
1716 Words
Morning came with a terribly loud sound, pulling Angelique awake from her dreamless and restless slumber. Outside of the castle, a loud howl-like sound followed by a terrible booming sound echoed, shaking the whole planet. Or so it seemed for Angelique who found herself trapped in the warm blankets, with a very heavy arm around her. She blinked the haze away, trying to come to her senses, before turning her head to look around. She was pressed against a very warm body, and when she realized it was none other than Aellioah, her stomach filled with anxiety, squirming inside of her, threatening to empty whatever it held at that point. She turned around on her back and struggled to push his arm off of her. Aellioah's eyes opened for half, taking in the image of the very blue eyes that stared at him in horror and worry. A half smile crept on his still sleepy figure as he pulled her closer. To add to her horror, Angelique only now realized that she was butt naked under the cover and what she felt against her skin might be his leg or... Another loud bang pulled Angelique away from her imagination, when someone banged their fist against the door. "Your Highness!" someone called, an unfamiliar voice. At the sound of the voice, Angelique wanted to hide away like a stray cat. Aellioah noticed her tensing beside him, and he pulled the covers all the way to her neck. "Give me a minute..." he whispered in a husky voice, forcing himself out of bed. Angelique didn't even dare to say a word, as he got up and stretched his arms a little, his back flexing in a delightful way. Aellioah stood up and walked to the couch to grab his robe, unbothered by her curious eyes that followed him around the room. He wrapped the robe around his body and tied it in the middle securely before heading for the door, opening it only a little. The person behind the door started to speak in an unknown language, quite aggravated. Aellioah replied sharply and without missing a beat, before closing the door and sighing softly. "What happened?" Angelique spoke, her throat incredibly dry and hoarse. "Another rift opened near the castle and a handful of demons broke through the main gate of the capital..." he muttered, more annoyed than worried. Angelique slowly sat up, keeping the covers around her body. Every muscle in her body felt tense and uneasy, a stabbing pain radiating from her shoulder, legs, arms and pretty much almost everywhere. She felt sore and tired, despite the long night. She turned to look at her shoulder, finding multiple bite marks, healing on her flesh. "What happened?!" she yelped, touching the dry blood from under the bite marks, hurying to get up from the bed. But as soon as her feet touched the ground and she stood up, her knees almost gave in. With a loud yelp, she collapsed on the floor, shaking, her body refusing to move. "Aellioah?!" she questioned the man who approached her, with a satisfied smile on his lips. Her eyes filled with tears before he could speak. He sighed softly and leaned down, picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom. Angelique found her thighs covered with a sticky layer, and now, the soreness between her legs was explained. Her eyes rounded in shock and she immediately turned to look at Aellioah, her lips parting to soya something, but nothing coming out. Aellioah peered down at her. "You don't remember anything from last night, do you?" he asked, as he slowly sat her in the tub and started the warm water. with narrowed eyes, she followed him around the bathroom, trying to recall something. "I remember getting angry and suddenly... falling?" A sudden dreadful feeling washed over her as she realized she had experienced this before. She covered her face with both her hands, groaning to herself in frustration and humiliation. "What did I do?! Did I hurt anyone?!" her hands fell, splashing some water around. "Anyone?" he huffed, slightly amused. "The only person you hurt is yourself, chocking on my cock." he smirked, half amused, half serious. Utter disbelief and horror struck again. Her face grimaced in disgust and disbelief. "No!" she hissed, leaning back, defeated, against the tub. " no..." her voice grew smaller, her eyes unfocusing his figure, as vague memories resurfaced. "Yes..." she sighed and slapped her forehead with her wet hand. Aellioah suppressed a chuckle as he kneeled down beside the tub and handed her a sponge. She turned to him, guilty, angry and ashamed. "You should have stopped it!" she hissed at him, snatching the sponge. "You enjoyed it." he spoke calmly, watching her. "SHE enjoyed it! IT!" her voice grew louder. "She is you. You are SHE. The only reason you are separate is because you refuse to accept there's more to you than meets the eye." Aellioah seemed unphased by her anger or words. His hand reached to her shoulder, stroking the wounds slowly. "They'll be healed by dinner time." he stated simply, his hand moving up to cup her cheek. When he touched her shoulder, she looked at it too, before looking at him again. "What's this? You did this?" she asked. "Yes." he stated proudly, thumb brushing over her cheek bone. "My mark suits you perfectly." he smirked, getting up and walking out of the bathroom. "MARK?!" She hissed, turning around to look after him. "Get back here!" she demanded, but Aellioah didn't bother to do so. Cursing under her breath, she pushed herself up and walked out of the bathroom, supporting herself on the door frame, staring at him with wide, distrustful eyes. "Why did you do this?" she asked, voice shaky. Aellioah was picking up his outfit for the day, along with his light leather armor, his back turned to her. When her question came, he smirked and paused, turning his head to the side and giving her a side-eye look. Even like that, she could see him smirking like an i***t. "Because you are mine, and I don't want to share what's mine." his low, growl-like voice echoed through the room, sending shivers to the very marrow of her bones. "Yours?" she whispered in disbelief, before marching to him. Aellioah turned to look at her. She was adorable when she got angry. "Who do you think you are to call ownership over me?! do you think I'm some sort of stray dog you can just tag and -" His lips suddenly caught hers, stopping her unnecessary ramble. His hand cupped her cheeks in a tender touch,afraid he'd hurt her if he'd put too much passion into it, his lips melting against her as if she was the next vital thing after air. Startled, Angelique stumbled backwards and before she could catch herself, his arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer in a gentle embrace, as his tongue flicked against her lips. A shiver traveled her spine down all the way to its end, settling as a warm giddy sensation. Her lips parted and she melted into the kiss as well, hands pressing against his warm chest. The kiss was not a lustful one. Not what she expected at all. It was longing for more, for touch, for attention. It was like a starving need he had to fulfill right now, a starving need that forgot about air and breathing for enough time for Angelique to feel faint as their lips melted against each other and tongues danced together in a terribly orchestred waltz. When their lips finally parted, Aellioah's forehead rested on hers, eyes still closed, lips parted as he breathed through them a few times. Angelique opened her eyes, taking in his figure. He seemed pained, as if he was fighting something. "Are you alright?" she whispered, her fingers pressing against his chest in a worried way. When Aellioah didn't reply she asked again, only for him to peck her lips silent. His face slowly pulled away from her, his pained expression changing to a stern one, with distant eyes. "I need to hurry. The situation is getting dire and-" he stopped, noticing the sudden tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, his brows drawing closer. "What happened?" he insisted, holding her tighter as she started to sob. "Angel?" he asked, almost out of breath. "I hate you..." Angelique whispered between her sobs, struggling to free herself from his grip. Confused, thorned apart and baffled by her words, Aellioah released her and remained in his spot, watching her rush back to the bathroom and lock herself in. What happened? What had happened?! No matter how many times he raked his brain, he couldn't understand the reason for her sudden proclamation. She hated him... A side smile, a shadow of a memory washed on his face. You hate me... In the bathroom, Angelique stopped in the mirror to take a look at her body. She had multiple bruises that seemed to heal right under her eyes. Her body seemed a little plumper, but not too noticeable, and in her eyes, a few rays of red shone brightly. YOU! she hissed at her own image, the red eyes flashing bright as a memory in her mind. Me..... the voice answered in a bored way. What did you do?! Angelique questioned, still sobbing. Got that d**k you were too afraid to get. it replied back with a hint of sarcasm. He's my enemy! He killed my friends! her heart rate picked up immediately just by thinking of all the reasons to hate Aellioah. And he's got good d**k. Gotta give it to him.... the beast within muttered mockingly. You should try it yourself! Might hurt at first but, trust me, terribly good d**k! That's attached to a psychotic i***t who goes around wreaking planets and- Oh shut it! Since when are your moral standards so high, hm?! Angelique didn't want to answer that, so she cursed under her breath and decided to simply block her thoughts by counting from one to whatever. She turned around and stepped back into the tub and started scrubbing herself heartily, trying to scrub away everything she remembered too.
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