2542 Words

“Yes. Oh, I’m not suspecting him.” We both laughed, as if at a good joke. “But I should like to hear something about his butler, for reasons which I’m not yet prepared to give you. He answers to the name of Odell, and has the appearance of an inferior prize-fighter. Find out all you can about his past, and it mightn’t be a bad plan to have him shadowed. You know Medina’s house in Hill Street. But for Heaven’s sake, let it be done tactfully.” “I’ll see to that for my own sake. I don’t want head-lines in the evening papers--’House of Member of Parliament Watched. Another Police Muddle.’” “Also, could you put together all you can get about Medina? It might give me a line on Odell.” “d**k,” he said solemnly, “are you growing fantastic?” “Not a bit of it. You don’t imagine I’m ass enough to

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