Chapter 4

1962 Words
Danny's POV Today was the first day of school after the winter break. What was worse than travelling with Devin was giving him directions from the degraded passenger seat. Ryan and Asha talked in the back, oblivious to the evil eyes Devin and I sent each other up front. "How much longer?" he grumbled. "Tell me there’s some hot girls there. Are there?" "Don’t involved me in your perverted inquiries," I said. "We’re almost there so stop whining." Most students had already arrived when we stopped in the school’s parking lot. We were responsible for the Masons’ safe admission into school, so Asha and I took Devin and Ryan to the principle's office to introduce them to Mr. Kane. "As I know, Asha and Daniella are very mature and intelligent students. Asha, you should give Ryan a tour of the school since he's in your grade. Same goes for Daniella and Devin," Mr. Kane said. Ryan and Devin got their schedules and Asha and Ryan parted with us. Once we exited the office, I snatched Devin’s schedule. Math, English, Science, lunch and Technology. I dragged a hand down my face with a heavy exhale. Shoot me now. "Where are you're manners, Prinplup?" Devin said, clucking his tongue. I shoved his schedule back to him. "You have all the same classes as me." Wait, why did I bother telling him that? "Seriously?" He looked genuinely delighted that I was taken aback. "Don’t get too excited," I mumbled. "I’m not planning to be your tour guide." But even so, I ensured he was following me as I impassively led him to our first class. Two bleach blondes randomly stopped to talk to me in the hallway and blocked me from moving. I soon found the cause when their eyes sporadically skipped to Devin. "Guys, the man is behind me," I said annoyed. After confirmation that I wasn’t his significant other, they tossed me aside to flirt with Devin. He cast them a heart-fluttering smile but shot me inscrutable looks. I should’ve left him to find his own way to class, but it must’ve been due to pity that I waited. "You’re very patient," he said as we continued walking. I introduced him to our math teacher, Mr. Chapman, and went to sit at the empty dungeon behind the classroom. All eyes were glued to Devin as Mr. Chapman invited him to his new school. "Sup, I'm Devin," he said saluting with his fingers. I swore a dozen girls just sighed. "Take a seat anywhere, Devin," Mr. Chapman said. All the girl slumped in disappointed at the occupied seats next to them. Devin’s eyes landed at the back of class, on me, and I waited, chewing on my lip. Fine, he made a big entrance, but why was it such a big deal if he picked the seat beside me? It wasn’t a good experience at all with his constant chippering. "Hey, Prinplup. What do we have after this?" "English. And shut up so I can listen to the teacher," I hissed. The same thing happened in English. We left Mr. Thayne's classroom and walked to science class. Devin groaned on how hungry he was, at times unaware the entire female populace was gawking at him in the halls. I didn’t want to care, but I felt so underprivileged next to him. The next clique wasn’t of girls, though. I halted abruptly. One of the boys spotted me and a thin smile spread on his face. His eyes slowly moved to Devin. Devin lightly elbowed me. "You movin’?" "Hey there, Danny," Max said bitterly. "I see you got a man over the winter break." I swallowed thickly and drew in my eyebrows. "He's new and not my man. Excuse me," I said, and shoved past him. "Let’s go, Devin." "Your daddy issues got better lately?" he called. His friends erupted in laughter. I quickened, and Devin followed me in confusion. The moment we reached science class, I excused myself and left without another word. The empty washroom was my only solace. I put my hands on either side of sink. I looked at the mirror, my reflection, the crippled soul through my eyes, the past. My vision blurred, my face burned. Unable to bare it anymore, I covered my face and cried. Today, I broke my promise of never shedding a tear again. Devin's POV I sat next to a shy, quiet girl in science, wondering why the heck Danny hadn’t come back yet. A girl behind me complimented my shirt, and I flashed her a grin. Her smile widened. "Hi," said the girl next to me, staring at her fidgeting fingers. "I'm Ashley. You’re new, right? Do you need help getting around school? "Nah. Someone’s already doing that for me," I replied, Her eyes flicked up. "Who?" I smirked. "Prinplup," She laughed. "You could’ve just said no." Her sat back, her chest puffed, and she ran a hand through her dark licorice hair. Ah, she was one of those girls, huh? "Want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" I shrugged unwillingly. My attention shifted to the door when Danny come in. Her face pale, eyes bloodshot, she sat in the seat in front of me. She twirled her pencil on the desk, staring ahead blankly. "Do you want to exchange phone numbers?" Ashley interrupted my thoughts. I absently nodded, and she eagerly pulled out her phone. I didn’t take me eyes off Danny as numbers left my lips. "Got it." She slipped her hand around my shoulder. "What’re you looking at?" I turned my focus to Ashley. "Nothing." I brought my face close to hers and said with an irked smile, "You’re touchy, aren’t you?" Ashley giggled, and I pulled out my arm. When the bell rang, I packed my stuff, ignoring Ashley’s invitation to take me out for lunch, and poked Danny’s head with my pen. "What happened to you?" I asked. She didn’t seem fazed to notice me sitting behind her. "Nothing." She packed up, and we headed out for lunch. The cafeteria was ginormous, but I persistently stayed out of everyone’s radar so I wouldn’t get dragged into some geek squad or gossip circle. "Asha and Ryan have third lunch. You can go sit with your new friends." I asked her where she was sitting, and she shrugged a shoulder. "I eat alone." Whoa, the Danny I knew was never this gloomy. I fake-sighed. "I guess I have to be a loner with you." She rolled her eyes. "No thanks, Mr. Popular. I don’t want the heat from your fans." I wiggled my eyebrows. “Jealous?” Danny was interrupted before she could speak. "Devin! Want to sit with us?" I think the girl was from my English class. She had luscious blonde hair, an A1 figure and a quirky voice, but I wasn’t feeling it. "He'd love to," Danny said. I frowned. The girl’s mouth twisted in disgust at Danny’s approval on my behalf. "I didn’t ask you," she spat. Her eyes twinkled when they returned to me and she took my arm. "Come on, hottie." I twisted my head to see Danny already on her way to an empty table near the windows. At this girl’s table, I immediately noticed Ashley and a familiar guy next to her. Wasn’t he the same person who talked to Danny in the hallway before she got all weird? "Hey Devin, this is my brother, Max," Ashley said chirpily. Max nodded in greeting and his lips tipped up slyly. "You were the guy with Danny. Are you her friend or something?" "She's my tour guide," I said truthfully. "Well, we know a secret about her. I highly doubt you would want to be seen with her after you have heard it." I looked back at Danny. Her eyes locked with mine, but she looked away and took out a piece of paper. Was she worried to see me with these uncanny people? "What is that secret?" I asked Max. "Hang out with us some more before we can trust you," he said. I glanced at Danny again. She was scribbling on the paper while nibbling on her carrots. I nodded. At the end of lunch, Max offered to show me to my next class. I had no choice but to accept since Danny disappeared after lunch. In the hallways, I saw Asha and she smiled at me. Her smile fell when are eyes moved to Max. What was this odd energy? Max and I entered tech together, and my gaze automatically traced to where Danny sat. Unlike all the other girls giving me their undivided attention, her eyes were etched to the computer screen, her fingers rigorously typing on the keyboard. Max snickered, ducked underneath the table to reach for the plug, and plugged hers out. She shot to her feet in horror when her screen blacked out. An ill feeling coiled in my stomach. She glared at Max, harder than she’d ever glared at me, like she wanted to break his every bone. Easy, girl. By that night, Danny was back to being herself. "How did school go?" she asked, and I was surprised she cared to know. "I bet you already got a girlfriend." "What?" I said, laughing. "Or do you mean you want to be that girlfriend?" I quirked my eyebrows and she cracked her knuckles. "I will punch you, Devin Mason,” she said. "I will punch you hard." I laid back on my pillow. "By the way, what's with you and that Max guy?" When her face contorted in pain, I regretted mentioning it. Didn’t Asha’s expression hint it already? "He's always budding into family business," she mumbled. "I know you guys are friends now, so I won’t say anything. Just don't talk about him." After a while, Danny was sound asleep next to me. Damn, she could finish homework fast. The lamp was still on, as I had a ton of homework left to do. It was my punishment for fooling off at school, and I didn’t need another lecture from my dad. A murmur escaped from Danny’s side and I glanced over. Her eyes were pinched tightly, her forehead slick with sweat. "Danny?" I said. She stirred. "Hello?" I shook her shoulder and she gasped. Her eyes popped open. "Are you okay?" Her lips moved inaudibly. "What?" Her face was pale under the dim lamp light. "It's n-n-n-n-nothing." "Are you stuttering?" "No. I don't s-s-s-stutter anymore. I stopped a few m-m-months ago." Her eyes filled with shock and fear. She looked around. She took a deep breath. "Don't worry. I'm sorry I d-d-disturbed you." She pulled the blanket over her face and I decided to forget anything happened. I continued doing my homework. Danny shuddered occasionally, making me jump, and I’d lose my focus staring at her, waiting for another movement. It was like that almost every night since. Sometimes, she would wake up with stained tears that she tried to hide. She’d come out of the bathroom back to her snappy, funny old self, but I’d seen it all, all her mood changes. I wanted to know her secret.
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