The Wanderer's Epilogue

359 Words
Interesting no? For this particular instance I opted to choose a wide variety of stories. Spanning tens, hundreds even millions of years apart from one another. I’ll leave piecing together a timeline to you however. Why, you ask, don’t you derive pleasure from the adrenaline rush you experience after placing the final piece of a puzzle inside it’s designated spot? That feeling of satisfaction and self accomplishment which washes over you as you take in the full, completed image. And I would sooner embrace death than rob you of such joy. I suppose I can provide a hint of sorts. The tale of young Mynris, what name did I give it again. Ah, yes, I named her story fate. Quite the fitting name wouldn’t you agree? Fate is a word that takes on many meanings. Some believe it to be a force beyond their control, a predetermined future if you will. Whilst others interpret it as a culmination of choices made throughout their lives. In essence these two translations are similar, yet incredibly unique. Mynris was a soul who felt fate enslaved her, limiting her potential within the world. In retaliation, she deviated from the norms of Seraph society and took destiny into her own hands. The majority pushed against her, but she did not yield. If anything, the constant belittlement only reinforced the stance she took. I  can’t help but wonder if she understood the true gravity of her actions... Oh please forgive me, I have a tendency to ramble. Where was I, ah yes the first piece of the puzzle. Fate, the tale of Hisyld Mynris is the earliest story you have bore witness to as of now. The start of all things, perhaps the root cause of all the other tales? An interesting quandary indeed. But it would appear our time is up, I can only hope you enjoyed your time spent in Ifrailia. Well stranger, it seems this is where we part ways. Don’t fret, we’ll meet again, perhaps a different place, another time, or even within a different universe? Regardless, it was nice to share my favorite pastime with another living being.  -The Wanderer 

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