
1351 Words
Book after book after book was set aside as Angelique scrolled through them, unable to read any of them as she couldn't understand a single word written in them. As frustration rose higher, she was getting tired and soon enough, she gave up, hunching over her own knees, wrapping her arms around her legs, looking up at the white-haired woman who watched her all along with curiosity and amusement. "Giving up?" the white haired woman smiled and took a seat on the fur Angelique was sitting on, stacking some of the books. "Mhm." she grunted and hid her face in her knees with a sigh. "That's too bad..." the woman whispered, touching her back motherly before getting up and starting to place the books in the nearest shelves. "Don't suppose you can read to me?" Angelique sighed, pushing herself up and stretching a little. "That's an option. A boring one, but it is an option." the woman confessed and offered her a gentle smile. Angelique paused, mid-yawn her eyes widening slowly. "Or maybe I can tell you exactly what I know. Or what is essential to know, because I truly do not believe you'd like me to read eighteen books to you." she joked and walked back in front of the fireplace, taking a seat on the fur that was sprawled right in front of it. "Three wise and almighty races have ruled the universe since the dawn of time." she started her story and Angelique hurried to sit down too, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. "Born out of the Universe itself, blessed with incredible power and knowledge, they were the first Three to have ever witnessed the beauty of creation. The Dragonkin, or dragon shifter were one of the three. They were mighty beasts blessed with raw power. They were forgers, ingenious creatures with the knowledge to build everything from ashes. They knew how to utilize anything around them to create something. They might have been the first ones to ever create life. But their race was the first inclined to fall. The gift of creation was soon blessed and given to the other two races, and the dragonkins were not happy about this. Soon, they started hoarding everything for themselves, isolating and drifting away from the other two mighty races, along with their riches, knowledge and essential skills for supporting life. To put it short, this started a war, a silent war between the three races, who above else started to desire everything they didn't already own. The Dragons wanted the An'ekds lands, for they were most fertile and-" The door of the library opened and before the story could continue, someone barged in, followed by a few voice that were soon silenced by the door closing. It wasn't like the story made too much sense for Angelique, but with the sudden intrusion, it was like no information had stuck to her brain at all. She turned swiftly to face the intruder, her anxiety level rising instantly when her eyes met Aellioah's. "What are you doing here?" he muttered between his teeth, his eyes pinned in her direction. But before Angelique could muster the courage to say something, the white haired woman spoke. "Being helpful to someone who needs it." she spoke, her voice low and very tensed. "She doesn't need your help." Aellioah barked, marching towards them. His hand grabbed Angelique and pulled her away from the suddenly irritated woman. His eyes locked with Angelique's for a moment, before he turned to the other again. "I told you to stop using that form. Change back and get out of here!" he commanded, but the woman didn't seem to want to budge. "I was being useful!" she countered. "Isn't that why you brought me here?! Isn't that why-" "OUT!" Barked Aellioah and the figure of the gentle woman suddenly melted, leaving behind a strange imp-like creature, that scurried away making weird sounds of protest. Angelique felt her stomach turn at the sight of the strange creature with one eye bigger than the other, with just a few strands of hair, baggy clothes, hunched back and long skinny fingers, that somehow resembled a skeleton. Aellioah could feel Angelique tense at the sight of the nark and his grip on her tightened gently until the creature was out of sight. "Why are you here?" his voice was still demanding, but he wasn't yelling at her. Aellioah released her and walked away, towards the desk, shuffling through his drawers. Still a little stunned by everything, Angelique turned to face him, her lips parting to answer him, but then... "Why did you leave like that?" her voice was low, hesitant, her hands intertwining in front of her body, while she sat frozen in her spot. Aellioah didn't seem to mind her question while he continued to shuffle through his stuff. "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you say goodbye? It's been weeks!" she huffed, clearly bitter about the situation. Aellioah paused for a moment, his eyes looking up from his desk, towards her, a brow raised in a silent question. "Pardon me?" he mocked, slamming shut one of the drawers. "Good job keeping track of time!" he added with a mocking smile, his eyes rolling as he leaned back into the chair. "You wanted goodbyes?!" he huffed and swallowed the dry knot in his throat harshly along with the many mean words he had to spill out. "Weren't you the one to tell me you hate me, right after I carried you to the bathroom?!" With tears swimming in her eyes, Angelique bit her lip and lowered her gaze. "That was a mistake..." she whispered between a few breaths. "Mistake? "Laughed Aellioah, shaking his head. "Then it was also a mistake that I left without a word," he announced, and returned to searching for what he needed. "Of course it was...." Angelique whispered and turned around, warm tears streaming on her cheeks, grabbed the blanket she had brought here and started for the door. but before she could open it, Aellioah cut in front of her, still visibly angry and tensed. "What did I do to deserve your hate?" he hissed at her, eyes narrowed and jaw clenched. When Angelique refused to speak, he suddenly grabbed her face, lifting it so she could look him in the eye. "I got you out of that hell you still cling to and call home! I brought you here and did everything I could to offer you everything there was to offer. food, clothes, protection. I gave you time and everything you needed so that you would feel comfortable and did not rape you the second I brought you here. I had patience from the very beginning. I waited for you for eons of time, for you especially! Never took anyone to be my mate out of greediness. And yet, YOU. HATE. ME." his words were filled with anger, and his grip on her face tightened. The pain became bothersome, but that wasn't what fueled her tears and sobs. His words stung worse and she could feel the bitterness in them. Aellioah released her face abruptly and Angelique sucked in a breath. Tension floated in the room, almost chocking her sobs. "Maybe I'm actually growing fond of having you away." she spat out with the same bitterness. The man hesitated. His eyes were narrowed on her frame and his eyes scanned her face for something that wasn't there. "Too bad. I'll be around for a while." he replied, distantly, moving away from the door and allowing her to leave while he walked back to his desk. Angelique did not expect this answer. She expected him to lash out again and toss more mean words towards her behavior, but he simply walked away. She took a few moments to regain her composure and walked out of the library, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders again and making her way towards the very well-known bedroom. Her small, comfortable cage, her mind drifting for him, to the strange and unfinished story and the strange little impy creature.
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