2192 Words

¤ ♧ ¤ In a house he also own, Kai uses it as his hide out... in a plain sight, in the middle of the city, where no one would expect for him to live there. It's off grid and at the very end of the subdivision. Covered his head with a black beanie, wears his blue contact lenses, get rid of the suits he used in daily manner, and sticks to the old him. Hue. Being a vigilante for the first time, but not in so much dangerous mission. Back to wearing a black leather jacket, black shirt inside and dark jeans. His feet are very comfortable with a high cut boots. He covered his eyes with a pair of dark sun glasses. Hands are protected with black gloves and casually keep himself free to move in case something happens. Kai have located the house Mama was talking about, it's just a few minutes awa

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