Chapter 10

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The following day, my office was converted into a school room. We had small tables and chairs brought in for the kids. Their teachers had sent me work for them to do, which made my life a hell of a lot easier, especially with everything going on. I was given information sheets to explain stuff to them, task sheets for the kids to complete during the lessons, and then assignment sheets, which the kids would be marked on. The connecting door between my office and Robert’s office was left open so I could be involved in everything that was going on in the pack, and everything with the witches. I had set the children their tasks for the English part of the lesson, before I went and stood by the door, so I could be involved in the meeting that was about to happen, between Robert, Myles, and Harper. Hazel was standing guard near the border, with some Lycan warriors. “I have made one thousand more of those charm necklaces. I have another delivery soon with more supplies,” Myles informed Robert, as he placed a box full of the necklaces on Robert’s desk. “Excellent, Quinn, Myles and I will go to the warriors building after this meeting. What do both of you think of the recent dark witch activity,” Robert asked. “They are certainly preparing to make a move, but what that is, I have no idea. I think we should contact Minerva. I know she said that she would do more research as to where the spell must be performed, just in case. Knowing her, she will find out everything she can,” Harper voiced her opinion. “I agree with you, Harp,” Myles agreed. He called her Harp, which was so cute. Robert nodded, “Yes, I think we should call her, see if she has anything.” “May I,” Harper pointed towards the office phone sitting on Robert’s desk. Robert gave her a nod, and she approached the desk, and began dialling Minerva’s phone number. She put it on speaker, so that we could all speak with her. The phone rang a few times, before Minerva’s voice came across the speaker, “Hello, King Robert, what can I do for you?” “Actually, Minerva, it is Harper. But King Robert, Queen Violet, Beta Quinn, Myles, are also here. We have had recent activity along the dark witch border. Hazel is there now, watching. I was wondering what you suggest we do,” Harper asked. “I will come by later today because I have found a few things out about the curse. What activity have you seen,” Minerva asked. “For now, they seem to be constructing something on the meadow just past the border to my land. There are quite a few dark witches and more keep pouring into that meadow,” Robert explained, as Elisa came up to me with her work. Elisa, Elijah and Hunter were all doing some creative story writing, and Elisa had run out of paper. Whatever story she was writing, it was going to be long and hopefully interesting. She whispered to me, “Mummy, can I have some more paper please?” “Of course, sweetie,” I replied, as I grabbed some more paper for her. Luckily, I managed to listen to what Minerva said in her response to Robert, “That would co-inside with what I have found out so far. I will bring some more witches and warlocks to help. How is Myles’ necklace task coming along?” “I have so far made one thousand two hundred. They seem to be working well. I am just waiting for more materials to arrive to begin making more,” Myles explained. “Right, I will check to see if the materials are ready before I leave to come to you, and if there are some ready, I will bring them. Did you note any other things that the dark witches are doing,” Minerva inquired. “For now, they seem to be building something, and camping out there in the meadow,” Robert reported. “Violet, how did contacting the moon goddess, Selene, go,” she asked me. Amelia was in my office with the children, and she gave me a reassuring nod to go off into Robert’s office to answer Minerva’s question. I moved closer to Robert and his desk, before answering, “Hello Minerva, it went well. I managed to get to Selene, and I spoke with her. I asked my questions and she gave me my answers, which has helped us a lot. At least now we know how to get in contact with her.” “That’s incredible news. I hope you won’t need to contact her again, but if you do have to, please make sure you contact me. I will come to you or I will make sure that Harper comes to you,” Minerva exclaimed. “I agree. Now, I must return to the children. We have kept them home from school, so I am home schooling them.” “How come you are home schooling them?” “We received an envelope with a note and several photos of Alexander from within the palace and at school. We are investigating who could have taken those photos, but they are all taken before and around Felicity and Charles’ wedding, so we have a lot of people coming in and out of the palace around that time,” Robert interjected. “Right, if you need any help, let me know. I have to go now, as I have a few things to attend to, before I make my way to you, goodbye,” Minerva explained. “Goodbye, see you soon,” we all spoke at the same time. “Where are those lists of people? I am going over them again,” I growled. “Here, they are. You need to stay calm, Violet,” Robert spoke calmly, as he handed me the lists. “They didn’t just betray us; they betrayed our son. Betray me, you will go to prison for the rest of your days. Betray my children, I will tear you apart,” I smirked back, as I took the lists from Robert. “And, I will join you in that, trust me,” he added. “Harper, would you help me, most of these names are witches and I don’t know many of them personally,” I asked, as I turned to look at her. “Of course, your office?” I nodded, and she turned and smiled at Myles, as he reached for her hand, but quickly retreated, knowing where they were. Robert rose from his seat, and smiled, “I think we should go get these necklaces out for our people. Quinn, afterwards I want you to do a head count of those who do not have a necklace yet, so Myles will know how many more he will need to make.” “That would be most helpful, if I knew how many more I needed to make, and with the reinforcements coming, I would have extra help to make them quicker,” Myles replied. Everyone nodded, before Robert, Quinn, and Myles left to go to the warrior’s buildings, while Harper followed me into my office. I looked at my kids, and said, “Alright, kids, finish your work and you can have a break to play for twenty minutes.” The kids quickly finished their work, which I collected as they ran off to play with their toys, so I set a twenty-minute timer. Harper, Amelia and I sat around my desk, and began to go over the names on the list. Amelia and I could think of no one on those lists that would want to harm anyone in my family. Many of those on the list are witches, and are not known to either of us. As for those on the list that were known to Amelia and I, they were Charles’ family. People that wouldn’t betray the royal family as they have served as Gamma’s for centuries. They are some of the most loyal and trustworthy people I know. Harper went through the list of witches. She picked out a couple of names of individuals, and said, “These two have been quite vocal about not wanting to help you against the dark witches, but then they were only here the day of the wedding, so they couldn’t have taken those pictures. But, the only one out of all the witches that were present at the wedding and before the wedding was Lilith. Myles, Hazel and I were the only others present for both, but we have always been within sight of one of your people, whether it be you or Felicity, because we were sent to advise and help protect your people.” “Lilith is Felicity’s mother,” Amelia gasped. “I have noticed the distrust all three of you have for her. Would you mind telling me why,” I inquired. “I thought you had, and we thought we were doing so well at hiding it,” Harper replied, as the timer went off. “Hold that thought,” I said. I rose from my chair, and got the children to return to their seats. Before I read to them the information, they needed to know how to complete their maths tasks. Once the kids started their maths tasks, I returned to my seat, and gestured for Harper to continue. She nodded, “So, Lilith wasn’t always a good witch. Being good or evil is a choice for all witches, it only tends to be those who were born into dark magic that continue its practice. Lilith found Felicity’s mother when she was a dark witch, and Felicity’s dying mother made Lilith promise to always protect the baby, no matter the cost. When the dark witches discovered Lilith was hiding a werewolf baby on their lands, they demanded she hand the child over to be a slave. So, she ran with the child, and begged Minerva for help. We don’t trust her because she was born a dark witch. It is not necessarily her, but I would keep my wits about her, maybe make sure someone is always with her when she is here.” “Why did Minerva not disclose this to Robert and I,” I growled quietly, trying my best not to be too loud, so I didn’t disturb the children. “Lilith has helped the good witches out a lot, she has given us insight into the dark witches that we never had before, so Minerva trusts her. But I, however, do not trust her. That is why I have told you; I shouldn’t have told you all good witches were sworn to secrecy about that,” Harper explained. “Well, if Minerva says anything, we over heard you say it to Myles. Also, didn’t someone steal that broom stick spell from your vaults, so did you ever find out who it was?” “Minerva has been in charge of the investigation, and hasn’t said anything to anyone. I guess she is finding things out, but with everything going on here, I am guessing that keeping your son safe is more of a priority.” I nodded, pausing for a moment to think. Could it really be Lilith that is betraying us? I really hope not, it would destroy Felicity to know that Lilith would betray us. Felicity has become a fundamentally important member of our pack, her whole life is here, and to find out that the one who raised her betrayed her and her pack, would break her. “Right, when Lilith returns to my pack's lands, I want someone to escort her around the pack, but I don’t want her to know, nor Felicity. So, we are going to have to do it in secret,” I explained. “Agreed, I think one of our trackers should be put on this assignment,” Amelia suggested. The rest of the day went well. The kids enjoyed me teaching them, they did really well with their school work too. Elisa’s story was the most amazing short story I have read, and I am not just saying that as her mother. She was exceptionally bright. Even though she was only five years old, her teacher would frequently tell me that. I think I might have to get her a journal. I used to love keeping a diary. It helped a lot to come to terms with my powers, shifting so early, being the white wolf, and losing all my friends at Blue Moon. Maybe it will help her come to terms with her powers. In secret, I arranged for one of our trackers, Hannah, our best female tracker, to come to my office. While she was there, I asked her to follow Lilith, whenever she was here on our pack’s lands, and report her activity daily to me, and only me. If there was anything that could be seen as strange or cause harm to our pack or to my son, I had to be notified straight away. She agreed to do it, thankfully.
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