Chapter 7

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Two days later, I was in my room, with Robert and Harper, who Minerva said were the only ones allowed to be in the room with Robert and I when we tried to use the realmcly. I guess that meant that Minerva trusted Harper a lot more than anyone else. Harper was mixing the tea with the realmcly, while I sat comfortably on my bed. Robert had locked the door, and was moving to sit next to me on the bed to hold my hand during this. “So, Harper, how come Minerva said only you can be here for this,” I asked. “Minerva doesn’t want anyone knowing this. Well, not yet at least, but because she has no heir to become our high priestess, she has been training me to take over when the time comes. So, I know how to do this,” Harper explained. “How come she has no heir,” I questioned. I had never heard of a high priestess having to train someone else to be the high priestess, it is normally passed from mother to daughter. “She had a daughter, but she sadly had a degenerative disorder that resulted in her dying in her childhood,” Harper informed us. “That makes sense.” “How does this work,” Robert asked, pointing at the tea that was now ready. “So, first you will need to drink all of this tea, Violet. The moment you have finished the tea, you need to focus your whole mind on the meadow of the ancestors and Selene. Urge your mind and body to go to her. You should find yourself there,” Harper shared the information with us, as she handed me the cup of tea. I drank the whole cup of tea, handing the empty cup back to her. I focused with all my might on Selene and the meadow. I laid back on the bed, my eyelids shutting almost immediately. “Violet,” Robert’s worried voice was the last thing I heard, before everything went black. A moment later, the same cool breeze I recognised all too well, swept around me. I opened my eyes, and sat up. I was in the meadow; I had done it with the help of that herbal tea. Now, I just need to find Selene. I rose to my feet and began to look around, and I couldn’t see her. I wandered around the meadow, calling out to her, “Selene.” I kept repeating her name over and over again. I saw this small pool of water at the edge of the meadow. It was beautiful. I approached it, and as I did, a white wolf with a silver moon-shaped patch of fur appeared in front of me. Upon seeing me, the wolf immediately shifted back into human form, or in this case, goddess form. It was Selene. “Violet, my child, what are you doing here,” Selene asked me. “Forgive me for the intrusion. But I had to see you. I have questions that need answering,” I responded. “I take it the witches helped you find a way to reach me?” I nodded. She nodded back, “I will answer your questions, they must be important for you to risk your life coming here.” “Risk my life,” I was puzzled. “When you come here, you pass out. That is because your body can’t leave that plain, unless brought close to death. This meadow can only be visited by those close to death, or those who are immortal. But the immortals will pass out if they are in a different plain,” Selene explained. “So, I am immortal,” I gasped. Selene nodded, “Robert and all your children are too.” I was completely shocked that me and my family were immortal. Selene placed her hand on my shoulder, drawing my attention back to her. “I am sorry, that was a little shocking. My question. The Blood Moon, we were always taught that if we shifted under that kind of moon, we would go into a blood- thirsty rampage. How do we prevent that happening if we have to shift to protect my son,” I questioned. “You and Robert are the only two who will be able to shift under the Blood Moon, because both of your blood runs through Alexander’s veins. Alexander is not affected by the Blood Moon like a normal Lycan, so you will both be protected when you shift, because of his connection to you. He is more powerful on the night of the Blood Moon, so he will be able to protect you from the blood lust that would affect normal Lycans,” Selene explained. “How would he be able to protect us? Does he need to do anything,” I asked. “No, his blood is your blood. That is how he will protect you,” Selene smiled. Just then there was rustling from the bushes nearby the pool, and a little white wolf with a gold-coloured moon patch was on her fur. She shifted into her human form; she ran to Selene. The little wolf was now a little girl, who couldn’t be any older than five years old. She was the spitting image of Selene; I could only assume that she was Selene’s daughter. “And who is this,” I asked. “This is my daughter, Diana. Do you have any further questions,” Selene replied. I nodded, “Does my daughter have powers already? Does it involve fire?” “I think you already know the answer to that one,” but before she could say more, I began to struggle to breathe. My heart rate increased and my breathing became rapid. Selene seemed to know immediately what was happening, and instructed, “Violet, you need to shut your eyes and release your will to be here, and focus on returning home. Focus on Robert and your children, and how much you want to see them again. Do it now.” I did, as instructed. I released my will to be there, and focused on returning to Robert and my children. My heart rate and breathing returned to normal, as I shut my eyes. A few moments seemed to pass, the next I heard was Harper’s voice, “Her heart rate is returning to normal.” “Is she okay,” Robert trembled. My eyes slowly opened, as I said, with a dry voice, “I am fine, it worked.” “Oh my god, Violet. Are you okay? What happened,” Robert questioned me. “Water, first please,” I replied, as Harper immediately handed me a glass of water. I took a few sips from the glass of water, before I spoke again, “I found Selene, but she wasn’t alone. She has a daughter, named Diana. She is about the same age as Elijah and Elisa. Selene answered all my questions.” “What did she say,” Robert pushed for the answer. “She told me that because our blood runs through the veins of Alexander, we would be able to shift under a blood moon. Alexander is more powerful under that kind of moon, so his protection from the blood lust that we all would normally suffer, extends to us,” I explained. “I know that wasn’t the only question you were going to ask, so spill what else did she say,” Robert begged to know more. “Selene, told me that we and our children are immortal. That is why she can pull me into the meadows, only those close to death or immortal can go there,” I informed him. Robert smiled, “That is cool, but how can we be immortal? I also know you asked about Elisa.” “I have no idea, she just said we were. As for Elisa and her having powers, the response I got was, I think you already know the answer to that one,” I replied. “Then, it is as we suspected, she did,” Robert ended the conversation, giving me a kiss. I turned to Harper, and asked, “Please, do not tell anyone what you have heard here. Give me your word.” “You have my word,” she nodded, as I moved off the bed and stood myself up. “Violet, you should rest,” Robert blurted out. I smiled, “I am fine, plus we have a barbeque to prepare for. I will take it easy, and if I get tired, I will rest.” “Alright, let’s just go slowly,” Robert said. “I will head on down now, give you two a minute,” Harper smiled, before quietly leaving my bedroom. I walked over to Robert, and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, as I said, “I have a strange feeling.” “What feeling would that be,” he asked. “I have this strange feeling that all the people we have met with children in recent years are going to be important to our children at some point,” I replied. Hours went by, we had prepared a lot of food for the barbeque. Everyone was very hungry. Quinn was the best at barbecuing meat, so he was at the barbeque. I was sitting down resting, while Robert kindly played with the kids, trying to keep them away from the bonfire. Quinn had finally managed to cook enough meat to feed all of us, so we all sat down at the patio table to eat. The kids enjoyed all the food. It was nice to have a family barbeque. After the meal, we returned to playing outdoor games with the children. But as it got dark, we moved to sit around the bonfire, to just rest and talk. Amelia informed us, “Felicity messaged us, her and Charles are enjoying their honeymoon.” “That is great news, they deserve that time together,” I replied. “Myles, are there any of those necklaces ready to be tested,” Robert inquired. “I should have some ready for testing tomorrow,” Myles said. Robert nodded, “Is midday an acceptable time to test them with Finn?” At that moment, Robert’s phone began to ring. He looked at the screen, and smiled, “I had better take this, it is King Drago.” Robert disappeared inside the palace, to take the phone call, while I watched the kids. Half an hour later, Robert returned the phone call. He looked concerned. “What is it, Robert? What is wrong,” I questioned him. “It seems like the dragons have an outbreak of some kind of disease, they have already lost quite a few of their people. I have said we will send them some medical supplies. King Drago has requested that if things get worse, we take in his son, till everything clears up. I told him we would take him in,” Robert explained what the phone call was about. “Well, I can sort out the medical supplies tomorrow with Doctor Brown, as she is in charge of medical supplies, isn’t she,” I responded. Robert nodded, “Yes she is.” “Did they say what symptoms this disease was giving them,” I asked. “They didn’t, but it must be pretty bad, they have already lost people.” Elisa stood up at the other side of the fire, and called out, “Mummy, Daddy, can I help the dragons?” Robert and I exchanged prideful looks, even though she was so young, she really did learn quick and was always trying to help me. But, before we could give her a response, she walked through the bonfire. We both panicked, thinking she had been burnt by the fire. We rushed to her. Her clothes were ablaze, we quickly ripped her clothes off of her. I checked her for burns, as Robert pulled his t-shirt off to put on Elisa. “Robert, she isn’t burnt at all. The fire destroyed her clothing, but it didn’t touch her,” I whispered, as he looked over her skin trying to find any burns. I took his top and pulled it over Elisa’s head, and asked, “Sweetie, I want the truth, all the times Mummy has seen you with fire, you have started or talking to it, aren’t you?” She nodded, “Fire is good. I know you say it is dangerous, but it will never hurt me. It is my friend.” “Alright but baby girl, you need to be careful because fire can hurt everyone else,” Robert smiled, gently kissing Elisa on her forehead. “I will, I promise, daddy,” Elisa smiled. “Robert, I think it is time we all went to bed, we have a lot to do tomorrow, with you testing those necklaces, and Elisa helping me to gather supplies to send to the dragons. The kids will need their sleep, as they have school tomorrow too,” I added. Elisa squealed with excitement, “Come on, brothers, we need to go to bed now.” Elijah, Alexander, and Jayden groaned in unison. This was an unusual occurrence for us. Elisa was excited about going to bed and wasn’t trying to drag her heels, like her brothers were now trying to do. Instead, she helped Robert and I get her brothers to get to bed. I carried Jaxon to his nursery. Once, we put the children to bed, we returned downstairs and cleared the patio, putting out the fire once we were finished. Afterwards, everyone retired to bed, Havel had gone off to bed first, and noticed that Myles and Harper had snuck into the same bedroom on the Gamma floor. Robert and I, however, were not quite tired yet, so we decided to have a nice steamy shower, before bed, where we made love.
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