The beast within

1045 Words
" Why do I feel like you are making an exception for me?" Angelique muttered, without looking at him, her fingers continuing the apparent random pattern on his thigh. Aellioah didn't reply at first. His eyes were following her hand under the water, trying to guess her next move, but the water held a milky opacity and made it quite hard to do so. It also made something else hard... "Maybe you deserve to be pardoned." he eventually replied, his eyes moving over her figure. Even sitting on his legs, she was still petite enough for the water to cover her breasts. But he could still see enough to spark his imagination. It seemed like the answer did not satisfy her. Her eyes narrowed and she stopped her hand slowly, pulling it back in her lap, her eyes skimming over his massive chest. Her heart started to pick up the speed and suddenly she was overwhelmed with anxiety, because she finally realized she was trapped in a strange land, by an even stranger alien, with malicious intents and- "You're safe here..." Aellioah's voice interrupted her thoughts. The man moved closer, leaning towards her, his hand cupping her cheek. Angelique found herself leaning against his touch, her eyes closing for half, watching him through half-lidded eyes. "You brought me here in the middle of war-" "And did you even feel it? You know about it because I briefly made the mistake in telling you." Aellioah rushed to hush her, his thumb pressing over her lips. "You won't be affected by it in any way!" he promised with confidence, his eyes now narrowed too. Why was she worrying so much? "How would earth be better now? The planet can barely support any life on it anymore and you're upset because you're here?" he asked, uncertain of her troubles. "Earth is my home!" she hissed as she suddenly got up and walked out of the tub, grabbing the nearest towel and wrapping it around her. "How can you be sure?!" he yelled after her, getting up and following after her, naked and dripping wet, leaving wet prints as he walked to the bedroom. When Angelique turned to face him, her cheeks suddenly lit up and she felt the heat rising in her body as well. He was standing right in front of her, almost ten feet of muscle. Completely bare and naked, with a massive erection pointing right at her. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized how big he was. All of him. Not just his hands, chest.... he was massive and Angelique felt overwhelmed again. To think she was about to tease this monster of a man... Her eyes stopped over his lower abdomen again, before turning around swiftly, covering her eyes and sighing deeply to calm herself. "Please, cover yourself!" she groaned, hurrying as far away as possible, closer to the window. Aellioah rolled his eyes and walked back into the bathroom to grab his robe, before rejoining her in the bedroom. Angelique could see his reflection in the window as he approached. She remained still, her attention shifting to the horizon line where the trees grew thicker and taller. "How do you know you were born there? How do you know you belong there?" Aellioah insisted, his hands resting on her arms, rubbing them slowly to warm her up. But Angelique did not answer. She wasn't sure. She would never be sure if Earth was her home. If anywhere was her home... She was never told she was anything but a mutant. But what mutant? Was she a non-human? A strange creature from a far off planet at the end of the universe? Maybe they didn't know... or maybe they did and they simply ignored the importance of such matters in her life... "I will support my theory of you being the last Dragonkin until proven wrong..." Aellioah muttered, leaning down to press a kiss on her head. "How can you be proven wrong ? How can we test your theory?" Angelique moved away from his kiss, wrapping her arms around herself. A soft smirk crossed Aellioah's lips as his attention moved to her face, focusing on her eyes. "You feel it too, don't you? A beast lurking under your skin, ready to rip it, claw its way out every time I get close..." he whispered, leaning closer to her ear. "That might be what could resolve this misery once and for all." "That part of me is dangerous."Angelique hesitated to speak more, watching him through his reflection. For a second, Aellioah seemed confused, but it disappeared immediately. "I bet it is. But here, you can let it roam free, because everyone's seen far more terrible beasts." "No, Aellioah. You don't get it!" she sighed, slouching her shoulders. "she is Demented! she has more than a few screws loose! She hunts, she made me rip someone's heart out of their chest and eat it raw, bleeding, still beating in my hands...." she gagged, her whole body tensing as her mind flooded with the way too explicit memory of that event. "she made me slurp brains like smoothies-" Angelique stopped and shook her head. It was one of the most horrible experiences she ever had. It was terrifying. Horrible. All the time, she had been conscious but as if somebody else was driving her own body and she was pushed in the backseat, with no access to any controls. All the while, the beast ripped almost a hundred people to shreds, ate raw meat and organs before the AMR got her caged and knocked out. Even after that event, the beast managed to escape a few more times, but never had the liberty to do as she pleased. Thankfully, Blanche always had enough merci to not send her to the laboratory and have them dissect her, but she had always lived in fear of ending up there. "So, it was hungry." Aellioah muttered, in fascination. "I've never felt worse hunger. Everything burned within me, everything ached to be fed and the more it ate, I ate, WE ate... the worse it became.... the lust for meat and blood-" she shuddered. "Does she still lust for those things?" Aellioah questioned, leaning down to her ear.
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