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Esme POV   I was exhausted from my day out. But glad that I got a new dress, I ended up getting a twin dress for me and Suzy. Course the girl always supports me in every way, so it’s nice to give back when I can. Not to mention, that I need to spend the exact amount the gift cert has, as I can’t get a change if there’s some difference. If you get what I mean.   Plus, it’s not every day that I come to Cardiff, so rather than returning back to our flat, I decided to check more on what the place can offer. The place looks like a museum put in a city, everything was so the UK, the old buildings, churches and the explicit design of the pillars in most buildings here shout that hey girl you’re in the UK.   I decided to go back home 30 minutes past 3 in the afternoon, I did not take lunch. I planned to eat at home, as that is much cheaper. Just had some chips from a grocery, and a bottle of cold water to fill my empty stomach.   The taxi ride was a bit noisy, the driver was talking about how beautiful Whales is. He’s fighting with the music on the radio as if saying his voice is louder than the machine. Too much for someone who had an exhausting day.   I arrived exactly an hour after, with two paper bags in my hand.   Suzy exclaimed as she saw the printed logo on the paper bag I had, and immediately grab it without asking how was I.   I already explained to her what happens while on the ride home. And she mentions the guy who drops by not being Brian. But someone names Taylor.   Suzy then said “I know you have a lot to say, but go and munch something first. I already preheated the pizza for you, here eat this with that.” She gave me a plate of color green pasta, weird. “And of course your orange juice is ready mademoiselle. Just help yourself.”   Suzy is an amazing cook, but you’ll find your drain full of dishes, and the tops with the peel of every ingredient she used. Not that organized I’ll say, but I love her anyway.   “So tell me, who’s this Taylor?”  Suzy asked as she grabs a slice of pizza.   “Taylor is my high school friend, or sweetheart, whichever. Someone I used to be with, yadadaa. But went out of Australia as soon as he graduated high school since then I never heard about him.” She never tried to look for him, as she already lost hope once she heard he went out of the country. No traces left.   “Oh. I see, so the asshole just left you one day without a word, and come back just like that?” She raised her eyebrows, as she walks to the sink to add more plates to the file of dishes. Disgusting, really.   “Well, as far as I know. This is nothing of his decision, he is the nice son, who does whatever his wealthy parents would ask.” I said as a matter of fact.   “Do you have a plan of meeting him?” sounds like a statement than a question, I’ll say.   “It won’t hurt to see an old pal. But I’m still unsure if I’m ready for that.” I say while looking at my feet. “You said he looks properly dress, that alone makes me feel anxious. I mean, how will I face him if I’m still the nobody he left?” That made her heart sunk.   Suzy POV   “Here.” I handed her the paper. “That’s his number, call him. The guy looks nice; I know he won’t judge you.” I am a psychology graduate and am currently stuck on this flat to ready myself for a master’s degree. My parents are separated, and I live with their money.   I envy Esme for being brave enough to handle everything alone, she cut her connection to her family, and work her ass out for her living expense. Though I was always there to help her, Esme who has big dreams never had time for rest.   I left her and went directly to my room, I knew she would fix the kitchen. That’s the deal, I’ll prepare the food, she clean.   I lay down on my bed, and stare blankly at the ceiling. Thinking of the guy who just came here, I’m not into him. I’m more on the bad boy type of a guy, he looks so clean and neat, and that didn’t suit me.   But something on him caught me off guard, I know that he’s far from ordinary. There is an eerie feeling when he was here. As if I’m with a ghost or something.   Esme POV   It’s almost six, I just finished fixing the living room, I already done the kitchen earlier. I went to my room and check everything, I’m planning to change the paint of my room into something less girly. I sat down on my computer chair, looking at the paper Suzy handed over. Should I call him? What will I say?   After overthinking, I dial his number.   “Hi, sorry about this afternoon. I just thought you’re someone else.” I said apologetically. “Never mind. The good thing is now you know who am I, and you’re calling.” Something is off with his voice.   “Thank you. How are you?” Though the answer is obvious I still want to know how he is doing.   “Where are you?” Neglecting my question.   “At home.” I find it hard to make a conversation with him, as he sounds so aggressive. What’s with him?   “I’ll be there.” He drops the call. Wow.  
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