Chapter - 2

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Darpana pov "Darpana wake up now you lazy brat.. WAKE UP!" Aarika screamed in my ears "what is your problem Aarika? Let me sleep in peace.. I'm sleepy so go away now.." I said and covered myself in the blanket more "Ms. Darpana Singhania you know what time it is? It's past 8 am. So hurry up otherwise our dance teacher will kill us have you forgot about our dance practice?" Aarika said and I shot up in my bed How the hell I forgot? Today we need to go earlier and here I'm sleeping like there is no tomorrow.. Oh sorry I didn't give my introduction.. I'm Darpana Singhania.. 22 years old final year in college.. I have an elder brother and a best friend who can do anything for me.. I love to dance.. " Darpana believe me get ready in 20 minutes or I'm leaving you here I don't know what will you do if I leave you.." Aarika said in an angry voice breaking my introduction.. " Aarika threaten me with anything but don't bring that topic ever.. You know that right this topic is not what I want to hear ever.. You know how much I hate staying alone.. "I said with a frustrated voice always it happen with me.. " shh, calm down Darpana I didn't mean to say that. I know very well that you hate this topic I'm sorry.. "Aarika said and hold her ears like a child Again I lost control.. Why? Always this topic make me like this.. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't snap at you.. I will get ready if you want leave me I will reach by my own.. "I said and got up to ready.. " no no I can't leave you alone, remember 8 years ago we both give some promise to each other brother's? That we will never leave each other and will take care.. If I leave you now then how will I face Ansh? " Aarika says and blushed Awww my straight forward friend can blush? Oh yes only for my brother.. She has a crush on him but its like one sided love. I don't know if bhai didn't accept her love then what will happen tu her.. I dont want to break my friend's heart.. "yes and I have promised your brother Mr. Raichand that I will take care of his i***t sister.. So I can't also leave you.. Now let me get ready.. And you know I have a surprise for you.. You will get it on our program day." I said and run to the washroom before I get to late.. I got ready in a simple long dress well I will change for My dance practice anyways so it doesn't matter.. I got out of the washroom and saw Aarika is waiting impatiently for me.. "girl we have 10 minutes before class starts so we need to drive fast.." Aarika said and I nod I was driving towards our college and with our luck we reach in exact time.. We practiced dance on the song we will perform.. After finishing dance we both goes to our class.. We both have same subjects so it's like we're inseparable.. After our class I sitting alone in the library.. I'm so excited to meet bhai after 8 years.. Yes I didn't meet him from past 8 years.. Its not because he can't meet me but the thing is he don't want to meet me.. After that incident all things has changed.. First our parents death then after 2 years that incident.. It all had shook him up and he blamed himself for everything.. But it wasn't his fault nor her. If someone was in fault that was that person who is the reason of everything.. Bhai don't know the full details I don't know what he will do if he knows what actually happened that day.. And I pity Aarika as well. May be she shows that she is happy but I know she is not.. Her brother also didn't meet her for 8 years it's beacause she don't want to hurt me. They always talk on video call but bhai never video call me. I have a doubt is he even know how I look? Actually Aarika and me we're best friends that has 2 reasons.. 1st our brothers are best friends and now business partners and we both are broken souls and we both heal each other.. Only we can understand what we need to comfort each other.. My thoughts broke when I fell someone's hand touching my waist.. "leave me now Arnav please.." I said Arnav with a pleading voice "baby just give me a chance. You will not regret.. Look at me I'm handsome, rich I can give you anything you want. Just be my girlfriend.." Arnav said without leaving my waist. Enough of his shit..from past 2 months he has talking this rubbish today he has cross his limits but what can I do? I'm a girl after all. I'm weak.. " please Arnav leave me alone.. I dont want to be your girlfriend I have no interest in you or anyone so leave me.." I begged to him " Arnav leave her or I swear you will regret why you came here.." Aarika said and help me to free myself from how grip.. " you know very well that who is my brother right? One of the main trustees of this college.. So get lost before I complain him and he kick you out from this college.. " Aarika threatened and Arnav run away " thank you for helping me. This Arnav is disturbing me from past 2 months. I have told him many times that I don't want to be his girlfriend but always he will try to force me today he touches me.. "I said and started crying I'm over sensitive and a damsel in distress.. I know I need to change myself but I can't.. " ahhh Darpana I have handled him now he will not disturb you let's go.. We need to go for shopping.. "Aarika says and dragged me with her.. What will I do without her? She is light in my dark life.. I hope everything will be OK in future as well.. " hey Darpana see this news.. "Aarika said and hand me her phone when we are entering our house.. Not permanent but its our home till we complete our studies.. We have many girls like us here.. CEO OF KHANNA ENTERPRISES SHAURYA KHANNA HAS COMITTED SUICIDE.. He has write a note for his wife who has delivered a baby boy 2 months ago.. That he is guilty for cheating on her and having many affairs.. She deserves better than him. He can't bare this anymore so he is committing suicide.. "you wanted me to show this? You know people like him deserve this and his wife deserved better.. They're not worthy to live here.. No need to pay attention to this shit.." I said and left her alone in the living room..
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