Chapter Five

493 Words
Man's POV I went back to the room where Rosey sat and took her back. "Let's get some sleep, shall we?" "Where is she?" "What are you talking about?" "I heard another voice." "Don't worry about her." "But..." "Shut up." "Why are you doing this?" I shook my head. "So many questions, Rosey." Despite her squirming, I held her tightly and put her back on the bed, tying her wrists and legs up again. "Sleep tight, Rose." Serenity's POV *** The next morning: Although he felt that he was doing me a favor by giving me clean clothes did nothing. I would do nearly anything just for a cold shower.  It's been weeks since my hair was washed. What I questioned was why he did this. I did everything I could to stop thinking about Tyson but I feel like it's getting worse every night.  I know he will not give up until he finds us. All three of us. Hell, what did I do wrong? I don't even know the guy, but he clearly somehow knows me. Whoever the man is, he will get caught eventually. I hope anyways.  *** The dead silence does not help either. He treats us like we are animals, locking us up without letting us out until he decides to. It has been a fairly quiet morning surprisingly. He usually checks in on me very early, but he hasn't. Not yet.  My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. It was not the same man. It was a different one, although he had a similar bandana on his face. "Get up." "W-what?" The man scowled and knelt down. "Get. Up. Now." "Where is he?" "Boss is sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for you. You have five minutes, Serenity."  I slowly stood up and felt as he grabbed my arms. "I can walk by myself if you don't mind." "I don't think so." "Please help me get out here." Ignoring me, he opened the door and shoved me down the hallway into the kitchen where I saw Rosey sitting at the kitchen table looking at me. "What do you want?" "Excuse me?" "What is so important?" "Oh Serenity, you know better than that." He stood up and knelt down next to the chair where I was sitting. Smirking, he pressed a knife blade across my throat and whispered, "You know better than to speak to me that way. If you keep up, I will kill you." I looked at him completely speechless. Sick bastard.  He grabbed a folder that was on the counter and showed me a photo of Tyson. "If he does anything to try and catch me, I will make sure to kill you right in front of him." "P-please, leave him alone!" "I make those rules, not you." After the short meeting, I was back in the room. I don't know how, but I will find a way to kill him. 
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