. Electric fences outside of the huge building. They treated us like cattle. Takers would shout in our faces and beat us with sticks to keep moving. The guard dogs were barking outside. I woke up sweaty again. I heard Shae barking at something outside as Moira shouted at Shae to stop barking. I noticed Dragon’s scent was on my side of the bed. He recently slept next to me all night. Probably downstairs in the kitchen helping Moira or Kaye doing something. I heard the foot steps as I sat up to see if anyone was coming in the room. “What happened last night?” I asked as I woke up to the early sunrise from the corners of the blackout curtains. “You relapsed in the bathtub. Moira gave you the shot to calm you down. After I cleaned you up, you were conscious in a very deep sleep. You disappeared in my room last night. Moira said that your overeating deer raw was out of control. Your going need to be careful with yourself. We don’t want you to lose control again. Did you have another flashback?” Dragon asked as he felt more worried. He put the coffee on the foldable table with medicine next to the mug. I just woke up that it was kind of hard for me to answer at the moment. Moira came in his room to check up. “How are you holding up?” Moira asked. “I’m alive. I guess you can say I still feel like s**t…” I answered and yawned. “We will be having a meeting in the living room. We expect both you downstairs in 30 minutes. Viola, you have a brother waiting for you.” Moira said to us. “A brother?” I asked. “Do you remember Ezra?” Dragon asked as he was trying to refresh my memory. I cried on Dragon’s shoulder. He rocked me back and forth as he reassured me. “You are not the only person who was separated in isolation from your family. Many citizens lost their families and friends. You are not alone. You are still trying to regain your memories back. Most importantly is yourself back. Moira’s younger sister Seika Namura Takizawa is still missing. Drink your coffee and take your medicine. We don’t want to keep everyone waiting.” Dragon reassured me again. Dragon walked me downstairs to the living room as everyone was sat on the couch waiting for us to join. I got to meet my brother Ezra for the first time again. Moira and Kaye sat together on the same couch where her dog Shae likes to sleep to keep an eye out on the windows of the front door. “Ezra?” I asked with tears in my eyes. “Viola, your alive!” Ezra shouted in shock. I hugged him tight as both of us cried. It was a shock to be reunited with my brother I haven’t seen for years of being held captive by Takers. Ezra is a half human with different genetics in our side of the family. “Where is mother? Is she still alive?” I asked worried. “Mother is still missing. We won’t know for sure until they notify us. I’m scared worried for mother too. I’ve been working with the night watch for years. I’m still trying to help find answers.” Ezra said as everyone seats. “Welcome Viola Love in our household. Dragon found her in the back of his truck at the little market near by acres two hours away from the boarder. My girlfriend Kaye and I grew together in Minnesota before we bought our first home in Aogiri Tree Reservation to help save citizens seek asylum. I’m a leader of the Wolves and Night watch. Kaye is a military civilian of the Air Force. Goal is to make sure that Viola recovers first. Dragon, you will need to keep an eye on her for a few weeks before we get her into night watch training. Take Viola to her doctor appointments. We have really good medical facilities that are here to help ghouls. You’ll like Kimi. She’s the health administrator in the main international hospital of Minnesota. Kimi will help you.” Moira mentioned as Dragon held my hand. “What if the Takers start a war threat in our city? What about our land? How are we going to take Pandy Hakujin in custody?” Dragon asked anxiously. “We haven’t start our plan yet. Luckily Takers haven’t attempt to cross the boarder. If a war were to happen, all citizens evacuate. Masks are required for everyone. Kagunes need to be activated. We must protect our people. My sister Seika is still in The Sawyer. I think about Seika everyday and night. Our home state are still debating if we are willing to prepare to run, fight back, or rescue our people from the Takers out of their sweet bomb spell.” Moira said as Kaye held her hand and kissed her forehead. “Viola needs to taken into training and physical therapy for her kagune and feathers to recover.” Dragon said. “That’s right. I will be mentoring Viola and she is going to need a mask created for her. Dragon, I need you to please take Viola our huge patio and the wall of our losses. Kaye and I need a moment gather information about our plans.” Moira said. Dragon held Viola’s as he walked her to the beautiful garden of Aogiri Tree Reservation of ghoul historical tombs, waterfalls, cherry blossoms falling all over the area, peace, and quiet. This is where our Ghoul residents take walks, meditate, bring their children to explore the area, family gatherings with home cooked flesh, picnics, and mourn for their losses or pray for the missing families who were abducted by Takers.
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