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The following morning, my nose got tickled by the large spectrum of aroma coming from a familiar type of flower. When I open my eyes, I instantly witness how I was drowning inside my bedroom filled with roses in different sorts of bouquet arrangements and forms. There was nothing that immediately came to my head other than to call Leandro. I pressed on the beeper beside my bed about multiple times in a row until he came rushing inside the room. I immediately noticed his struggle to walk above the pool of bouquets, and though I feel disturbed for calling for him so rashly; this whole setup just made me more uncomfortable than him. “Leandro, who put these flowers inside this room?” gone is my moderate voice when I asked him. As his usual gesture, Leandro places a hand above his chest as he addresses my query. “Our master sent these for you. Last night must have been an inharmonious meeting between the two of you, therefore, he is sending these to eat a humble pie.” He even dares to speak in his master’s stead when such a phrase should have said by his master. I sent Leandro an eye roll, ignoring even the fact that he is struggling to stand and avoid stepping on any flowers. Leandro just reminded me about the whole scenario from last night that quickly infuriates me right now, making me stirred up by that nightmare. I’m harassed and completely beleaguered in the arms of his master, and now they thought complimenting me with flowers will resolve what his master did to me? “Miss Emalia?” Leandro’s facial expression is too far from being concern and apologetic. If I were to have the real say, sarcasm is more apparent from his face now than the genuine intention. Regardless, I wouldn’t mind either. I despise him or his master. Despite knowing his master is harassing me, he just freely allowed him to do so. It even seems like he prefers being an audience from last night had his master pursued his plan to molest me. I rise immediately off the bed and when I am already on my feet, I quickly pick up a large bouquet of red roses resting about a bit closer to my bed. The scent coming from the blooms is enthralling, let alone the nice arrangement it has. What I am about to do with it though is going to be such as waste, but my frustration won the best of me that I was not able to hold myself back anymore. Using the poor bouquet, I thrashed it repeatedly across Leandro’s head and shoulders. With both his hands arched up, Leandro shields his head from my continuous beating. He continues to release some groaning sounds, yet I can only assume he is just over-reacting. “You godforsaken, wretched, perverted man! Did you think you can overwhelm me with all these flowers after what you and your master did to me last night?” I have completely stunned Leandro with all my beating. His uniform received a lot of crunches and scratches. Even his brushed hair is now perfectly ruined with the petal hanging between his top hairline. He immediately fixed this in his best way before attending to my statement, “But Miss Emalia, I don’t recall doing anything against you last night.” “Exactly! You did nothing—nothing at all to stop your perilous master from harassing me!” There came a sigh from his end, “Miss Emalia, forgive this mere servant then. I offer you my head as my atonement,” Leandro bends down and is already on his knees begging. His head is facing the floor of roses while he maintains the position of his hand on his chest. “What are you doing?! Now you want me to be the felonious one by offering your head?” Leandro’s face remained to look down on his feet while he maintains politeness when conversing with me. I suddenly feel totally ashamed as knowing I am just a guest in this place but can anyone blame me? I was harassed and held here like a captive within a golden cage? “Miss Emalia, If I can have a word, may I please assist you to the dining?” How can he just invite me to eat inside this place again like completely ignoring what happened last night? “You think that inviting me to eat would make me forget what happened last night?" "No Miss Emalia, but it would ease away the grumpiness your stomach is feeling right now at least." I can't believe this man just showed me another side of his sarcasm. Leandro is such a dimwit of a servant, only loyal to his master. I don't think can ever trust this man after all. "What if I don't like to eat?" I break in to ask him. It was more like I asked that to provoke him to be irritated enough and just release me from wherever place I might be right now. Leandro finally rose to straighten his posture as he gives out his response, "My master wishes to tell you that he'll be eating breakfast with you downstairs." His master? How dare that pervert even have the slightest audacity to call me in to dine with him like he has not done me wrong at all? I don't wish to see him but, there is something at the back of my head that tells me I should face this man. Still, there is no way it is happening. I will not submit myself to his will. If I had to skip meals just so I wouldn't have to face him then so be it. That is why as soon as I made up my mind, I began picking the bouquets one by one to throw them all outside the room. Leandro gave off a horror look at my sudden action. "Miss Emalia, don't you like any of these flowers?" "Isn't it obvious?" I instantly told him with all fury. "But Miss Emalia, these are personally picked by our master." "All the more that I don't care, oh and tell your master that I won't ever dine with him. Over my dead body!" I strongly said as I pushed Leandro outside the door to lock myself within. I still heard Leandro knocking on the door twice but I still refuse to open it for him. It wasn't that long when Leandro finally gave up inviting me. It wasn't even long after Leandro left me alone when a bombarding number of heavy knocks on the door stirred me in my bed. "Open the door woman!" It was a man with a deep angry tone that's demanding me to open the door to this room. When I walk towards it to try and recall where did I hear that voice, my agony changed to fury the moment I realized that it is the master of this house who's now trying to wreck the door with his mad fist. "Open the door before I destroy this one!" he warns once more. And since I don't want to see this door wrecked by this wild man, I open the door before he could even give his next attack against it. I was surprised to see a fine man, in his mid-thirties I assume. He wears that Athletic body seemingly comparable to that of Hercules but his was tanned. He's unbelievably tall and his arms were long enough to even grab me quickly despite our distance if he wishes to. His dark wavy hair is neatly maintained as well as his semi-shaved facial hair. But what caught my attention was his oceanic-blue eyes. It's so crystal clear that I could even say it reminds me so much of the sea. This isn't my first encounter with the master of this household yet, I believe this would be the very first time I caught a glance of his whole feature in the light.
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