Chapter 19

2083 Words

I awoke a couple of hours before dawn, so that I could gather my children. I had to awake them, with the help of Amelia, Felicity, Alastair, Grace, and Zara. We moved them down into the war room, with teddies, toys, blankets, and books. The war room was the safe place in the building. You had to have the code to get in, no magic could open it. Robert, Quinn, Charles and Finn, went to get food and drinks to take down to the war room so they would not need to leave for food. Mates kissed and said their goodbyes, while parents made promises to return, as they kissed and cuddled their children goodbye. That was something that filled not only the palace this day, but the entire pack. Going off to war was never something anyone wanted, but sometimes one had to do things they prayed for and hoped

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