1. A drained muse

560 Words
Whenever she thought about it, questioned everything about existence. She knew they really only cared if it was successful, only if it thrived but regardless of such achievement — she still stood in the shadows. Credited, possibly always but at the end of the movie or music video, an hour or two and sometimes minutes after the clip. And most probably after the clip she knew people had already lost interest once the screen flashed black, once the credits rolled into the picture asking for a moment — that anyone ever rarely gave two shits about. Of course she was thankful and proud that those lifeless words could be given life by such performance, it could captive the audience — steal away their hearts at most. Great names had played her characters, spoken the words she would go on and on about perfecting before giving out the script. Famous singers with their smooth, spot on vocals harmonized the words deep from within. But all that to only get a three second spotlight of her name ‘Rue Muse’ that most people never saw, maybe only those interested enough. Becoming a writer had been a passion she carried at such a young age of 12 when she wrote her first crush, a silly song about how they helped her up once she tripped — an action of kindest had lead her head over heels for the boy. Every girl was looking for prince charming, she didn’t have one until his frame towered over her little frame. She had been hugging her knees letting out small sobs until a shadow casted over her, she did happen to look up and met the sight of her ‘crush’. Her face was covered in tears rolling down her cheeks, her knee bruised and robbed of its natural form of closed skin. An open wound from the friction it made with the concrete ground, it swelled by the second and the pain was tremendous. But he still smiled and offered a hand. From that day he did stick around but all good things must end because the following week she had developed a new crush. It was different from her first because this time the songs she wrote about her crush, did not focus on their smile or appearance. Rather the thoughts her crush seemed to implant in her mind each time she saw her. Definitely for once the songs did have chorus and depth, so she persuade the passion but not the source of passion. And this all led her to where she was today, seated and watching the premier of the movie she happened to be the screenwriter of. It had been based off a book by a generous author she had been blessed to work with. The screen before her flashed black rolling in the credits and at that same moment lights flickered on. The cast clapped and cheered smiling widely as they witnessed their performance, they did not even desire to see the credits soon after the big screen showed nothing because it had been switched off. One by one they walked out the theatre ready to meet the paparazzi and make magazine covers. Tucking her hands in her pant pockets she pursed her lips watching the room empty as fast as it filled. It never came easy, not for Rue.
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