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He walked off, hands stuffed in the front pockets of his denims as though he owned the place and the sad fact was that indeed he owned it. He was clearly being an asshole without a try to disguise it. Every normal human being always reaches a point when they can't take s**t from anyone else. Without realising it I was slowly loosing a grip on myself. My resolve to be courteous even under his nerving insults was melting into the thin air. "Am sorry sir but am not interested in having any food in your house. By the way, aren't you supposed to be at a party in one of your penthouses? I wouldn't want to be the reason for you missing it so have a great night and I'll be leaving," who was he anyway to control me like I was his some kind of property? I walked towards the door as I felt him turn, so I made a semi whirl to face his angry form. It would sound like an understatement to say he was breathing firestorm. "Oh! By the way, if you think am going to thank you for helping me, then you are damn wrong because that would be the last thing I would do even if you hung me before the whole New York City. You know what? Why don't you get your own ass at your party? And so you know, I don't give a single s**t if you fire me. I would rather be jobless than deal with an asshole like you," I had finally snapped and I was sure as hell that was the end of my career with Stewart's Company. He stood watching me, angrier than I have ever seen him. His usual gorgeous eyes looked ready to murder someone with just a single glance. I couldn't move, I couldn't even utter a single word. Deep inside me my intestines were curled in fear. Eight long strides later he was standing before me, hands balled into tight fists. He raised his fist to hit me and I gulped inwardly yet maintained an angry look. "Do it since its what you are so good at. What are you waiting for? A signal? Come on, hit me!" did I just shout that on his face? Well he deserved it. The anger that was bubbling inside me was finally showing up and there was no going back now. I watched his fist moving closer to my face but I didn't shut my eyes as I would have done in some other occasion. I wanted to watch him hit me but the fist never hit me instead it went smack into the wall behind me. A wall? When did I even reach the wall? Then he just turned, cussing softly, a hand on his waist while the other pulled at his hair. How does he manage to look this sexy even though his hair is in total disarray? Why was I even thinking about that? Maybe I do really need to be admitted to the ICU of a mental institution, if it exists that is. Then he faced me, a huge smirk on his golden face. Is this guy bipolar or something? I don't think I have ever met such a confusing guy. One minute he is breathing a firestorm and the next minute he is freaking smirking. "You think you can just talk to me like that and get away with it? Well you've got something else coming Briannah," he turned once again to walk away. Then he abruptly stopped and whirled to face me. "Oh! I hope you don't forget to bring a brand new suit tomorrow," He couldn't be so serious. I looked back and realized he watching me for a reaction and I was not gonna give him the satisfaction he needed. I smiled sweetly and I could have sworn that I saw his smirk falter and him drawing a breath,or maybe I could have as well just imagined that. "Of course I do remember," "Good," and with that he disappeared up the stairs without a second glance in my direction. Such a great way to end my day, don't you think? I walked out of the hugest mansion I have ever set my eyes on. Wow! Talk about the perks of being such a wealthy billionaire. I was finally at the gate which I must mention that it was a great distance to walk. How come there were no men in black holding guns and wearing black shades even at night? So surprising, I sighed. Wait, how do I I even open this gate? I almost jumped out of my skin when the gate slid open on its own accord as a voice boomed from I couldn't figure out where. "Thanks for visiting. Hope you heard a wonderful time. Have a lovely night friend," A wonderful time? I scoffed on annoyance. Though it wouldn't hurt an inch to appreciate the beauty and modernization of his mansion. His place was even run by some form of technology! I walked out and the breeze hit my face, lifting my hair in the process. Then dizziness hit me again. s**t! I should have just agreed to Mr. Stewart's offer. My knees grew weak, overwhelming my entire body. I slowly sank to the ground but before I was completely down, strong hands grabbed me. My vision was too fazed to decipher exactly the person but I knew it was a man. The only thing I heard was him calling my name as though in the distance. Dylan's POV I sat at the dining room, my jaw ticking in pure anger. After all these years why did she decide to come back now? I stood pummeling my fist into the wall but that did nothing to bring my wrath any notch down. I know she thinks I believed her about having a freaking amnesia but of course I am not stupid not to know she was lying. I knew I should never have trusted Mike with the job of choosing for me a PA but I had no choice back then. It was a wonder though that even after all these years her eyes still affected me and her lips were still my biggest weakness. I closed my eyes remembering how I had almost kissed her senseless when she smile back at the office. It had taken every ounce of power not to push her on my table, strip her down, kissing every inch of her sexy body, watching her melt under my touch, screaming my name like there was no tomorrow. One was really though. I had to try and forget my feelings for her. She had hurt me beyond imagination and just when I was finally having a grip on myself she waltzed back into my life. Right now I was waiting for my private doctor, who was locked up in the mini hospital in my house, to prove my assumptions correct. I wonder why he was late. Didn't he know I had a party to attend? Speaking of him, he showed up in the dining room, a huge file in hand. "I should probably attend to your arm first," he spoke, ushering to my bleeding hand. "If I needed your services on my arm, I would have asked. Now, the results!" I snapped, resulting to him coiling back in fear. "O-of course sir," he adjusted his big rimmed glasses while flipping the pages of the file he was holding. He cleared his throat noisily before opening his mouth to speak. "The results could only be graded as seventy point three two nine percent correct. This is because we had to sedate her when she was unconscious, something that I highly recommended against so much but you were ready to risk. You know this could have easily... " "John!"I interrupted his rumbling. "Sorry sir. According to my observation and diagnosis, she was hit by a very hard and heavy object in the back of her head. The hit was so severe and it affected her brain in a great way. The part of her brain..." "Can we please skip to the part where you tell me whether she has amnesia or not?" I tapped the table impatiently. "Of course, sir. She does have amnesia. There is something else though..." "What! You gotta be kidding me,"I snatched the file from him in total disbelief. To my utter disappointment it was true. I threw the file in anger, it's contents spilling on the floor. "Are you sure these are the correct results?" "Y-yes, sir," "f**k! This means she has no clue about what happened between us,"I muttered under my breath while making a semi whirl, hands on my waist. "Well if she can't remember what you did to her then take that as an advantage since its obvious you still love her. Go ahead, start afresh, pretend you never knew her before, get married and have a couple of kids," I turned sharply to face John, who averted his gaze to a nonexistent picture on the wall. "I was just practicing a poem I wrote," he stated quickly. An idea struck my head as an evil grin crossed my face. It's payback time b***h but you'll never notice till I strike deep, I thought. "Point of correction, I didn't do anything to her, it's what she did to me but you can be a genius sometimes you know,"it's hard not to smile now, knowing that I was finally gonna strike her back. I patted John's shoulder as I walked past him to my room. I hopped into the shower, enjoying the hot water beating against my skin and instantly I relaxed savouring the moment. I adorned a white armani suit with a golden tie while covering up the wounds with some cream. Now I was ready to go rock my party which I had left Mike in charge of. Twenty five minutes later I arrived and as usual there were ladies ready to do anything just to receive a glance from me but I just shrugged them off and walked to Eva. "How's the party Eva? Having a great time?" the unusual radiance in my voice must have caught her off guard because she just stared at me before she blinked twice. "It's great," she answered as though she wasn't sure about it. "Great outfit by the way," I commented, earning a deep blush from her. "Thanks so much sir. You don't look bad yourself," "Don't call me sir, just Dylan for tonight," I winked and she blushed again. I took my time scrutinizing her. It would only be fair to admit how attractive she was with her long blonde hair, high up in a ponytail, a single strand not out of place. Her perfectly manicured fingernails matched the gorgeous designer dress clinging to her perfectly curvaceous form. "Mind a drink with me?" I whispered to her ear as she giggled nervously. I was feeling so generous right now, so why not spend some happy time together with a ravish lady? "I wouldn't mind," she smiled as I linked my arm with hers, leading the way to an empty table while nodding to a few people on the way. "By the way I haven't seen Mike around. Maybe you might have a clue of his whereabouts?" I asked after a short while. "No clue. He left a while ago and he hasn't shown up since then," she twirled the glass of red wine that she was currently taking. "I'll just call him. Excuse me," I stood up, walking towards an inner room of the penthouse, girls shoving themselves on me despite having their partners. I dialled his number and after the second ring he picked up. "What's up man?" his voice boomed in my ear. "Where the hell are you? I left you in charge of the party and when I show up you are no where to be seen," "Chill dude. I had an emergency to take care of but I'll be there in thirty minutes," "Whatever. Just make sure you show your sorry ass here," I hung up the phone and returned to the party. The party was now in full swing. I watched couples dancing to the slow music as I sipped my drink slowly while talking to Eva every now and then. Exactly thirty minutes later, Mike walked in with a girl on his arm. I was not interested at first until she whipped round to smile at some couple. The long red dress hung on her curves at all the right places and for any straight man she looked bang-able. But then again, isn't that how all sluts look like? My eyes trailed them as they walked over to my table.
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