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"Why are you being this way, calm down, I mean no harm to ya,' I tried laughing it off. Damn, she was one scary lady and why was she making this difficult for me, actually I'm no monster or anything. "I don't give a damn if you mean no harm, just leave me alone and wait a minute, what are you doing here? Are you stalking me?' "Hell, no, I'm not stalking you, my sister's school's here,' I smiled and she just got up from her seat and scoffed. "Stay away from me, let this be the last time we come across each other again, I don't want to see you.' She grabbed her handbag proceeding to go when the doctor came out of the ward requiring her presence. The moment the doctor said those words to her, she felt so down and sad. What was she crying and worried about, her son just fainted right? Was that something to make some fuss about? Her eyes and face were kind of, puffed up, filled with tears but she kept wiping them off and her clothes appeared like she was in a hurry and came the moment she was called to the school. I kind of feel sorry for her. Athena's Pov. I was so scared to the bones when the nurse called me to come to the ward, I didn't know what to say, but felt shivers run down my spine, my kids were in trouble. I almost wept in front of the nurse, my feet were shaking up so badly, I don't know what I will be expecting from the test results the nurses were carrying out on my kids. I was frightened to the bones, the universe be damned if my children turn out to be like me, please don't turn out to be an Omega, I wouldn't know what to do. I love my kids so much but the thought of them coming out to be an Omega like me, terrified me so much. I know how hard to be an Omega is, the prejudice against them, I can't stand it, I don't want my children arising to be like me and experiencing the miseries I went through, I want things to be better for them, I want their life to be more precious than me and they should surpass me, helping the needy, becoming a strong person and even build their pack and not be an Omega. Sorry about this, but Omegas are useless. Even right now, I'm useless and I don't want my kids to be like me. I know what I went through in lifting up these kids, the hardship and sufferings I went through, so I don't want that type of life for them. Please, moon goddess, I don't want my kids to be Omegas, particularly if they are twins, there's probably a chance right or should I just think positive or negative, I don't even know anymore, this is toxic. "Mrs Athena, we would like to see you in the ward, please." She smiled sweetly as I snapped out of my thoughts. I gave a forced smile, clutched my bag fearfully and followed the nurse to the ward as soon as I got there, I saw Eyolf, whose hand was connected to a drip and I almost burst down in tears but I quickly lean on the wall to support myself and Kiara was in the same condition, laying down in another bed and they were all asleep. "Why are they sleeping?' I found myself asking and wiping off my tears continuously. 'The twins are so tired, they need a lot of rest and good sleep for the next three days they will be fully okay.' She said and jotted down a few words on her notepad. "And again, Mrs Athena, in what I can see here, this is their first shift into their form which is quite early, do you know their gender?' "It's quite early indeed…and…and…I don't know their gender since they are still growing up and all…" I faltered. "I presume, they've not shifted into their werewolf form yet but this is the first time?' "Yes, this is the first time." I nodded. "Would you mind knowing your kid's gender?" Those words echoed in my brain cells, I staggered and quickly held myself. "Mrs Athena, are you okay?' She ran up to me, holding my arm. "You need to calm down, Mrs Athena.' She softly advised. "Thank you,' I muttered. "You need to know your kid's gender, it's very important you do or else you wouldn't be able to help them and this is their first time shifting and your kids need you." I nodded and sighed a little girl who was about their age close to them and questioned. "Who is the little girl?' "Oh, she's their friend. The girl was also knocked out by your son's pheromones too.' I felt guilty, wiped off my tears one more time and nodded. "I'm sorry about it and I would like to apologize to her parents,' I said. "Well, I'm not her parent but her big brother.' I heard a voice behind me and knew who that was. My mate. I furrowed my brows. "What are you doing here, aren't you done tailing me?' "I'm not stalking you and the little girl you want to give an apology to is my little sister." He smiled, it almost made me pounce on him. What the heck was he doing here? Why am I always seeing him around and bumping into him, couldn't believe his sister goes to my son's school. Quite nice. Yet, ridiculous. I don't want anything to do with him, he is mate, f**k that and I don't want him as my mate, just you wait. Once I get my hands on his real name, he's out of my life forever and I will never do anything around him again. At that moment, I just wished Eva would give me a call, and tell me his full name.
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