Chapter 18 - On The Run

307 Words
Quilla POV I can't win. Luckily I recorded my deposition for the doctor's trial. The prosecution agreed I didn't need to be there because it would be too traumatic for me. I finally got back home and had to leave again. Mike gave my landlord a year's worth of rent so I don't have to worry about losing my apartment or my stuff. So that's one worry off my shoulders. Now I have to deal with Klaus. I can't fight so I'm useless as a soldier. I've never shot a gun so a sniper is out. The only reason he wants me is to force Chuck into working for him. Chuck and I have become really great friends. Mike and I have become something more. I can't think of life without them. Chuck POV I can't let Quilla pay a heavy price for my refusal to help Klaus. I still don't want to help him though. I'm not sure what to do. If I help him, I'm assassinating world's leaders so that lunatic can take over. If I don't help him I'm putting Quilla in untold danger. I'm stuck and Klaus knows it. Mike POV I think I love her. No. I know I love her. I fell for her the second I saw her when I was stitching her up after her second attempt. So vulnerable. So strong. I am waiting and going slow. That damn doctor took a lot from her mentally and physically. I'm not going to put her in any position that would make her feel like she's not in control. I think things are going OK. Yesterday she kissed me. A sweet innocent peck on the lips. But it had me walking on clouds. No one has ever made me feel like this before. Not even when I thought I was mortal.
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