Our Cuddle

1431 Words
Yijung can't sleep without having Woobin in his arms and knowing that his lover was safe and by his side. The boys just finished practice at 1am, but Woobin, always wanting to do his best and show his best decided to stay back for more practice.  "Hyung~ do you have to stay?" Yijung asked Woobin as he sat down beside him. Woobin knew that Yijung wouldn't sleep without him, he was worried that his Jungie wouldn't have proper rest, but he wanted to practice.  "I'm sorry Jungie ah, hyung has to practice just a bit more. Be a good boy and don't wait for me okay? You better be asleep by the time I get back, I can't let my baby lose his beauty sleep." Woobin said ruffling Yijung's hair. Yijung pouted. "Now go. The hyungs are waiting." he gave Yijung a kiss on the cheek and walked him to the door. "Go." he said gesturing for him to follow the rest. Yijung held onto his hand tightly not letting go, Woobin sighed and slowly took his hand away. "Rui ah! Take Jungie with you! And make sure he goes to sleep for me!"  "Okay! Lets go Jungie." Rui said as he walked back to the couple. Yijung wouldn't move, Rui grabbed Yijung's hand and started dragging him. Yijung stayed quiet the whole ride back to the dorm making the hyungs look at him worriedly, but luckily Rui covered for him so they wouldn't ask anymore questions.  "He's just really tired. This kid over worked himself today." Rui said. The others nodded and continued chatting amongst each other. Yijung stared at his phone texting Woobin.  *Hyung, when are you going to be back?* *I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep hyung.* *Please come back soon. I can't believe you're leaving me alone with these hyungs.*  *Don't practice to much. I don't want you to faint or get sick.*  Woobin smiled as he kept getting texts from Yijung. He knew he shouldn't have done this to his poor Jungie, but he wanted to show his best, no more than his best to the fans. *I'll be back soon Jungie ah. Please go to sleep, you are going to make me worry. Don't worry about me too much and worry about yourself. I'll text you when I'm almost done okay. Love you!* *I love you too hyung.* Yijung replied before he started getting ready to shower. He didn't want to sleep on his own bed since there was so much stuff on it and made himself comfortable on Woobin's bed instead, inhaling his hyung's scent that lingered on the sheets. I can't believe he did this to me. How the heck am I going to sleep. Hyung hurry back. God, his scent is killing me right now. Yijung thought. He laid there in bed staring at his screen counting the minutes, waiting for his hyung to come back and slip into bed so that he could start their cuddling session. Before Yijung knew it, it was 2am. And he said he'll be back soon. Yijung thought. *Its been an hour! I think that is enough practice for today. Hurry home, I can't sleep :( *  *I'm sorry Jungie, hyung is coming home right now. Sleep please. Please or else I'll be mad at you!* Yijung sighed, he didn't want Woobin to be mad at him, but he just couldn't fall asleep without knowing that Woobin was safe at home with him, in his arms in particular.  *I'll try, but I'm mad at you for leaving me even though you know I can't sleep without you!* *I know. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you okay baby. Please don't be mad at me, I can't stand having you mad. I love you Jungie!* *Fine. You better make it up to me!*  Yijung smiled, he liked it when Woobin had to make something up to him. And he liked the reactions he gets from Woobin when he is or pretends to be mad at Woobin. Like he said, he tried his best to fall asleep, but couldn't. He tossed and turned trying to find the most comfortable position. He tried counting sheeps, listening to music especially the new song he recorded with Woobin, Christmas Day. He loved his hyung's singing voice and wished that his hyung could sing more in their songs instead of him, but he mostly wanted his hyung to sing just for him.  He finally heard the door click. Hyung is home! Better pretend to be sleeping. Yijung thought. He quickly shut his eyes and felt Woobin sit down on the bed. "Thats a good boy. God Jungie, why do you look so cute and sexy when your asleep." he heard Woobin say and felt his hyung stroke his face and play with his hair. He slowly opened his eyes.  "Hyung~" he said quietly. "Yeah its me Jungie. I'm sorry for making you wait so long." Woobin smiled at him. Yijung suddenly started crying. "Jungie ah don't cry. Hyung is sorry." Woobin said quickly wiping away Yijung's tears and hugging him tightly.  "I'm sorry hyung. I wasn't actually sleeping... Hyung please don't ever do this to me again." Yijung said hiding his face in the crook of Woobin's neck, hugging him tightly.  "I know. I'm sorry, I just wanted to show our fans a great performance. Its fine, I know you can't sleep without me, but I thought my baby could do it. Lets go to sleep now okay?" Woobin said cupping Yijung's face in his. Yijung nodded.  "But, h-h-hyung needs t-tto ch-change first." Yijung said stuttering as he tried to calm himself down from his sudden water works. Woobin chuckled.  "Cute." Woobin said trying to get up and change, but failed since Yijung held him tightly. "Why? Do you want to see me change that badly?" Woobin said smiling at how cute his baby was.  "Ani, its just I missed hyung. And I just want to hug you for the rest of the night." Yijung said blushing.  "Aigoo how can you miss me, its only been an hour." Woobin said. "Araso lets go. I need to change so my baby can rest." he grabbed Yijung's hand and headed to the closet to change into more comfortable clothes. Once he took off his shirt, Yijung blushed and looked away. "Aw my baby is so cute. Did you like what you saw?" Woobin said making Yijung face him, still shirtless.  "H-h-hyung!" Yijung said blushing even more as he looked a little too long at his hyung's chocolate abs.  "Don't pretend you don't like it baby." Woobin said seductively and moved closer to Yijung wrapping his arms around the younger's waist. They could both feel each others breath. God, this hyung is killing me. Why does he have to look so damn sexy. Yijung thought. Woobin came even closer, their noses touching, Yijung licked his lip and stared at his hyung. Woobin smirked and brought their lips together. The two stood there with no gap between them, Yijung's hands touching Woobin's abs while Woobin slowly lifted Yijung's shirt.  "Hyung don't." Yijung whined cutely through their kiss making Woobin drop Yijung's shirt. They finally pulled away after who knows how long. "God Woobin why do you have to be so damn sexy." Yijung said hugging his hyung.  "Speak for yourself. You turn me on without even trying and do you know how sexy you were earlier pretending to sleep?" Woobin said before putting on his shirt. "Lets go to bed now. I want to start our cuddling time." he said dragging Yijung with him. The two slipped into Woobin's bed. Yijung pulled the blanket over the two as Woobin wrapped his arm around Yijung protectively.  "Man I love being able to have you all to myself every night and getting to cuddle and kiss you whenever I want." Woobin said planting a kiss on Yijung's forehead.  "Me too hyung. I can finally sleep now knowing you are safe at home with me." Yijung said smiling. "I love you." he said before closing his eyes.  "I love you too Jungie ah." Woobin said closing his eyes and the two drifted off to dreamland together with smiles plastered on their faces, hugging each other tightly. The next morning Jihu went into the room to check on the two and smiled as he saw how cute they looked with Woobin hugging Yijung as if he was protecting him. He took a few pictures before leaving the two to enjoy their sleep and cuddling time.    
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