Your Lap Is Comfortable

1065 Words
"Ohlmes why is my head nestled in your lap like a new born babe?" The now awake and confused Lockheart asks Ohlmes. Ohlmes now realizing the awkward situation removes Lockheart's head from his lap and stands up quickly brushing off his uniform trying to not show his embarrassment. Lockheart's vison is still a bit fuzzy he reaches up to touch his bruised face and winces in pain feeling higher up towards his brow he notices his glasses are missing.  "Has anyone seen my glasses?" He asks the three, Inspector Young looks at Lockheart his normal sour face is replaced by one of relief. Reaching down he picks up a mangled pair of spectacles and hands them to Lockheart. "Here you caused us a lot of trouble Kent, I hope it was worth it." Lockheart takes the mangled glasses in his hands only one of the lens are still intact, putting them on his face his vison is no better off he stands up still dazed and wobbly like a new born calf, Young offers him a shoulder to lean on to steady himself. Lockheart begins to speak. "I think it was, these men here might have the clue we have been looking for." Ohlmes raises an eyebrow at this. "Sir what could these vagrant's know of the murder?" "It seems their friend was murdered by the same culprit who slew Ronald." Lockheart states for the three of them with confidence radiating off him even tho moments ago he was face down in the mud. "Grab these men we need to question them." Young looks at Lockheart unsure of this but follows his lead. "Alright Bryant grab the portly one, I'll take the brute and Ohlmes can handle the thin one, Lockheart can you walk on your own." Lockheart gives him a nod and walks ahead of them, Bryant begins to complain to Young about his prisoner. "But sir this pumpkin head is twice my size how am I to move him." "You will figure it out!" Young chuckles as he wraps his hand around the thick ankle of the brute and begins to drag him down the alley. Ohlmes gives a chipper smile to Bryant and tells him good luck then walks off with the thin man. Bryant reaches down grabbing the portly mans arms and attempts to pull him to no avail falling back on his rear in the alley, at least no one was there to see this he mutters to himself. A short while later Lockheart, Ohlmes, Young, and Bryant are standing just outside of the alley with the three trouble makers, the brute beings to rouse first.  "What why am I here you dirty bobbies I'll smash your bullock's!" he snarls at the four. Ohlmes gives a swift kick to his gut making him gasp for air, Lockheart puts his hand on Ohlmes shoulder and tells him that's enough. Lockheart then bends down to the seated brute whos hands are bound. "Ay smashed your face up real good we did." He smirks at Lockheart trying to get a rise out of him, but Lockheart just looks at him with pity. "I may come off as cold but I do care what happens to those who don't have a voice, help me find this killer for your friends sake as well as the other victims." Lockhearts expression unchanged as he speaks these words. The brutes expression softens a bit he looks to his friends who are beginning to wake. "Alright but can you promise to help find Jimmy, he may have been a thug but he deserved better then to be thrown into the drink." "You have my word." Lockheart looks to Young who is not pleased about this promise but grumbles in acceptance. With a nod the brute begins to tell the story of how the four of them were out late last night after filching some booze from a pub, they walked the same alley they always do drunk off their asses. Jimmy walked off to relieve himself down the cut of the alley, the next thing they hear is his blood curdling screams. The brute pauses at this and takes a deep breath Lockheart is listing intently with the hopes there may be some clue in this story. "The next thing I know we rushed into the alley, we found Jimmy almost flayed open his throat slashed and belly hanging open like a slaughtered hog." The brute seems to be pained by this, Lockheart pushes him for more tho. "Come on there has to be more to this do you want to find the one who killed your friend." Lockheart is shouting at this point hands on the brutes collar. Ohlmes interjects gently pushing Lockheart to the side. "Did it seem like there was a struggle or was he attacked from behind?" The brute thinks on this for a moment. "Jimmy was a hell of a fighter better then me I'm sure he gave the bloke a fight." At this the brutes eyes light up. "He took a piece of the bastard with him I got it right in my pocket!" He says almost excitedly, Ohlmes takes a pause at this." Wait he took a piece of him?" His face curled in disgust, Lockheart jumps down and starts rummaging through the mans pockets. He then pulls out a thin flesh like substance with strange colorings dyed to it." Ugh that it?" Young looks at the flesh in Lockhearts hand. "Why yes it is." Lockhearts morbid curiosity now peaked, he produces a small clear bag from his coats pocket and puts the flesh in it. "Right I think we should leave it at this today, Ohlmes why don't you come by my home in the morning I should have this analyzed by then." Lockheart states still staring fascinated by this glob of flesh. Ohlmes eager to work with Lockheart nods his head vigorously in agreement and follows Lockheart to chat some more. As Lockheart begins to leave the scene Young shouts out to him. "What are we to do with these three your the victim!" He yells now annoyed on how Lockheart has lost all interest. "I do not care but make sure you help them find the body I promised them after all!" With that Lockheart leaves the poor Inspector to clean up his mess like he always does.
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