2. The f*****g party of the year

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"Life is a party. Dress for it. "     Audrey Hepburn David's prov.  I get ready for the party which I really don't want to go to.  I put on a shirt that hides some of my stomach and back fat, I pair that with a loose-fitting jean. I wait for my sister to finish up cause she decided to drive to the lake house.  Finally, my sister Steps out of the room wearing skin-tight skinny jeans and a light pink off the shoulder top which shows some midriff. “Jesus Isla, those jeans can't get any tighter if they were molded to you, how the f**k did you get them on.” “Shut up Dave, it's a surprise for Alex.  What do you think, do I look cute” “NO, I don't, there should be more clothes on you, at least put on a jacket.  “No way, I think I look hot”  Let's just go and get this over with.”   David's POV: Isla just grabs the keys with a smirk, greets my mom and walks to the car. I greet my mom as well and I walk to the car.  Isla puts on her favorite music and starts the car, I actually feel more depressed about the party now that we are getting closer.   Isla looks at me with a forced smile I know she is going to say something that I don't like now.  “Dave maybe try and enjoy yourself tonight, just loosen up a little.” I can feel her staring at me "You know it's been 3 years since dad died and you kinda still act as if he is here.   Just take this one night and try and forget and enjoy yourself.  Were already 18, it's our last year in school and you still haven't decided what you gonna do in a couple of months when school is over, you could have applied to any college and you would have gotten a scholarship with your SAT scores. But here you are stuck in this life and in this town you hate.  Do me a favor please and just enjoy tonight, tomorrow it’s you and me and your future.  We are going to look at all you options and decide.  You need to work towards something, right now your just not living, your just existing.” I know what she is talking about, I feel like I am living someone else's life. The rest of the drive to the party was in silence, I honestly didn't want to get into it with my sister. As we got there, I walked in first as Isla wanted to fix her make-up first. Isla POV: Walking in I saw Alex standing in the far corner with a couple of his buddies, I wanted tonight to be the night that Alex and I take our relationship a step further I mean I did let the guy wait for 3 years.  Alex hasn't noticed me yet, that’s when I notice that f*****g slut Samantha snake her arm around his waist, he doesn't even remove her arm he just grabs her hand and holds on even placing a quick kiss on her mouth.  I look to the left of me and notice David, he is looking at them, and he doesn't look happy with Alex's behavior, he immediately walks to Alex with this disgusted look on his face.   “Alex, I always knew you were a f*****g loser but to treat my sister like this with this slut, I can hear a sharp intake of breath from Samantha, you don't deserve Isla you piece of s**t” .  Alex and his friends start laughing then, Alex finally notices me walking up to him, I come to a standstill next to my brother.  I just look at Alex, he has really hurt me, sure I heard some rumors but he always convinced me that it was just rumors.  Alex walks closer to us "Come on Isla this can't be news to you that I haven't been faithful, I mean you are pretty and all that but not worth a 3 year wait."  All his friends start to laugh with him. David immediately jumps forward and punches Alex in the mouth.  Everybody is frozen in shock, that is until Alex's 4 friends and Alex drag David outside and start beating him.  I grab Alex by the arm and hold on to it "Alex please stop, stop you’re hurting him, please just stop."  I can see David bleeding from the mouth and nose.  Alex throws me from his arm and I can see that David fell down, and they all just start kicking him.  I hurl myself over David's body.  "please just stop."  Alex looks at me with a smirk.  “Just leave the fat f**k, I'll deal with him next week at the Champs, nice save by your sister Davey, Jesus what a miserable specimen of a man I mean boy you are”  Alex looks away from his friends to me and David "Just leave Isla, you and your brother are embarrassing yourselves" . 
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